CHAPTER ONE : The Attack

1573 Words
AMELIA'S POV "Chain them all !! " he growled, commanding his warriors. Chaos engulfed the entire crowd as His warriors began to chain each and every member of our pack. The cries of mothers and children echoed throughout the surroundings as young children were forcibly taken away from their parents by the warriors. Some mothers tried to fight back, attempting to stop the warriors from taking their kids, but they were beaten nearly to death by the powerful warriors of the Alpha Prince. Almost all the houses in our pack were engulfed in flames. The burning houses and the lightning from thunder were the only sources of light in the dark night, as the moon seemed to have abandoned us amidst this catastrophe. Though there was no rain at the moment, thunder continued to rumble loudly in the sky. The lifeless bodies of our pack warriors lay on the ground like fallen leaves from trees, their blood pooling around them, each person's blood mingling together. Tears welled up in my black eyes, and as soon as they appeared, they fell from my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away; I let them flow freely. What have we done to deserve all this? "Amelia, stay hidden! Don't let them notice you! Stay within the crowd!" My father's deep voice echoed in my mind as he just mind-linked me. "But..." "There is no 'but,' Amelia! Just do as I have said. Protect yourself! Protect the stone!" my father growled angrily at me through the mind-link. My father was kneeling on top of a crafted stone that was about 10 feet tall from the ground, with Anthony Reyes, the Alpha Prince, standing at his side. My father's hands were chained behind his back, his legs were also chained, and there was a large chain around his neck. The white cloth he had been wearing before the attack was already torn and soaked in his blood. His body was covered in numerous cuts from the attack, and his face was swollen. I was among the crowd, among those being chained. "Have all the children been separated from their parents?" the Bastard Prince growled. Thunder rumbled again in the sky, accompanied by a large bolt of lightning, threatening to tear apart the darkness. "Yes, sire," one of the warriors replied. "Good! Bring me five of the kids," he ordered, and two of his warriors complied. They selected five random children from the captured kids and brought them up to him on the crafted stone. The bastard signaled to one of his warriors. I didn't know what the hell the signal meant, but I knew that warrior walked to his side and handed him a sword. He forcefully dragged out a girl from among the five kids and pinned the little girl to the floor of the crafted stone, forcing her to her knees. The little girl cried bitterly, her cries breaking my heart. "Alpha Beckett, where is the Dajbog's Stone?" he growled at my father, his eyes shining red. Once again, thunder rumbled, and lightning sparked across the entire area. My father remained silent, kneeling where he was, ignoring him as if he hadn't heard a single word, as if a goat was bleating. "You may remain silent as long as you want, but by the time I'm done with your pack today, you will regret why you hid the Stone from me," he growled again. Thunder rumbled once more, this time even louder, though no lightning accompanied it. He bent the little girl's head and slowly cut off her head with the sharp sword. The girl shook in pain, struggling for her life until her head was completely severed. Her body continued to convulse even after her head was detached. The entire crowd cried out loudly, shivering in fear. I let out a few whimpers of sorrow. The remaining four kids trembled in fear, crying and calling out for their parents' names. Oh, those poor kids! They didn't know that their parents couldn't save them in this particular situation. "Shut up," he growled again, and everyone fell silent. "Amelia, no matter what happens, stay hidden!" my father mind-linked me once more. "No, Dad, I can't stand and watch him kill those kids. I can't stand and watch him hurt the pack members. I can't stand and watch him treat an Alpha like you as if you were his slave, all because of a stone he claims we have, all because he is the Alpha Prince, all because our pack is the smallest pack in our world," I cried sorrowfully in the mind-link, filled with immense pain and agony. Anthony Reyes, the Alpha Prince, pulled out another kid from the row, and once again, it was a girl. Just like the first one, he dragged her down to her knees, pinning her to the floor of the stone. "I will repeat this question again: Where is the Dajbog's Stone"and where is Amelia Beckett?" he demanded. Once again, my father remained silent. Just like the first girl, her head was severed from her body, and it rolled down the stone. The crowd cried out in anguish. Oh Moon Goddess, please intervene and save us. We have done nothing wrong! Please! More tears streamed down my cheeks. I have to put an end to this. I have to reveal myself! I can't let him kill everyone! But why the hell did he need me? Why did he need Dajbog's stone? As if my father was reading my thoughts, he mind-linked me, saying, "Amelia, please don't let him capture you. Protect yourself!. The stone should not fall into the wrong hands. He needs the stone to become the next Alpha king." "But, take a look at the current condition of our pac..." "I know, Amelia. Just do as I have said." "What a selfish alpha you are. All you care about is your own self-interest. You don't care for your pack. You don't care if they live or die. All you care about is the stone. The only thing you could have done to save these two kids was to give me the stone, but no, you just watched me kill them, and you don't feel anything for them because they aren't your own children," he growled, his voice sounding like two people were talking. And those two people were his wolf and him. It seems he had just realized that killing those two kids was just a waste of time because it was not enough to make my father reveal the location of the Stone to him. Wait! Does this mean he needed me just to make my father tell him where the stone is? The jerk walked around the stone, sniffing the air as if trying to catch a scent. He stopped, sniffed again, and his face showed disappointment, as if he failed to catch the scent he was looking for. "Scorpion!" he called out. "Search for his daughter, Amelia Beckett!" he growled. The thunder roared, accompanied by lightning, but still, no rain, just a breeze. "My prince, we do not know what she looks like!" Scorpion answered. He held a wooden stick with fire at the top. "I know what to do. Get me an iron rod!" He ordered, and one of his warriors brought him a rod. He took the rod and moved to the side where my father was kneeling. He struck him hard on the head with the rod. My father growled in pain. His growl shook the ground as if an earthquake was about to happen. He tried to press his hands against his head to alleviate the pain, but he couldn't since he was chained. I cried silently and painfully. I have to save my father. I have to save my pack. I can't remain hidden. He dragged my father's black hair backward, making him face the dark sky with no moon. My father groaned in pain. He struck the iron rod on his neck this time, and my father let out a louder growl than before. He coughed up blood. His once white teeth were now stained with blood. My father fell to the floor of the stone in agony. My heart shattered like a glass cup. Pain filled my heart, agony filled my heart. Fear overwhelmed me, and adrenaline ran through my veins, causing me to shiver. "Amelia Beckett!" one of his warriors shouted my name. I can't take this anymore! My father was the only family I have left after my mother's death. But was he searching for me or the stone? Well, my heart tells me he wants me, just to use me to make my father reveal the stone's location. I heard my father growl again, but this time I didn't know what he did to him that made him growl because I couldn't bear to watch anymore. "Amelia, listen to me! Stay hidden, no matter what! He is doing all this just to provoke you so he can capture you. Stay hidden, don't act! Do..." he was about to finish when I heard him growl in pain again. "Amelia Beckett, show yourself or your father dies right now!!" Anthony Reyes growls. I'm sorry, Dad. I can't take it anymore. I have to reveal myself. A loud bang echoed, and the entire crowd was startled. "Princess Amelia!"
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