Chapter Four-3

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Meanwhile, behind her, Dragun rubbed foam across her shoulders and down her back. His hands trailed a slippery path from her neck to her ass and back up again. “We’re wasting an opportunity here,” Drake said. Once again, she brushed her hair off her forehead to stare at him. “What opportunity?” “This one.” He took a condom from the shelf—she hadn’t seen them sitting there in among the shampoos and gels—and rolled it over his c**k and then sat on the edge of the seat in the shower, his back facing the wall. He gripped her wrists and pulled her over toward him. “Why don’t you sit on my c**k? It’ll be easier to wash each other if we’re sitting down.” Lois didn’t buy that story for a second, but the sight of his engorged c**k had her licking her lips and her p***y creaming with need to experience Drake’s c**k inside her. After all, Dragun had f****d her. It was only fair that Drake should have a turn as well. Not stopping to try to make sense of her unlikely logic, Lois allowed Drake to pull her closer to him and willingly lifted a leg over his waist to sit on his knees. Drake wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her and then held his c**k at her p***y with his other hand. Lois lifted her second leg up and locked her heels behind Drake’s back, inching closer to Drake’s c**k as she did so. Behind her, Dragun placed both hands on her hips and lifted her slightly until Drake’s c**k slid in her entry, and the two men wiggled her closer to Drake until his c**k was fully inside her cunt and her legs were tucked tightly around his body. Lois was breathing hard, as if she’d run up a dozen flights of stairs, but it was a mixture of intense arousal, lust, and excitement at what she was doing, rather than from exertion. So far she hadn’t exerted herself at all. The two men had done everything. “Are you ready, my sweet?” asked Drake. “Yes, please.” Her voice was halfway between a squeak and a whisper, but already her brain was taking a vacation so she could relax and feel all the sensations roiling though her body. Drake’s c**k so thick and hard, filling every inch of her p***y. Drake’s taut ass and muscular sides pressed against her legs and feet. Dragun’s warm hands smoothing foam up and down her back, and the splash of the warm water around and over all three of them, steaming up the extra large shower cubicle and making her think equally steamy thoughts about what was happening. Drake drove up inside her, demonstrating to her that he was exactly as thick and long as his twin, before dropping his ass down hard onto the shower seat, making her grab hold of his shoulders and worry that the seat might not be sturdy enough to tolerate such brutal behavior. But it was just the start of his actions, as he slammed up and down into her as if they were sitting on a concrete bench that no amount of force would ever break. Lois gripped his shoulders and hung on for the ride, loving the intensity of his possession of her, worrying with every downward stroke that the seat would smash and they’d be thrown to the tile floor. Behind her was Dragun, his warm hands petting her shoulders and back and then massaging shampoo through her curls. She caught the rich scent of apricot blossom again but closed her eyes against the likelihood of getting shampoo in them. Soap in her mouth hadn’t tasted great. Shampoo in her eyes would sting like a b***h and ought to be avoided if possible. But there was no way she could continue to think about what was happening. Her entire body was alive and on fire yet again, due to the incredible sexiness of these men. Drake seemed to know exactly where and how to twist his hips and send his c**k rubbing against her walls and driving her insane with the need to come. She shouldn’t be able to have a third orgasm. She’d already had two huge climaxes tonight, and three ought to have been completely beyond the realm of possibility. But that wasn’t the case. Her third orgasm was already closing in on her. Lois’s belly was twisted into a knot of need, her n*****s were tight points, and her breasts ached to be pinched. Everywhere Dragun touched her was a bright light of bliss, sending ever more shards of need straight to her core. Each stroke of Drake’s c**k sent her climbing higher and higher toward the peak of release. Both men had their hands on her hips now as Dragun helped lift her up and slam her down in time with Drake’s jackhammering into her cunt. “Oh!” This orgasm burst with all the power of the previous one, slamming through her body and leaving her limp with its force. Suddenly Lois couldn’t support her head or any other part of her own body anymore. She sank against Drake panting, her core quivering, her body still rocked by the waves of her release. “Good girl, well done,” whispered Dragun in her ear. Drake possessed her lips with a tender kiss, and she felt the condom fill with heat as he jerked one last time inside her. All Lois could think of was that it was Saturday. At least I’ll have tomorrow to recover before I go to work on Monday. But in her heart, Lois knew she’d never recover from this night. Nothing would ever dim the extreme emotion of being with these two amazing men. ***** “Won’t you spend the rest of the night with us?” Drake asked his mate. But Lois shook her black curls determinedly, and he knew she wouldn’t change her mind. He couldn’t resist tugging on a corkscrew curl though. They framed her face like a wild black halo, even though she’d combed them twice as they dried. “At least let us follow you home to ensure you arrive there safely,” Dragun asked. But once again, she shook her head, and once again, Drake knew she wouldn’t change her mind. She was a strong-willed person, and Drake liked that in his mate, but he also wished she’d do what they wanted of her. Still, it was much too early to speak of mating. He and Dragun needed to plan that conversation, preferably after they’d gotten advice from someone who’d successfully won a human mate, but they could do that tomorrow. Telling her they were dragons would be the difficult part, but others had succeeded, and they would as well. They stood and watched her leave the basement parking lot at Urbane. Since they knew where she lived, they could have made their way to her home to check on her, but Drake felt that would be imposing on her privacy. She’d been very clear that she wanted to go home alone. Sighing deeply, he climbed back into their SUV. “So, brother, how are we going to tell her we’re dragon shape-shifters?” “You’re the older brother. You’re supposed to have all the answers.” “Very funny. Let’s brainstorm this.” Drake concentrated on driving for a while, but it was very late at night, and there was almost no traffic. “I guess the only guaranteed method is to show her, which means it has to be at our house.” “We could invite her for a picnic next Saturday,” suggested Dragun. Drake nodded. “That would work. We could easily pick up a really nice picnic meal from that little deli on Eighteenth Street. They make really good food. So we have a picnic and take her somewhere a long way from the boundaries of our land. We can work out where during the week. Getting naked shouldn’t be too hard, and we can have s*x with her again. That’ll be an excellent way to spend the afternoon.” “And while we’re naked, we tell her we need to show her something and shift. One at a time so there’s one of us left to comfort her if she’s surprised,” said Dragun. “She’ll be surprised all right. The question will be whether she goes into hysterics or runs away.” “The one that’s left can hold her in their arms and break it to her gently.” Drake grunted, but he wasn’t convinced. He had a feeling showing a human woman they were dragons wasn’t going to be that easy. “Maybe we should talk about the Twilight movie or werewolves or something first.” “Don’t be stupid. Werewolves are vicious beasts, and that’ll scare her far more than we will.” “Well, you think up a way of doing it then,” Drake said as he pulled up at the gates to their property. He drove around back and parked the car, and then they entered the house. They were upstairs in their office when Dragun grinned. “I’ve got it. We’ll go online and download a passel of erotic romance books with dragons as the heroes and give them to her. We can talk to her about them during this week, maybe get her thoughts about such things, and guide her toward the idea without actually saying what we’re on about until Saturday.” Drake punched Dragun’s shoulder. “I like that idea. We can tell her it’s all part of the picnic. Let’s go book shopping now.” “In a minute. I think we also need to get some advice about what we actually say to her. How we lead into the conversation.” “Actually, I thought of that as well. We could speak to a dragon who’s successfully won a human mate. There has to be some of them around.” “Right. We’ll Google that along with the romance books.” Tomorrow they needed to get to work on who was stealing the money at Optimized Design. It was time they cleaned up that mystery, too.
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