Chapter Three

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Chapter Three The doorbell rang and I glanced at the clock. Seven forty-five. “Right on time.” With one last check in the mirror, I fluffed my hair and went to meet the guys. They had insisted we stick with our first date arrangements and dropped me off at home nearly two hours ago, aroused, aching for them and irritated. Hell if I wanted to go through some dating ritual. I wanted s*x. Oh, I’d tried to tease and tempt them to come inside, known if I could get them over the threshold and close the door their resistance would shatter. We would have been a sweaty tangle of arms and legs in the middle of my bed, exactly where I wanted to be. But Camden and Carson were stubborn when they set their minds to something. And doing this the right way, according to them, was something my guys wouldn’t compromise on. While I admired their ability to stick to their plans, I was in a hormonal state of hell. Having met my mates—mates—it was going to take some time to get used to that. My lioness wanted our relationship consummated. Now! I wholeheartedly agreed. Riding the edge of insatiable arousal was making me crazy. And my body was so sensitized the smallest things kept me hot and bothered. The brush of my lacy black dress against my thighs as I walked. The cool caress of my hair gliding across the exposed skin on my back. I needed my guys! Pausing at the door, I took a breath before pulling it open and nearly swallowing my tongue. God, my guys were gorgeous and cleaned up nice. Carson wore black on black, dress shirt open at the neck, a fitted suit tailored to his broad shoulders perfectly. He hadn’t shaved and a bit of dark scruff shadowed his angular jawline. While he’d made an effort to tame his stunning mane, his hair was brushed back from his face but not overly styled. Overall he looked both rugged and polished. And he held a stunning bouquet of sterling roses tied with a white silk ribbon. Camden stayed true to his working-man style with a white T-shirt covered by a fitted black leather jacket, paired with black jeans and cowboy boots. His beautiful hair appeared to have dried naturally and been finger combed. My own fingers itched to smooth through the sexy locks. He held out a colorful bouquet of big yellow sunflowers wrapped with twine. I wanted to grab both of them by the lapels, pull them inside and straight down the hall to my bed. How the hell was I supposed to sit through dinner with my breasts swollen, n*****s aching and my soaked panties creating a wet spot on my dress? “Wow!” Camden swallowed hard. “You look…” “Amazing,” Carson finished, tugging at his collar. “Do you want to come in?” My voice had gone husky, leaving no doubt where my thoughts were focused. “Strip out of those clothes, spread the flowers out on my bed and—” Camden’s hand shot forward, thrusting the flowers at me. “Uh, okay,” I said. Carson handed over his bouquet and the twins stood firmly in place on the porch. “I’ll, uh, just put these in water.” Leaving the door open, I turned and headed toward the kitchen. “Holy, Christ!” One of the brothers cursed. “We’ll wait by the car.” The door slammed shut and a wicked smile spread across my lips. “Guess they like my backless dress.” I put all the flowers in one big vase of water, grabbed my clutch and locked up on my way out. As I got a look at the guys leaning again a pristine ’59 convertible Cadillac, I nearly tripped over my stilettos. Damn, were they ever sexy. And that car. Shiny cherry red finish, white rag top, big whitewall tires. “I think I’m in love.” Mirth twinkled in Carson’s eyes and he wore a sinful smile. “With us…or the car?” I didn’t hesitate with my answer. “Both.” Camden chuckled, swept open the passenger door and took my hand. Pulling me close, he whispered in my ear, “You take my breath away.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips and handed me into the car. As I moved to the center of the bench seat, he slid in next to me. “And don’t bother to ask.” “Ask what?” His lopsided grin made my heart beat triple-time. “To drive her.” He closed the door and reached across my lap, fastening the seatbelt. “Carson won’t even let me drive Marilyn.” “I don’t blame him.” I lovingly stroked my fingertips over the red leather upholstery and gazed at the huge white-and-chrome steering wheel. “She’s incredible.” Carson smirked. “This from a Mopar girl?” “I do love my Mopar muscle but I can still appreciate a classy lady like this.” I sucked in a hard breath as Carson’s fingers skimmed over my bare thigh when he buckled his seatbelt. His hand shook slightly as he turned the key in the ignition, letting me know he hadn’t been unaffected by the