I won’t do it again am sorry!!

798 Words
Nora's heart felt heavy as she sat alone in the bustling dining hall of the orphanage. The clinking of cutlery against plates and the chatter of children echoed around her, but her mind was consumed with worry. Her best friend, Flora, had been unwell for a while now, and nobody seemed to know what was wrong with her. As Nora sipped some water, she glanced across the room at Flora, who sat silently at a distant table, pale and frail. Flora's usually vibrant and energetic personality had vanished, replaced by a hollow, empty gaze. Nora's concern grew with each passing second; it had become impossible for her to ignore the deterioration of her friend's health. Her eyes then wandered to Damien, heading towards her with a plate of soup. She couldn't help but think how someone who claimed to be Flora's friend could be so indifferent to her suffering. In Nora's eyes, Flora was a fragile flower in need of nurturing, and Damien's apathy left her feeling betrayed. Feeling a wave of frustration welling up inside her, Nora set her cup down, her appetite lost again. She couldn't simply sit idly by while Flora's actions deteriorated and Damien feigned ignorance. With determination fueling her actions, she rose from her seat and maneuvered her way through the crowded dining hall towards Flora's table. As Nora approached Flora, her heart ached at the sight of her weakened friend. She gently touched Flora's arm, causing her to look up with tired, vacant eyes. "Flora, are you okay? Both Damien and l are really worried about you," Nora whispered, her voice laced with genuine concern. Flora secretly stared at Damien coming over to her table and managed a weak smile, her voice barely above a whisper. "I promise Nora. I won’t do it again am sorry.” Nora's eyes filled with confusion and she held her friend tightly. "What do you mean Flora am confused? What are you apologizing for, and what won’t you do huh??” As Nora held her, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Damien, who was still quietly standing behind Nora looking confused. She secretly smiled and then started wiping. “Nora I promised I won’t get close to him so please don’t hurt me am sorry please.” Nora's heart raced with worry and confusion as she watched Flora's frightened reaction towards her. Nora could sense the fear in Flora's eyes, and it left her feeling utterly puzzled. She couldn't fathom why Flora had suddenly become so scared of her. They had always been close friends, confiding in each other and sharing their thoughts. As Damien observed Flora's behavior, a wave of confusion washed over him. He couldn't understand why she was acting so strangely around Nora. Damien had been caught off guard by their sudden rift, unable to piece together the puzzle of their strained relationship. Flora's demeanor towards Nora was a sharp contrast to their previous bond, and it left Damien feeling lost and uncertain. Meanwhile, Flora's mind raced with thoughts of revenge and hatred. She couldn't bear the idea of Damien being taken away and falling in love with Nora instead. It seemed unjust and unbearable to her. Flora nursed her anger silently, plotting and scheming in the depths of her troubled mind. She contemplated ways to make Nora pay for what she believed was the theft of Damien's love and affection. Flora envisioned herself tearing Nora apart emotionally, making her feel the pain and heartbreak she had experienced. She dwelled on thoughts of manipulation and turning Damien against Nora. Flora convinced herself that if she could succeed in that, she would regain a place by Damien's side. But deep down, buried beneath the anger and bitterness, Flora understood that her actions stemmed from her own insecurities and fear of losing Damien. Her heart ached with jealousy and longing. In her desperation, she failed to consider the consequences of her actions and the toll they would take on everyone involved. Unbeknownst to Damien or Nora, Flora's internal struggle consumed her thoughts. She couldn't find peace within herself, torn between her anger towards Nora and her fear of losing Damien. As the days passed and the tension grew thicker, Nora's worry for Flora only intensified. She desperately wanted to understand what had caused the divide between them, but she had no clue where to start. The once unbreakable bond between Nora and Flora seemed irreparably damaged, and Nora's anxiety only grew as she realized her friendship with Flora was crumbling before her eyes. She yearned for a resolution, hoping to bring back the harmony they had once shared. But in the midst of it all, Nora had no idea how deep Flora's anger went, nor the extent to which her revenge would unfold.
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