Chapter Two-2

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Ryan wore a thoughtful frown as he took another slow drink from his glass. “Perhaps that’s why we’ve been attracted to each other. At least I’ve been to you.” “It’s mutual. But… You?” “I think you must’ve sensed it. But I don’t think we’re ready to pursue that very deeply as yet. I still want you. Very badly. Can we just keep it light for now? Learn to trust each other more first?” Her mood lightened. He didn’t think her hopeless. “Yes. Let’s do.” “You tell me if you don’t like anything I do. I promise to respect your wishes.” “Deal.” She set her glass down and stood up again. He drew her against him and initiated another long, hot, deep kiss that had her panting with need. She moaned when he pulled back to say, “Upstairs. Bed.” They ran up the stairs. Ryan worked the buttons of his dress shirt loose by the time they got to the bedroom. Lauren helped him get it off his shoulders, then took a moment to admire the well-muscled, masculine chest. A light dusting of hair shaded his pecs, arrowing downward. When she reached for the zipper of his trousers, he stopped her. “You next.” She grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled over her head. “Bra, too.” She removed the garment and stood in front of him, watching his eyes light up as he gazed at her breasts. “I need to touch.” And he did. But he was careful to keep it gentle, not squeezing or pinching. Part of her wouldn’t have minded if he did, but after her reaction earlier, he was smart to avoid it. Time enough later to work on that. His touches still generated enough heat to make her knees wobble and breath catch. He tugged her over to the bed and rolled down her leggings and panties together, taking her slip-on boots with them when he dragged them off. “Dear God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured as his hands roamed down her abdomen and along her thighs. His touch was scorching, igniting flames of desire where his fingers brushed across her skin. It heated her blood, creating a pressure that settled in her core. She felt herself unfurling for him. He nudged her thighs apart and explored her secret depths until he found the nub at the center of her pleasure. Stroking and rubbing, he had her almost dancing with desire on the bed. Tension built inside her, a tidal wave pressing against the dam holding it back. He climbed onto the bed, settled between her legs, and leaned down to put his mouth to her slit. She squealed and squirmed as her control slipped. The surge of pleasure and need had her almost bouncing on the bed. Then he closed his lips over her nub and tongued it until the dam broke and she flew apart in a raging orgasm. When she could breathe again, she stared up at him, watching the satisfaction that combined with need in his light eyes. She felt…amazing. Relaxed, at peace, joyful. But not complete. He stretched out on top of her, weight on his hands, but then rolled to the side. He shucked off pants, briefs, and socks, and turned to fish in a drawer of the night table. He found the packet he sought and tore it open. She took the condom from him. “May I?” His smile drove deep grooves on either side of his mouth. “Be my guest.” He lay on his back, hands behind his head, while she admired his long, lean body and nicely shaped c**k. It stood up from his crotch, long and thick, begging her to wrap a hand around it and feel. He didn’t object when she explored its length, enjoying the silky feel of the skin over the hard shaft. His moan when she swirled a finger around the tip sent shivers of elation down her spine. Knowing she had the power to draw such reactions from him was a heady feeling that added to her own growing need for more. Tension vibrated through him in time with his increasingly rapid, panting breaths. Finally he gasped, “Get the rubber on!” Lauren followed orders and drew it down his hot, hard length. As soon as she’d smoothed it down, he rolled on top of her, weight on his hands and his shaft nudged at her opening. She wriggled to help him find the entrance and then the tip slid in. He was hard and hot and eager, but he held back while she adjusted to the invasion. The rhythm of her breath must have signaled she was ready. He pressed in harder, watching her face and pausing when she frowned, until finally he seated himself fully inside her. He stopped for a moment. “God, you feel good,” he said. “So tight. So hot. So beautiful.” He kissed her as he pulled back and pressed in again. She clenched around him, the tension growing in her again, ratcheting tighter, each time he pumped in and out. She ran her fingers up and down his back, the feel of his skin a sensual pleasure that added to fire igniting inside. His rhythm sped up, and she rose to meet his thrusts. She couldn’t speak anymore, just moaned and squealed when his c**k hit that wonderful place inside that made her body jerk and spasm around him. The world narrowed to the two of them as he pistoned in and out frantically. Then he paused after pulling back, and plunged into her with a muted roar. The spasms of orgasm rippled through him. With a scream of her own, her tension broke into a series of jerks that brought a surge of pleasure so great she couldn’t contain it. For a long time they lay together, panting and shaking, until calm began to emerge from the maelstrom. Finally he tenderly tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear and kissed her before rolling off to the side. A glance at the clock showed it was after midnight. She roused herself and looked around for her clothes. “Are you in a hurry to go?” he asked. “Is there something you need to do at home?” She paused, holding her underpants. “No.” “Then stay with me tonight. I’d like to have you sleep beside me. And in the morning…” “In the morning?” “We play a little.” ***** The next morning she woke alone in the bed, but the spot where Ryan had been was still warm and