glancing caress. Marilyn’s engine came alive with a throaty purr that mirrored my lioness’s reaction to our mates’ touch. “Maybe we should skip dinner and go right to dessert.” “No, Pussycat,” Camden grumbled and grazed his knuckles over the other thigh. “We made plans for tonight and we’re sticking to them.” Thankfully the guys chose a restaurant that was close by because sitting between my males, a hard thigh pressed against mine on each side, left me breathless with desire. And I decided that if the boys could play with the glancing touches, so could I. Placing my hand on the middle of Camden’s thigh, I leaned over him and pointed out the window at a park we passed. “I grew up playing in that park.” Leaving my hand where it was, I turned slightly toward Carson, brushing my breast against his extended arm that held the steering wheel and asked, “Did you make a reservation? Bella’s gets pretty busy on Saturday nights.” His muscles flexed and he hissed out, “Yes.” As Carson pulled the car into a spot, I squeezed Camden’s thigh excitedly. “Listen. Do you hear it? The Riverwalk bagpiper is playing tonight.” Okay, so it’s pretty random to find a guy playing Scottish bagpipes in a predominantly Spanish-influenced cultural setting but he’s awesome. Listening to him play had always been one of the things I loved about visiting the Riverwalk precisely because he didn’t conform and stood out from all the strolling mariachi players. The crisp night air held a distinct chill. I should have been cold in my backless dress but strolling between the twins, who each had a hand resting on my bared back, I stayed warm. And I felt incredible—safe and cherished. Women we passed couldn’t help staring at my gorgeous men. I didn’t mind because Camden and Carson had eyes only for me. What a heady rush. At the restaurant we were seated at an intimate table, and I loved being surrounded by my twins, the center of their undivided focus. Since we already knew each other our conversation was relaxed and seasoned with effortless flirtation. “Have you gone to see the Bel Air yet?” “Tomorrow afternoon.” Carson’s fingers stroked my hand. “As long as there’s no rust and it’s structurally sound we’ll make an offer,” Camden added. “We have a client who wants it for his collection.” “That’s great.” Camden played with a lock of my wavy hair, sliding it through his fingers. When he leaned in and sniffed the strand, he purred, “We got a call about a ’70 Superbird in Florida.” “Oh my God. Really?” Carson scowled at Camden and I watched, fascinated, as they had a silent conversation with only slight changes in facial expression. “Superbirds are so rare. They’ve got to be the coolest car ever made.” I’d love to see that car. Our appetizer was served and Camden distracted me by picking up one of the mussels and bringing the shell to my lips, feeding me while Carson changed the subject. “I wish we could get you out to our shop in Houston with your camera. The photographer who shot the cars for us moved. We have a couple of finished projects that aren’t up on the website because we haven’t found a replacement for him yet.” “Mmm,” I purred. “I’d love to get a peek inside your shop.” Carson and Camden were perfectionists and completely passionate about restoring cars. They had a reputation for the highest quality and fetched a hefty price for their work. Shooting their finished products would be a dream. “Did you find a space for your studio yet?” Camden asked, and fed me another mussel. “No,” I sighed. We’d talked about my frustrating hunt for the perfect space during our online chats. “Nothing that fits both my budget and my vision.” Carson sipped his wine, casually leaned back in his chair and asked, “You don’t have any projects currently, right?” My spidey senses tingled, making me think the question wasn’t just polite conversation. Camden lifted my hand and ran my fingertips over his lips but my gaze remained on Carson as I gave a nonchalant shrug. “Nope. Too busy scouting real estate.” The pieces came together when Camden kissed my fingertips and an excited, boyish smile lit up his handsome face. “Good, then you can come to Houston with us. There are so many things I want to show you. And I’ll even let you drive my Charger, Roxie.” He shot Carson a wicked smirk and I knew they’d discussed finding a way to lure me home with them. Not that I minded. I’d thought about the logistics myself and how much it was going to suck being in San Antonio alone when my mates went back to Houston. They couldn’t stay here. Not when their garage and home were somewhere else. For me, on the other hand, leaving San Antonio would be no hardship. I lived alone in a small rented bungalow and had no workspace. Picking