Chapter Five-3

2019 Words
She grinned up at him and Dragun. “It feels new and exciting.” ***** At the end of the day Bree and Lois walked the parking lot together. “It’s hard to believe how fast everything’s happened. Mr. Wilson used to take a very long time to make decisions. Sometimes he took way too long, in that whatever opportunity had opened up had gone again before he’d agreed to join in.” “Yes, we missed out on quite a few promotional opportunities because he dithered and talked and sought advice for so long that it was too late to sign up by the time he was ready to go ahead. But I like him.” Lois smiled at her friend. “I like him too. Then there was Mr. Mallory. His basic policy was, if money was involved, the answer was no. At first I was worried that Mr. Wilson had been wasting money, but later I decided that Mr. Mallory was just a whole lot more frugal, such as with keeping the heating turned down or even off.” Bree shook her head. “He wasn’t frugal at all. He was nasty and mean.” “And after all that there was the worry that something in the accounts was wrong.” “It was wrong all right. Did you hear that Mr. Mallory’s bail was set at over a million dollars and all his own personal accounts are frozen?” “It’s an awful lot of money. But gossip around the company says that company money has disappeared into Mr. Mallory’s personal accounts. In a way I’m glad that my concerns were real, but it’s sad to think a man of Mr. Mallory’s stature and responsibility has stooped to theft.” They reached the parking lot and stopped Bree said, “Everyone knew that Optimized Design wasn’t doing as well as it’d done in the past, but we still have faithful customers and the sales representatives work hard and make plenty of new sales. Even though most companies are becoming a lot more technologically innovative, there are still small businesses around who prefer to do everything the old way. Of course, merging with DDK Design is a much better move for the future than turning down the heat and firing staff. This way our products and client list can grow fast again, instead of having to work among a smaller and smaller pool of potential buyers.” “That’s all true. You’re right.” They hugged each other and walked to their own cars, tooting as they left the lot. Now Lois was being forced to look at herself and her relationship with Drake and Dragun Kelekona. She was in a fever of confusion about them. She’d acted completely out of character by going to their home on a first date. And it’d started out as not even a real date, more a business meeting. Yet, instead of running away from them as fast as she could go, she’d stayed with them and f****d them. Afterward she’d been strong and stayed away from them for a while, yet the minute she’d walked into that conference room, despite all her intentions to be polite and distant, she’d fallen into their arms again and kissed them. Such contrary behavior wasn’t how she normally behaved at all. It was almost as if they spun a magic spell over her and her body responded to them. They both insisted they wanted her and had demanded she read their emails and choose a book or two to read with them before joining them on Saturday for an all-day picnic. Rodney’d shown her a free program on the Internet to change the books into a pdf file she could read on her laptop, and she’d spent the past few evenings reading. All she could say about these books was wow. They were ménage stories, where two men f****d the woman at the same time, together. Scarcely two paragraphs into reading these scenes, Lois had been picturing herself as the woman and Dragun and Drake as the men, and my-oh-my, was she ever ready to try those things for herself. If they’d sent her the books to give her ideas, they’d certainly worked. She had ideas she was ready and willing to try. Lois had given up trying to convince herself to stay away from the men. She’d been completely miserable for the week she’d ignored their messages and so excited and happy to see them again—even though it was at work—that she knew she hadn’t even convinced herself she could give them up. She’d almost told Bree about them, but having them turn up again at work had made her remain silent. She was too confused to be sensible, and she didn’t want to drag her friend into her problems. Now, of course, she wanted to work with the men to ensure all the Optimized Design staff and clients were cared for. She also wanted badly to know that any money stolen from the company would be returned to it, but her friends getting their jobs back would be a great way to start. As for staying away from the twins, that wasn’t going to happen. She’d made herself miserable doing her best to be a responsible adult, and that hadn’t worked, so being irresponsible and having a love affair seemed to be the way to go. If she ended up with a broken heart, she’d just have to accept that as part of the deal. She was so excited and happy to be spending time with them that she arrived at the gates to their home ten minutes early. She’d dressed warmly, even though the sun was out, but she was hoping to be able to take off her coat at least, even outside. She was also more than ready to try out the s*x scenes she’d been reading about inside on a nice, soft bed. She couldn’t imagine any other reason why the men had urged her to read some of the books they’d sent her. To her surprise, both Dragun and Drake were waiting at the gate for her. She checked her watch again, wondering if she’d miscalculated the time and was late, but no, she was early. The two men opened the rear doors of her car and climbed in. “We’ve got the picnic blanket set up out back in a nice, sheltered grassy place we hope you like,” said Drake. She followed the driveway around to the back of house, which was a surprisingly long way. Lois parked where they told her before getting out and letting them lead her across