Chapter Two

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Chapter Two With everything in me, I longed to give in to the desire they skillfully stoked, to take the pleasure they offered. But the demanding voice in my head refused to just shut up and enjoy the ride. I knew nothing about these males besides the obvious, they were twins. But who were Carson and Camden? What kind of males were they? For all I knew they could be liars with an entire pride of mates. Hell, I didn’t even know what they did for a living, where they lived or if we were compatible in any way other than scorching-hot s****l chemistry. The gentle glide of Carson’s tongue behind my ear, drifting down my neck and tracing my collarbone had my body insisting none of those things mattered. I’d spent my life being a good girl, working hard to meet everyone’s expectations, never breaking rules or taking anything for myself. The time had come to seize the moment, cut loose and live the fantasy. Yesss, my cat purred in total agreement. The hussy! Camden’s warm fingers skimmed the hem of my top, skated below and teased a scintillating line across my belly to circle my navel, leaving a strip of sensitized flesh in its wake. Chills of anticipation skittered up my spine, making me want to speed things up. Tear at clothing until there was only skin-on-skin contact. Nothing but hands and mouths exploring, teeth teasing with little nips, testing limits. And after the s*x? When my skin bears their mate marks? What then? I grasped the hand wandering up my rib cage and pulled away from the tongue easing toward the valley between my breasts as my brain searched for a path through the lust clouding my thoughts. “W-wait.” The twins ignored my soft gasp. More firmly, I insisted, “Stop.” Jacking up into a sitting position, I stared around in a daze, wondering how and when I ended up lying on the blanket, flat on my back, between the twins. “What’s wrong, Pussycat?” Camden purred. “Too fast?” “Don’t worry.” Carson eased up next to me, lips fluttering over the shell of my ear. “We’re going to take our time. Touch and taste every luscious inch of your body.” If he kept doing that, I’d be lost. And um…why would that be bad? Flattening my palm on his chest, I struggled to push him away instead of pulling him closer to trace the lines of sinew beneath my fingertips. With a quick shove, I shot to my feet and began pacing a short track along the end of the blanket. “Where are you from? Where do you live? What do you do?” Faster pacing. “Do you expect me to move? Give up my job? My friends?” More pacing. “How is this supposed to work? Two mates? Children?” The last thought froze me in place. “I’m not ready to have kids.” Prepared for confrontation, my head snapped toward the twins…and all my logical, important questions went up in flames. Fire licked at my skin as I stared at the buffet laid out before me. Shirtless, Camden lay on the blanket, arms folded behind his head in a way that put the perfection of the muscular limbs on spectacular display. The ridges of his broad chest created a map of hard planes and delineated grooves my tongue watered to travel. He had eight-pack abs and defined v-shaped obliques that arrowed down to a hard bulge beneath those low-slung jeans. A mouth-wateringly large bulge. Dayum! Not to be outdone, Carson lay on his side, one arm bent, hand propped beneath his head. He’d also taken off his shirt. Camden was a perfect reflection of his brother, as if they were pair of bookends. Same dusky flat n*****s on a sculpted chest. Same amazing eight-pack abdomen and sexy happy trail disappearing beneath denim. And Carson had undone the top button of his jeans, revealing a tiny patch of flesh that had me imagining easing that zipper down and parting the material to get a glimpse of the long, thick c**k stretching toward his hip. Both males wore seductive come-and-get-me grins that melted brain cells and dropped my IQ by at least fifty points. “I…uh…” My mouth had gone too dry to talk. Not that I had a thought in my head of anything other than devouring them. Two gorgeous felines. All mine. Four sets of hands, twenty fingers. Two mouths and tongues. And two huge, barbed c***s. All for me. Just me. Need my mates, my lioness demanded. Credence Clearwater Revival’s Run Through The Jungle started playing mutedly. Carson fumbled in his pocket, pulled out a cell phone and swiped his thumb across the screen. “Hey, Kenyon. I’ve got you on speaker.” “I’m seeing a lot of activity up there. Did you find our watcher?” Camden chuckled, “Did we ever.” “You had two watchers. Sirena’s sisters, Haidee and Lorelei.” Carson shot me a wicked grin. “We owe you big-time, cousin.” “Yeah,” Camden said. “In doing you this favor, we found our mate.” “Mate,” Sirena screeched in the background. Kenyon laughed and there were sounds of a scuffle before my slightly-out-of-breath sister came on the line. “Which sister? Put her on the phone.” Carson