Chapter Four-2

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He bent down to kiss her, letting his shaft rub over her belly as he did, which only made her hungrier than ever. Lois reached up to grab his shoulders and hold him still so she could kiss him, but he rolled her over onto her side, flung his heavy thigh across her hips, and then kissed her. These men really knew how to kiss. Every time one of them kissed her she was left in a dazed puddle of hormones wondering where her brains had gone. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move, could barely breathe as their tongues plundered her mouth and their hands smoothed up and down her back and shoulders. Just when Lois knew she’d have to pull away to breathe, Dragun broke the kiss and turned her over onto her back. As she opened her eyes, he was rolling a condom down his impressive shaft, and then he picked her legs up, placing one foot on each of his shoulders. His hands gently petted her ankles. “You are so beautiful, my Lois,” he murmured before grasping his c**k and holding it at her p***y entry. Dragun kept his gaze fixed on hers as he drove his c**k into her cunt, spreading her tissues wide, forcing her to open and stretch to accommodate his girth. Then he was driving deeper and deeper still until his balls were resting on her skin and she was filled as full as she could be. “Ah, so hot and tight, little one,” he said. “You feel good,” she managed to reply. It was amazing she could even say those few words. Her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth, her brains had gone on vacation, and her entire body was coiled so tight with need she was worried she’d break into a million pieces at any moment. Like that dropped bottle of soda she’d pictured, her cap was about to be lifted off and she’d explode for sure. Dragun pulled out of her until only the head of his c**k remained in her entry, forcing her to realize just how big he was and how much she wanted him back inside her. Then he drove inside and began f*****g her hard and fast, their bodies bouncing in the bed. Until Drake lay beside her, naked now, and lifted her arm from Dragun’s upper arm to his shoulder. Lois’s eyes snapped open as she remembered there were two of them. Two men. She was in bed with two men. If her brain had been a little dazed before, it was completely scrambled now. Drake wiggled down beside her and sucked her n****e into his mouth, tugging gently on it. The friction was astounding. She’d thought she was as over-stimulated as she could possibly be in Dragun’s arms and with his c**k driving in and out of her core with such incredible demand. But now, with a hand on Drake’s body as well as one on Dragun’s skin, and with Drake’s mouth on her breast as well as Dragun’s c**k in her cunt, over-stimulated didn’t come anywhere near explaining the sensations washing though her body like a storm. She wasn’t soda in a bottle anymore. She was more like a raging tsunami about to crash on the land. Dragun gripped her hips now with both his hands, pumping his c**k in and out of her cunt at a fast and furious pace. Their bodies slapped together with a wet, naughty, erotic sound that made Lois lick her lips in lust. Her knees were bent up tight, her feet on Dragun’s shoulders almost level with her face as he pumped in and out of her. She had never even imagined a position like this, but it gave him enormous penetration that was driving her desire higher and higher, something she wouldn’t have believed possible five minutes ago. Added to that was Drake’s mouth on her breast, licking, nibbling, sucking, and teasing her mound and her n****e alternately and then stopping to pet and stroke under her breast or along her side, just enough to make her desperate for his mouth on her n****e again. She wanted to tell them she was so close to coming, so very near, but her mind couldn’t frame the words. She closed her eyes to concentrate, but all she could think of was Dragun’s huge c**k pumping in and out of her p***y and Drake’s wicked mouth teasing her breast. And then it was too late. Her body combusted, the orgasm rolling up from her core and blasting out from her cunt, her breasts, her head, even her fingertips. Fireworks lit the backs of her eyelids and her heart pounded at racing speed. She gasped at the miraculous feeling of wellbeing filling her from head to toe and everywhere in between. Dragun groaned and pumped into her harder, faster, until he groaned again and tenderly lifted her feet down. Lois was too exhausted to move, her body limp and replete in the arms of both men because Drake was holding her, too. Someone pulled the bedding up over all three of them, but Lois was far beyond thinking or even opening her eyes to see which of them it was. All she knew was that she was surrounded by warm male bodies cuddling her, petting her, stroking and soothing her skin. She wanted to say thank you, to explain that she’d just had the most awesome orgasm of her life, but she couldn’t summon enough brain cells to formulate a coherent sentence yet. She didn’t want to sound needy or stupid or rude, so how did she thank two men for pleasuring her so brilliantly? Maybe the words would come to her in a little while after she recovered. ***** Dragun sensed her body relax and knew when she’d fallen over the edge of relaxation into sleep. He pulled the blanket up higher, making sure it was tucked around his mate. “You were right, brother. She’s ours. Also, she feels the cold. That’s another sign she’s our mate.” Dragons tended to be warmer blooded than humans, so when they mated a human, it was often one who felt the cold and appreciated their extra warm bodies. “I noticed she was wearing those fingerless glove things women wear that day in the office, but I didn’t really pay attention to her clothing. That T-shirt thing under her dress tonight was a giveaway though. If she wanted