Chapter Five-4

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She stared at each one, taking in all the details of their bodies from their sharp claws gripping the grass and dirt, up their sturdy legs, over their hard torsos, and farther up to the faces. “I can recognize you by your eyes. They haven’t changed,” she said. Drake thumped his tail on the ground, making a cracking sound, while Dragun puffed out a tiny ball of fire. She jumped backward, all her nerves on end, and this time she almost did scream. f**k, fire. She hadn’t thought about that. She walked around each man, touching and stroking, accustoming herself to their other form. It was strange. Five minutes ago she didn’t believe such things existed. Now she had no doubts at all that they were what they said they were. Finally, she went back to the blanket and sat down. Well, it was more her nerves were screaming and her legs had lost their power to move, but she told herself she sat, and didn’t half collapse onto the blanket. In a flash, the dragons were men again and joined her. “Originally we planned to do it a bit differently from that. Have you got any questions for us?” asked Drake. She laughed. “About ten million. How did you get here? How does one become a dragon? Why are you telling me your secret? I’m glad we hadn’t already eaten or else I’d be certain there were magic mushrooms in the food you gave me.” Once again, they each held one of her hands. Their warmth seeped into her, calming her thoughts, relaxing her, making her feel that meeting two real live dragons was really no big deal. “We’re telling you because you’re our mate, Lois. You belong to us. From the moment I first saw you, I felt the pull between us that told me you are ours,” said Drake. “Be honest. You can feel the connection, too. You’re drawn to us, as we are to you,” added Dragun. “Of course I’m drawn to you. You’re both rich, with your own business. You’re both devastatingly handsome. Every woman in Ohio is probably drawn to you. But why me? What can I offer you that a thousand other women couldn’t do better?” “You’re the woman we want. You’re the only one whose body is connected to ours. We’re thirty-five, Lois, and never before have we seen a woman we wanted to mate. Yet we both know you’re our mate. Only with you do we have a future. You’re the only woman for us.” “That brings me back to my original question. How did you get to be dragons?” Dragun answered her. “It’s genetic. Only those descended in the original line can be shape-shifters. Because our mate is human, not a dragon, there’s a fifty-fifty chance any child of ours will be a dragon.” “Our lives have been rich and full, but they were incomplete until we met you and found our mate. Please let us f**k you and mate you,” said Drake, tugging her into his arms as if he was about to kiss her. Lois felt herself drawing back a little. She knew the mesmerizing power of their drugging kisses. “Wait a minute. There’s a lot here for me to absorb. I’m sure as hell not ready for kids yet. What does mating involve?” “We f**k you together and bite you. Then, if any other dragon comes near, he’ll know you’re ours. Apart from that, there doesn’t have to be a child if you don’t want one. We’ve waited this long to find you. Just having you is all we need.” “Let’s put the mating and children thing on the back burner for now. I want to take this more slowly. I’m happy for both of you to f**k me. I’ve been looking forward to that ever since I started reading those books you sent me.” Dragun grinned. “I’m glad they did some good. They obviously didn’t get you thinking about dragons.” “No, but they did have me thinking about s*x with both of you at once.” “I can work with that,” said Dragun, starting to undress her. “Me, too.” Drake was already removing her boots. Before long she was lying face down over Drake’s knee as he poured lube into her ass, stretching it, widening it, softening the muscle ring to permit a c**k inside her. It’d been a very long time indeed since Lois had tried anal s*x. It’d only happened a few times and had been way back when she was barely out of college. Her boyfriend at the time had been a little more adventurous than anyone she’d previously known, and they’d experimented with a few things together, which she’d mostly enjoyed. But then he’d moved on to someone else, and she’d forgotten all about him. Right now, the thought of two men at once was awakening all her old ideas about being more adventurous with s*x, and what could be more adventurous than a ménage? Dragun lay down beside them and lifted her onto his body. He sat her over his hips, and she held his c**k in one hand, rolling a condom down the long, thick erection. She longed to tease him a little, but she was more than ready to begin the f*****g, so she placed Dragun’s cockhead in her p***y entry and slid down over him, taking him all the way inside her. He groaned with pleasure when she gripped him with her damp cunt walls and then pulled