a manicured lawn, through a more formal, stylized garden, and into a less manicured, less formal area. Here the grass was still cut short and the trees pruned but with less design to their placement. A large blanket was set out underneath a wide, spreading, shady tree, with a picnic hamper on one end of it. When they led her over to it, Lois argued, “It’s much too early to sit and eat.” “We don’t have to eat yet. We have things to talk about. Why don’t we talk first then?” asked Drake. “Sure.” She settled on a corner of the blanket and turned so she could see both of them. They were so astoundingly handsome. Even though she’d seen them at work almost every day this week and admired their broad shoulders and narrow hips in classy business suits, looking utterly delicious, seeing them now was enough to make her cunt cream in her panties. They were wearing tight T-shirts over faded jeans. If they’d looked wonderful in business attire, they looked even better in casual clothing. Actually she was certain they’d look even better, again, in nothing at all. Each man took one of her hands, and suddenly Lois understood that they really did want to talk to her. Her belly dropped. What could they possibly want to say to her that required them to invite her to their house? They could have said goodbye far more easily at work. She looked from one face to the other, not even calling them identical in her mind anymore. Drake took being the oldest very seriously. He had more frown lines on his forehead and, overall, a more serious demeanor. She would always know which of them was which. “What did you think about the dragon stories, Lois?” asked Drake. “The ménage s*x was very hot and very exciting. The heroes really cared for their woman and gave her a wonderful time. It was easy to tell they’d all be very happy ever after.” “But what about the dragons?” insisted Dragun. She was a little confused. “They were just people really, weren’t they? I mean they could fly and so on, but they were people. Men who loved their woman, and who lived in houses, and ate off plates with a fork.” “Yes they were, and we are, just men. Men with jobs to work at, grass to mow, laundry to wash, and meals to cook.” Lois wasn’t listening to Drake. She’d stopped when he said, “we are.” “Are you both trying to tell me that stories are true? That shape-shifters are real? That vampires are sparkly, Hogwarts exists, and there really are men who are also dragons?” She tried to speak seriously but her disbelief was strong in her voice. Dragun laughed. “I can’t answer for vampires or Hogwarts, but dragons are real. Kelekona is a Hawaiian word meaning dragon. We’re descended from the original Hawaiian dragons.” That very first night when they’d taken her out to dinner, she’d wondered if she’d stepped into Narnia or through the looking glass with Alice or been caught up in a tornado like Dorothy. That same feeling was swamping her now. Dragons. The two most handsome men in the world wanted her to believe they were dragons. But then that tiny bit of trivia she’d read when she Googled them came back to her. She’d known about the meaning of the name Kelekona. And they had given her dragon shapeshifter books. Only dragons. Not Harry Potter or Twilight or werewolves or any of the myriad other shapeshifter stories available. Humor turned to thought, but then she shook her head as she returned to disbelief. “Well, that’s very simple then. Why don’t you transform for me and fly around a little?” “Promise you won’t scream or have hysterics if we do?” said Drake, smiling at her. She sensed he wanted an answer, so she said, “I promise not to have hysterics, and I’ll do my very best not to scream.” “Good enough.” Immediately Dragun pulled his red T-shirt off over his head, exposing that delicious chest, which she hadn’t forgotten. If anything, he was even more toned than she remembered. His boots and socks came off next, and then he shed his jeans. His boxer briefs were red like his T-shirt. “I like a man who color coordinates,” she said, licking her lips. “I promise to do better next time,” said Drake, who’d just stripped to reveal bright yellow silk boxers with cartoon characters on them. That was so cute she wanted to laugh, but she was beginning to realize they were serious. Dragons. Could they exist after all? Surely not. When the men were naked, they walked away from her to the middle of the open, grassed area. They weren’t standing side by side anymore but quite a long way apart, and for the very first time, it occurred to Lois that perhaps they were telling the truth, that this wasn’t some joke or scheme but that dragons existed. Her brain was telling her that such things were stories, movie fodder, not real, even as the air surrounding both men shimmered. Two enormous dragons almost filled the grassy space. Lois’s hands gripped the blanket she was sitting on as all the air left her lungs and her belly flip-flopped. She swallowed hard and then gasped in some oxygen, only to lose it again as she stared at Dragun. Dragun’s wings were outstretched, making him at least ten feet from wing tip to wing tip. He flapped his wings and lifted off, just above the treetops. He didn’t go far, just flew around the immediate area a little before dropping down again. Lois forced her jaw shut, squeezed her eyes tight and then opened them again. Both men were still dragons. Once Dragun landed, Drake almost sprang into the air, hovering over the grass, sweeping over her head, doing a circuit of the area and then landing. Lois jumped to her feet and walked closer to them. She stretched out her hand and rubbed lightly over one wingtip. It felt almost leathery. Of course, they were a lot taller than six feet now, more like eight feet she guessed, but their eyes were still bright blue and their bodies were black, as their hair had been.
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