still bore his scent. Lauren sank into that lovely aroma for a few minutes, until the siren scents of coffee and bacon exerted an even stronger pull. He’d left a shirt of his lying on the dresser, so after a trip to the bathroom, she put it on and rolled up the sleeves before heading downstairs. She found him in the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, frying bacon and mixing up batter. The pile of sliced bread beside it suggested French toast in the offing. His eyes widened when he turned to look at her. “That shirt never looked so good on me.” He flipped bacon and then removed a few slices to a plate lined with paper towels. “Breakfast has never looked this good to me,” she returned. “Coffee cups in the cabinet over the coffeemaker. Help yourself. Breakfast in ten minutes.” She poured herself a cup and added sugar from a container on the counter and milk which she found in the refrigerator. “What can I do to help?” “Set the table. Dishes are in the cabinet next to the sink. Silverware’s in the drawer beneath it. Napkins should be in the next drawer over.” A few minutes later they sat down to plates of beautifully crisp bacon and nicely browned French toast. “You’re a wonderful cook,” she told him between mouthfuls. “The better to impress the ladies who spend the night with me.” She set down her fork. “Does it work on all of them?” He shrugged. “All of them so far being you, apparently it does.” She took a sip of coffee while watching him. “I have a hard time believing a man like you—handsome, personable, confident—doesn’t have a string of notches on the bedpost.” He stared into his cup, swirling the liquid. Some of the dark, brooding look returned to his expression. “I told you it was complicated. Since I got involved with Cindy’s mother a while back, there hasn’t been much time or opportunity for ‘notches on the bedpost.’ She’s a bit jealous of anyone else I look at.” Lauren considered the ramifications of that. “Am I going to be a problem for you?” “Yes.” The blatant frankness of it startled her. “But it’s time to tackle that problem and sort it out. Which I will because I’m convinced you’re going to be worth it. In the meantime… We have some time before we can do anything else, so I want to ask you to grant me complete control for the next hour or so. Agree you’ll do whatever I tell you, with no objections or hesitation.” “And if I object or hesitate?” “After you’ve agreed to obey? I think you know.” She shivered a little, more from excitement than fear, though. “I’ll have a safe word?” “Of course. ‘Red light’ work for you? And ‘yellow light’ if you just need a break or to talk about it.” She hesitated, wondering if she was repeating her mistakes. “I would never, ever ignore a safe word. It’s too important and your ex was a selfish idiot.” A giggle slipped out despite her doubts. “You’re right. He was. All right. I’ll agree. But I reserve the right to rescind my agreement.” This time he smiled. “The whole submission and consent thing gets kind of complicated, doesn’t it?” “It does. I guess there’s always some leap of faith involved.” “I suppose there is. And you don’t know me well enough yet to be sure you can trust me. But you will, I hope.” He looked at the window, then at the clock on the wall. “It’s still very early and I don’t think most of the neighbors will be up. I want you to go back to your apartment and get some clothes. Dress in something suitable for a hike in the mountains, but under that put on the sexiest underwear you own.” Lauren wondered what the neighbors would think if they saw her leaving his place, but at seven-thirty on Sunday morning the street was quiet and no one was about. She changed quickly, eager to get back to him. When she got back, he let her in, told her, “Follow me,” and led the way upstairs to his bedroom. He stopped and took her hand. “Second thoughts about following orders?” he asked. “None. At least nothing that’s going to stop me.” The genuine warmth and delight in his smile almost stopped her heart. “Good. Strip for me.” He backed away a couple of steps to give her space. The command sent shivers down her spine but she kicked off her shoes, removed the socks, and took off shirt and pants. “Wait a moment,” he said as she reached for the bra straps. “Let me admire the view.” She blessed the impulse that had led her to buy the silky, frilly lingerie. “You really are beautiful,” he said, “though I have a feeling you don’t believe it. But now, take the bra off slowly.” It took a bit of self-discipline to keep from ripping it off quickly, especially when arousal was beginning to push her into wanting to jump on him. After he’d had a minute to study her revealed breasts in the light of day, he told her to slide the panties off slowly as well. Once she was bare, he led the way into the bathroom. She knew to expect the whirlpool tub and glass enclosure with the hand held shower head that could be set into a holder up on the wall, because the layout and amenities of their apartments were basically the same. She expected them to get in the tub, but he turned on the water in the shower instead and stripped off his own clothes while waiting for it to warm up. “When we get in, I want you to stand under the shower head with your back against the wall, reach up and hold onto the bracket with both hands. Don’t let go until I tell you to.” He turned the water off for a minute to let her get in position. Lauren got in the shower and turned around. Following his orders, she reached overhead for the bracket a few inches above. Ryan stepped in, took the shower arm out its bracket, and held it pointed away from her while he turned on the water again. He tested the water temperature before he turned it on her, letting the spray wash over her shoulders and chest. It was just warm enough to be comfortable. Still she took her hands off the bracket for a moment in a startled reflex.
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