her down so her body was pressed tightly onto his chest. He held the back of her head and kissed her lips, and immediately, Lois lost the ability to think. These two men were the most amazing kissers ever. Lois let Dragun move her head this way and that as his tongue delved into her mouth, teasing her tongue, trailing behind her teeth, sliding over the roof of her mouth. He was like a drug she couldn’t get enough of. The more he kissed her, the more she wanted. Meanwhile Drake was filling her ass with lube, stretching her, loosening all her muscles, softening her tissues, widening her channel to accept his c**k. And then Drake’s c**k was pushing against the muscle ring of her ass. He pressed firmly there and wiggled and rocked, and then his thoroughly lubed c**k slid inside her. It burned a little as he pushed deeper until he was all the way in. Now her channel gripped Drake’s c**k firmly as she reveled in the complete fullness. No, full was the wrong word. Her body was well past full. Her cunt was stretched around Dragun’s enormous c**k, the tissues pulled wide to accommodate him. Her ass was also stretched to take in Drake, but somehow they were both there, and her tissues had adapted to the two of them. When they both began to withdraw, she lifted her lips from Dragun’s and gasped. The sense of loss was extreme. She went from full to empty in a heartbeat, and it felt wrong, lonely. Suddenly she was adrift in an ocean of emotions without a rudder to steer by. But then they drove back inside her, filling her again, making her understand that the contrasts were what made the experience twice as effective. In and out of her cunt and ass the two men pumped, always together, always holding her so tightly between them that she couldn’t move from where they wanted her. Her skin was coated with sweat, mostly the men’s but also her own. She was fiery hot, despite them being outdoors and naked on a fall day. The scent of fresh-mown grass and of various flower blossoms mingled with the scents of s*x and sweat into an amalgam that Lois knew she would always remember as a symbol of today. Ménage s*x with two dragons. No, with Drake and Dragun, two men who aroused her to the highest of heights. Still they pumped steadily in and out of her, their hands like iron bands on her waist and hips. Deep in her core, the orgasm was tightening, coiling, driving its way up inside her, making her desperate to come, desperate for more. “Oh. I need—” “Your body recognizes us. It demands our bite. You want us to bite you, don’t you, mate?” Lois didn’t know what she wanted. Well, she wanted to come, but Drake’s sexy voice in her ear had her craving to know what a bite would feel like. “Okay,” she whispered. Two mouths descended, one on each shoulder. The men licked her skin, and she wanted to say it tickled, but it was also damn sexy. And then there were two sharp nips, and both men sucked her shoulders. It was so good. Much too good. The orgasm raced through Lois, shaking her like a leaf in a storm. Her cunt and ass gripped the c***s inside her tightly as she shook and quivered and the men kissed her shoulders. Then there were two bursts of heat inside her as the men filled the condoms. So they’d been waiting for her to release first. They were always totally considerate. She’d never known any men who could compete with Drake and Dragun. They were her real life heroes, even if they were dragons as well. The men cuddled and held her until the last quiver had left her body. Dragun pulled a container of wipes out of the picnic basket, and he and Drake cleansed her and filled her ass with soothing gel, while she tugged her clothing on, and they cleaned themselves. She didn’t put her coat on. She was surprised at how warm she felt. “Dragons are warmer blooded than people. We’ll keep you warm from now on,” said Dragon, kissing her cheek. “And we’ll have the building heat turned up to an appropriate temperature as well,” added Drake. “Part of it’s my own fault. I seem to feel the cold. But the average woman is cooler than the average man,” she said. “Forget about it. Mallory’s penny-pinching couldn’t have saved significant money, and by antagonizing the staff, he was doing the company a disservice anyway. Staff work better, feel a greater connection to the company, and have smarter ideas when they’re happy and well looked after. We plan to look after our staff very well and to look after you even better than that. For a start, I brought chicken for our lunch,” said Drake. She wasn’t sure how much was teasing and how much was truth, but Lois knew they would care for her. She no longer attempted to deny the intense cord of emotion that bound her to them, the power that simply being near them aroused in all three of them. She had a feeling they might not be taking this romance quite as slowly as she’d envisioned, but she knew Drake and Dragun were the men—okay, dragons—who were meant for her.
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