up and moving would be no big deal. But I was getting way ahead of myself. They hadn’t asked me to move in, just come home with them. What exactly were they asking for? Did they expect us to have a long-distance relationship? A lifetime of doubts whispered at the back of my brain with the force of a fast-moving migraine. I knew my triggers well—worry and stress. Worrying about a future I could not predict would quickly lay me low with a doozy of a head splitter. But even knowing what I was headed for, once I got on the negativity train there was no getting off. God, I am such an i***t. So gullible. I bet Carson and Camden expected me to just pick up and move because it’s what worked for them. Ten bucks said they got tired of me and took other mates within a month. I know my faults. I’m not a morning person. In fact, everyone close to me knows not to attempt conversation until I’ve had at least two cups of coffee. And I’m not a tidy person. Far from it; Mom calls me a slob and truth is I hate cleaning. They would definitely take other mates. No male feline I knew was faithful so why the hell did I believe they would be? Because they said so? How on earth would two virile males be satisfied with only one mate they had to share between them? Males didn’t put up with sharing. They didn’t have to. “Hey,” Carson soothed and leaned in closer, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Relax, Lorelei. This is new to all three of us. Don’t jump the gun, there’s no rush. We’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t, okay?” Putting on the brakes, I shoved the worrywart into a box. Slow down, Lorelei. Give them a chance. You can’t win if you don’t take a risk. I nodded and let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding as some of the tension eased from my body. “Yeah, okay.” “You can come out to Houston and check it out. See the shop, meet our team.” “You’re going to love it,” Camden chimed in. “Our house is outside the city on a big piece of property that your lioness will love.” The guys did the twin thing again, communicating silently. And I didn’t like it. I resented being shut out, although Carson’s words replayed in my head, marginally easing the hurt. This is new to all three of us. We’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t. They were twins. They grew up together, formed an intimate, exclusive bond. It would take time for me to find my place in their relationship. “That sounds nice,” I said and squeezed Camden’s hand. The rest of the meal passed quickly as I finally relaxed. We laughed and shared stories about ourselves. I learned that Carson was the older brother by three minutes, and the more serious of the two. Camden was carefree and had the excited nature of a young boy. He always saw the potential fun in everything while Carson assessed the risks and protectively watched out for his brother. “So did you guys ever pull the twin switch on anyone?” If I had a twin, I know I’d try it at least once. “It would have to be tempting.” “We did in school a few times,” Cam grinned. “Carson is better with math and hates science, which I love. When our schedules allowed, we switched our classes.” “And girlfriends?” “Hell no.” Carson shook his head. “We never liked any of the same girls so switching would have been torture.” “Until you.” Camden pulled my hand up to his mouth again. He had a thing about my fingers on his lips. I liked it too, tracing the soft yet firm curves, feeling his lips spread into a smile beneath my touch. “From that first time you contacted us,” Carson brushed his fingers along the hem of my dress, “we were both drawn to you.” I nodded. “I felt the pull too. On the nights we didn’t get to chat, I went to bed thinking about you.” The heat of a blush rose from my chest, up my neck and into my cheeks but I didn’t let it stop me from continuing. “I imagined being with you. Having both of you making love to me. And I dreamed of sleeping between you, surrounded by you.” My voice took on a husky, aroused rasp and I squirmed around on the chair, achy with need. “I have some very explicit twin fantasies that I’m dying to explore with you.” Clearing my throat, I dropped my voice to a whisper. “There’s this video…um…DP. Dual penetration. I want that. Both of you…at the same time.” Carson sat up straight in his chair and adjusted his pants as he cast his gaze about. When he spotted our waiter, he thrust his hand up and growled, “Check please.” Camden didn’t wait. He took my hand, pulled me up to my feet and hustled me toward the door while Carson tossed a wad of bills on the table. I took their quick response to mean they liked the idea. A lot.
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