Chapter two: Where Is The Stone

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(AMELIA'S POV) All eyes turned toward the source of the loud bang, as everyone tried to locate its origin. A woman had just jumped from a balcony and now lay motionless on the ground, her face pressed against the earth. It appeared that she was dead. I didn't rely on my wolf eyes to discern this, but rather the blazing houses that illuminated the dark night. Who could she be? As I focused my wolf eyes on her, I gasped in pain and agony at what I saw. It was Mary, an Omega friend who served me in the palace. Her red hair scattered across the ground. She has the same hair color as me. She also has the same skin color as me. She was wearing my clothes, my royal attire. Could she have done this for me? To save me? "Bring her to me, dead or alive!" the Bastard ordered his warriors. Two of them dragged Mary's lifeless body toward him, laying her on the ground where he stood on the stone. Mary's face was badly mangled, like a squashed red tomato, with blood gushing from her body. The crowd cried out again, this time with even greater sorrow,murmuring my name. It seemed they believed that I was the one who had just jumped from the balcony. I couldn't blame them entirely, as I had covered my face with a black oversized hoodie and disguised myself. Furthermore, Mary wearing my royal attire only fueled their misconception. As soon as we learned about the attack, I had removed my royal attire and quickly disguised myself. Anthony gestured to one of his warriors, who handed him a white cloth. He squatted down, sniffing the cloth and then sniffing Mary. After a moment, he stopped sniffing her and stood up, facing the crying crowd with an evil smile on his face. "Your beloved Princess is dead, and it's all because of your greedy Alpha. I'm not arrogant or wicked; all I'm asking for is what rightfully belongs to me—the Dajbog's Stone. But your Alpha has decided to hide it from me, causing all of you to suffer today. Your Alpha has betrayed the Royal Family, the Reyes Family. He is a traitor, and his pack, which is your pack, will suffer for it!" The thunder rumbled again, this time in triple bursts, and the wind intensified. The bastαrd mistook Mary's lifeless body for mine. He thought it was me, dead. Well, I think Mary wearing my clothes made her scent resemble mine, causing him to think it was me. The crowd continued to murmur my name bitterly, their tears flowing. "Shut the f**k up, or I'll kill all of you right now!" he growled. Everyone fell silent, still crying. Anthony walked over to my father's side, squatting down to his level. "I guess nothing can make you tell me where the stones are since your daughter is already dead," he chuckled evilly. "But be ready to endure the pain of seeing all the young children in your pack killed tonight!" He stood up and walked away from my father, then headed towards the remaining three kids. Once again, he selected a child, this time a boy. Fuck! Not just any boy, but the Beta's young son. The little boy cried and struggled to free himself from Anthony's grip, but he couldn't. "Alpha Beckett, I'll ask the question again: Where the f**k is the Dajbog's Stone!" he gritted his teeth. Once again, my father remained silent. Anthony picked up his sword, preparing to decapitate the boy, just as he had done to the other two kids. "Wait!" Beta Christopher shouted, interrupting Anthony. "We have done nothing to deserve all this, Prince Reyes. Please have mercy on my little boy! We are all innocent! Our pack is inn..." He couldn't finish his words before an arrow with a fiery tip pierced his chest, and he fell dead with a heavy thud. Shock gripped the crowd. "That bastard indirectly called me a traitor!" Anthony shouted, raising his sword into the air. He swiftly swung the sharp edge of the blade onto the young boy's neck, and his head rolled onto the stone. The thunder rumbled, and this time the sky split open as rain poured down heavily. Anthony Reyes growled in anger. Nothing could make my father reveal the location of the stones. He rushed toward the remaining two kids, pushing them off the stone, causing their heads to smash against the hard, rocky ground, killing them instantly. "Bring out fifteen mothers and grind them with the grinder!" he commanded. F*ck! "Dad, do something! Please permit me to attack him." I cried, using the mind link to communicate with my father. "Amelia, he is stronger than you! He would kill you. Please remain hidden! The stones must be protected no matter what!" My father's voice sounded hoarse in the mind link. His warriors rushed