took the call off speaker and handed me the cell phone. “Hey, Sirena, it’s Lorelei.” “What the hell? Why are you watching my house? And did the twins just say you’re their mate? As in both of them?” “I…uh, it’s a long story. One I’m still sorting out.” I raked a hand through my hair and started pacing again. “Can I call you back later?” Shooting a glance at the twins, I muttered, “When I’m alone.” “You damn well better. I want details,” she demanded. “Ha!” I snorted rather inelegantly. “You didn’t give anyone details; because if you had, Haidee and I wouldn’t have had to snoop.” “You could have called and asked instead of invading my privacy. I’m newly mated, which apparently you will soon understand.” “Uh, yeah, okay. Gotta go now. I’ll talk to you later, sis. Buh-bye.” Snarling under my breath, I disconnected the call and turned to find the twins watching me wearing matching goofy grins. Both males had put their shirts back on and Camden held the folded blanket under his arm. “Come on, Pussycat.” Carson pocketed the phone and put his arm around me, his warm hand coming to rest against the small of my back. “Let’s get out of here.” Camden moved up on my other side and linked his fingers with mine. I really liked being in between the twins. We fit together naturally, as if made to be a trio. Carson, Camden and me. Carson and Camden. Their names triggered something at the edge of my thoughts. Something familiar I couldn’t quite latch on to. Carson and Cam. No, but almost. Cars and Cam. We were halfway down the hill when it clicked and I stopped short. Camden appeared concerned. “Are you okay?” “What’s wrong?” Carson asked. No, it couldn’t be. I had to be wrong. “You’re Cam and Cars,” I cried out. “From Houston. The custom car guys? Davenport Restorations?” As Carson nodded in acknowledgement, I slapped my hand over my gaping mouth. “You know our work?” Cam cautiously asked. Major understatement. Carson c****d his head at me. “Did we restore a car for someone you know?” Words deserted me as I stared at the two males who had become my lifeline over the past several months during countless late-night chats. The whole thing started when I clicked the chat icon on their website to inquire about a ’69 Challenger they restored. The car had already been sold but we got to talking, discovered a ton of common interests and ended up becoming friends. Cars, Cam and I instant messaged practically every night. Only they didn’t know me as Lorelei Stefanos. They knew the pseudonym I use in my photography career and my messenger ID—Lori Amara, L.A. Our conversation from the night before came flooding back to me. Cam: We’re headed to San Antonio tomorrow. Cars: Doing a favor for our cousin and checking out a car. L.A.: What kind? Muscle? Cars: ’57 Bel Air. L.A.: Nice. Cam: We should meet. You free tomorrow night? Cars: We could get dinner. L.A.: Meet…IRL? Cars: Yes, in real life. Come on, Lori. It’ll be fun. Cam: How about 8:00? Cars: You pick the place. L.A.: Wait, isn’t tomorrow Valentine’s Day? Cam: Sure is :D. Glancing at my watch, I started laughing. “Aren’t you two going to be late for your big V-Day dinner date?” Camden only scowled but as I had, Carson put the pieces together. “Our dinner date, Lorelei?” His lips slowly turned up into a mischievous grin. “Yeah, Cam. How could you forget our date?” He playfully punched Camden’s arm. “Remember our date with Lori?” “You jerk.” Camden’s face flushed with anger and he punched back not so playfully. “We can’t go on a date.” “Why not?” Carson frowned at his twin as he rubbed his offended biceps. Camden glanced at me, smacked his palm against his forehead, raked his hand through his hair and growled, “Because we just met our m—” His scrunched-up features were too much. I burst out laughing. “I think Lorelei’s okay with it.” Carson leaned over, rubbed up against my shoulder and kissed my cheek. “Aren’t you, Pussycat? You know…since she’s our date, Cam.” Poor Camden. His mouth opened, closed, opened again as he sputtered. Then, with his jade eyes twinkling, he let out a whoop and charged. I squealed as my world spun out of control for the second time in one day and I found myself hanging over his shoulder as Cam ran down the hill. “Hey,” Carson shouted. “You can’t run off with our mate. You have to share her.” His happy laughter followed after us. “Don’t make me call Mom.” While barreling downhill upside down was rather disconcerting, the position gave me a great view of Cam’s gorgeous ass flexing and contracting as he ran. Unable to resist, I grabbed on with both hands and squeezed. He squeaked in surprise then playfully nipped at my butt, which was conveniently close to his face. A jangling sound close behind us drew my attention and I turned my head to see Carson jogging along, shaking a set of keys. “Where do you think you’re going, Cam? I have the keys.” “Keep the car. I got the girl.”
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