Chapter Two-3

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“Put them back. Disobeying already?” She couldn’t decide how to answer so she just hung her head and grabbed the bracket again. “We’ll deal with that later. Right now, I plan to wash you thoroughly, and then f**k you thoroughly, maybe in that order.” He was as good as his word. He used the shower head to wash every inch of her, including having her spread her legs and spraying water at those most sensitive areas. He used a foaming body wash as well. His touches ignited need deep inside her, and he had her vibrating with desire by the time he set the showerhead back in its bracket, lifted and pressed her against the wall, then impaled her on his rampant c**k while the water streamed over them both. The coupling was hard and fast. He rammed up and in, watching her all the time, murmuring endearments until they faded into rapid pants and moans. She clung to him, moving with him, until he came with a loud groan. His head dropped onto her breast, sopping black hair plastered against her skin, as he took a minute to recover. Finally he sighed and let her down, turned off the water, and grabbed a couple of towels to dry them off. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your disobedience in there.” He wound the towel around her, enclosing her arms so she felt like a mummy. He picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. After setting her down, he pulled off the towel. She shivered, but not from the sudden onslaught of cool air on her naked, still-damp skin. He sat on the side of the bed and drew her down to lie facing downward across his knees. She loved being in this position, loved the awareness of his dominance, even the frisson of fear that made her insides clench in pleasurable anticipation. The small shock of the first slap set a different kind of fire burning inside, one that made her gut clench and core swell with need. The spanks weren’t hard, but they stung just enough to send prickly heat all through her. After a dozen or so, he stopped and rubbed the tender flesh. She moaned in delighted appreciation. It turned into a squeal when his fingers dipped lower, intruding into her slit, and caressing her labia. She spread her legs to give him access and he found her bud. His other arm reached underneath and stroked a breast. Under the dual assault, the pressure inside built quickly. She writhed so hard she nearly rolled off his knees. He quickly lifted her and shifted her to the center of the bed, spread her legs, and dipped his head into the area between. His mouth worked her slit, licking and sucking until she came apart in another mind-blowing orgasm. He lay beside her and held her while she jerked and wriggled and even once she’d quieted in that blissful, completed peace. Sometime later, he stirred, and said, “That was magnificent. I’d love to celebrate with another cup of coffee and we can talk about the rest of the day.” Eventually, they cleaned up, dressed, and drove a few miles west from Charlottesville to where the land rose steeply into the Blue Ridge Mountains. They hiked for a bit, ate a picnic lunch, and stopped at several places to buy apples and pumpkins along with a few souvenirs. They stopped for dinner at a nice restaurant along the way, but then he had to drop her at home to go pick up Cindy. He kissed her hot and deep in the car and promised he’d talk to her the next day. Lauren rated it as the best weekend of her life. The Halloween party happened that Thursday evening. Cindy must have been waiting for Lauren to get home from work because the kid was at the door within moments, inviting Laruen to go out to dinner with them before the party. “Dad says I can wear my costume to the restaurant as long as I promise not to spill ketchup on it.” “Think you can keep that promise?” Lauren asked. “I won’t have French fries, so I won’t need ketchup. Dad says we’ll need to eat early so we’ll leave at five-thirty or as soon after that as you’re ready.” Dinner was at a casual dining place and, true to her word, Cindy didn’t ask for fries with her burger. To be safe, she asked for no ketchup on the burger as well. She chattered through most of the meal, filling the adults in on who would be present, what she felt about them and how they acted in class. Neither Ryan nor Lauren needed to say much. The party was held in the school gym, which was decorated in suitably spooky style, with huge cobwebs hanging all over, dim lighting, broken by orange and purple spotlights. They nibbled on pumpkin-shaped cookies and talked to a few other parents. Ryan seemed to know some of them and introduced her as a friend. Lauren did run into one man who was a former student and spent a little time talking with him about his current IT job. The party was a raging success for Cindy. She won a couple of games of cornhole, collected a good-sized bag of candy, and even got to share some with Jimmy Scott after they were paired in the three-legged race. Apparently Jimmy said nice things to her about the costume. Back at home, Lauren stayed to help Ryan get Cindy settled after the excitement of the party. She’d never been in the child’s bedroom before and while tucking her in, she was pretty sure she got a glimpse of something sparkling and purple in the corner. When she turned to look that way she didn’t see anything, though. She went back downstairs and Ryan handed her a glass of bubbly wine. “A bit of champagne to celebrate the success of the party? Will you stay for a bit? And, yes, I mean that kind of stay. We’ll have to keep it low-key with Cindy here.” “I won’t spend the night,” Lauren said. “I’m disappointed, but it’s probably right. There’s something else I need to tell you first. Cindy and I will both be away this weekend. She’s visiting her mother and there’s something I need to do. So I won’t see you again until next week. I’m hoping I can get some things resolved.” “Can’t be helped, I suppose.” “No.” They made love in a quiet, restrained way that Lauren still found quite satisfying. The weekend dragged, though she kept running scenes from her memories of the previous weekend through her head. She acknowledged to herself that she was falling in love with Ryan and questioned whether that was a good idea. So many potential pitfalls could bring her to her knees again. She really didn’t know how strongly he felt about her. Clearly he liked her as a s****l partner, but did it go any deeper than that? As promised, he called her on Monday. He asked about her weekend, but there wasn’t much to tell. He asked if she could meet him for dinner on Wednesday. Cindy would be off at a friend’s birthday party and he needed to talk to her. When she asked how his time away had gone, he said, “Not as well as I’d hoped.” He wouldn’t elaborate on that any further until he saw her again. His serious tone made her worry that he was going to call it off. She couldn’t figure out why he’d do that given that he’d enjoyed their activities as much as she did, but possibly the “complications” had gotten even more complicated. She got off work early on Wednesday and worked herself into a fine state of nerves by the time he knocked on her door. He looked wonderful in a dark suit that fit his tall, lean frame perfectly. He smiled and complimented her, but didn’t kiss her, which didn’t help her nerves any. They drove fifteen minutes into the foothills of the Blue Ridge to a lovely restaurant on a lake. A woman in a dark pencil skirt and pristine white blouse took them to a table in a quiet corner overlooking the water. A server brought them glasses of water right away. They didn’t speak much until after they ordered food and wine. He swirled the water in his glass, listening to the ice clink, with a brooding look. Finally he raised his gaze to her. “You remember I told you that I had some complications in my life? And that you would find the explanations a bit crazy?” “You said I’d think you were insane. But you seem very sane to me.” He gave her a wry half-smile. “Hold onto that belief, please. This is going to be the craziest thing you’ve ever heard, but it’s real. Very real. Completely real.” The server interrupted at that moment with their wine and Ryan waited until they’d each had a sip of a smooth, mellow Riesling before he continued. “You remember when Cindy asked if she looked like a real fairy princess?” “You looked stunned and a bit dismayed,” Lauren said. “I was. Because, in fact, she is just that. A real fairy princess.”
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