to be sexy, she’d have worn silk or lace like her bra and panties, but she wanted the extra layer of warmth,” Drake said softly. “I expect she wears thermals all winter long. It’ll be fun taking them off her.” Dragun smiled at his twin and then down at their sleeping mate. “After our next date, we need to think about explaining who we are to her.” Dragun stared at his twin. “Damn, that’s going to be a really difficult conversation. We’re going to have to approach it exactly right.” Just telling her could lead to trouble, such as being sent to a mental health institution. But if they actually shape-shifted, the one sure way to demonstrate their differences beyond all doubt, they risked frightening her into the mental health clinic instead. “A second date comes first though,” he added. Drake nodded. “It’ll give us time to think through what we need to do and say. We also need to get a team working on the situation at Optimized Design. We aren’t signing the papers until we know all the facts. Hmm, maybe we could get some advice on how to tell our mate we’re dragons, as well as advice on the company.” “I agree. We know there are people who’ve done it successfully in the past so perhaps they can give some pointers,” said Dragun. He looked down at Lois asleep in their arms. All that could wait though. Right now their woman was in their bed. Drake still hadn’t f****d her yet, but she was theirs, the mate of both of them, even if the mating was yet to occur. Later tonight or tomorrow morning Drake would f**k her, and before they took her home, they’d plan their second date. Maybe ask her what she would like to do this time. They’d sort out the damn company problems and then mate their bride. He could hardly wait for that to happen. Finding her was the culmination of years of hopes and fears. Now that they had her, nothing would separate them from each other, even if it took a little time to get to the actual mating. ***** Lois was toasty warm, even though she wasn’t wearing her fluffy sleep socks. Or her thick fleecy pajamas. In fact she wasn’t wearing anything at all, not even panties. She sat up in shock, remembering she’d left the restaurant with Drake and Dragun Kelekona. Fucking hell, she was an i***t. The s*x had been awesome, but how was she going to get home since her car was still back in the parking lot at Urbane? She didn’t even know where she was to tell a taxi where to pick her up. Damn. She’d have to start walking and hope the nearest crossroad wasn’t too far away and had street signs she could use to direct a taxi. Lois went to slide out of the bed, only to discover that there was a very large man lying on either side of her and she’d have to climb over them. Or maybe she could wiggle to the foot of the bed and get out that way. Trying not to disturb either man, Lois slid down the bed and climbed off the foot of it then entered the bathroom. The sight of the shower made her wish she dared stay long enough to use the multiple showerheads and array of shampoos and gels on the ledge there, but reluctantly, she shook her head and turned to the mirror over the sink, only to almost jump out of her skin. Reflected back at her, behind her own wide-eyed stare, were two identical pairs of bright blue eyes. “Let me turn the water on for you,” said Drake. “I’ll go and get some more towels,” added Dragun, disappearing from the mirror. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to miss a moment of showering with you,” replied Drake. “Me either.” Dragun was back, his arms piled high with fluffy blue towels. “Is that warm enough, or would you like it a little hotter?” asked Drake. Cautiously, she stepped into the huge shower and stretched out an arm under the water. “It’s pleasant, but a little warmer might be nice, thank you.” Already she was starting to feel cool now that she wasn’t under the blankets. What’s the etiquette here? I’ve never showered with one man before, let alone two. Do I start to get washed or what? Fortunately before she could tie herself in knots, Dragun pushed her a little farther under the multiple jets spraying from the ceiling and began to rub gel on her back. Lois brushed her hair off her forehead and reached for one of the enticing little bottles. It was apricot blossom. That sounded nice. She squirted a dollop into her palm and rubbed it over Drake’s chest, which was only inches away from hers. Damn, he looked delicious. She hid a giggle. She must have said that to herself about a hundred times already, but it was true. There was no other way to describe these two men. Tonight was going to remain in her memory forever as the high point of her s*x life. Already she knew that it was unlikely any other man could arouse her to the heights these men had brought her to. Which was a shame. She’d always assumed that eventually she’d find Mr. Right and settle down. But she knew she’d always compare him to these men, and that would be a recipe for unhappiness for both her and the poor man. However, now was not the time to think about it. Or about why they had feminine shower gel and the other women who may have chosen it. She was naked, in a really special shower, with the two best-looking men she was ever likely to meet. All those hard muscles and toned bodies needed her hands on them. With or without the apricot blossom shower gel. She rubbed her soapy hands over Drake’s chest. Yum. Hard plains and washboard abs. Amazing. Talk about sexy as hell. Lois sucked in a deep breath, forgetting her head was under the water for a moment and ending up with a soapy taste in her mouth, but she didn’t care. The men were just too exciting to worry about minor details like a mouthful of soap or the facts that the water was straightening out her curls, making her hair stick in her eyelashes, and generally getting in the way of seeing what she wanted to touch.
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