into the crowd to select fifteen mothers, as ordered. Everyone in the crowd backed away in fear, still bound by chains to avoid being among those chosen. This caused even more chaos, with some people falling to the ground and others stepping on them. Some of those who stepped on others slipped and fell as well. Finally, the fifteen Women were dragged out from the crowd, clearly mothers. The mothers struggled to free themselves, shivering in fear, but the warrior paid no heed, forcefully dragging them towards the grinder. The mothers cried bitterly and loudly in fear. I can't let him kill them. I have to attack him. "Alpha Beckett, I'm sure you wouldn't want me to grind these innocent mothers. Where is the stone? Where is Dajbog's Stone?" he growled, rain dripping from his face. I was currently soaked in the rain. "I don't have it, Anthony. I don't have the stones!" "Grind them!" he growled, thunder rumbling once again. The Mothers were ground one by one. It broke my heart to witness their deaths. They were all members of our pack, once a small and peaceful pack before Anthony Reyes, the Second Son of the Alpha King, attacked us with his warriors. "I don't mind continuing this until all your pack members are dead. I don't care, Alpha Beckett! Protect the lives of these innocent ones by surrendering the stone!" The rain increased, thunder rumbling louder and lightning temporarily tearing up the darkness. "I don't have it, you bastard! You will surely pay for all this!" my Father growled angrily. "Grind fifty Maidens!" he growled. Enough is enough! I can't take this anymore! "Amelia, stay hidden! Soon everything will be over! Trust me, please, stay hidden!" My father's voice echoed in my mind. He mind-linked me, as if he was reading my thoughts. At this point, I battled with my mind over whether to attack Anthony or not. I thought of a thousand ways to kill him. He was standing ten feet above the ground level, protected by warriors. I was still in chains. I needed to break free first, then attack. I watched as fifty maidens were being dragged out of the crowd, forcefully and roughly pulled by their hair by the warriors towards the grinding machine. They cried bitterly, fear filling the air. "I'm sorry, Dad. Anthony won't stop until he gets what he wants, like he said. He doesn't mind killing the whole pack!" I soliloquized. It wouldn't be easy to kill him, but I had to try. If I didn't try, I would die anyway because he would keep killing until it was my turn. So there wasn't much difference. If I didn't attack, I might still be killed. If I attacked, I might also be killed, but at least I had a chance of killing him. I had to try. "Dad... I'm sorry," I said, breaking the mind-link. I jumped out of the crowd and was about to shift to allow my wolf, Angel, to take over when a loud growl was released by my father. His growl drew the attention of the crowd, warriors, and Prince Anthony Reyes, preventing them from noticing me. The rain intensified, as if the growl had opened the gates of the sky, allowing water to pour down as rain. I was already soaked, just like everyone else. Thunder rumbled louder, and lightning struck as if it wanted to burn down the dark sky. The crowd shivered in cold and fear. Chaos took over. My father kept growling angrily, his eyes turning a deep red. The stone shook as if it was about to break. The ground shook too. My dad shifted into his large black wolf form, breaking the chains on his body. He growled again, and this time the stone came crashing to the ground. Anthony and his warriors, who were on the stone, fell to the ground. Anthony shifted into his wolf form, which was no match for my dad's. His black wolf was smaller than my dad's. My dad pounced on him. His warriors shifted and attacked my father as well, outnumbering him. I have to help him! I was about to shift again when my dad released a loud growl, but this time it was a growl of pain. An arrow had just hit him from behind. He broke the arrow from his body and tried to attack again, but another arrow struck him, and then another, until he fell to the ground. My father's weak eyes met my tear-filled eyes as he lay on the ground. His weak eyes seemed to be telling me one thing: keep the stones safe! Anthony rushed to his side and, with a sword in his hand, cut off his head. He raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, as if he had defeated a god. I fell to the ground, crying loudly and bitterly. It felt like the end of the world to me. My heart broke into pieces. Angry, I shifted into my wolf form, breaking free from the chains in my hands. I was about to pounce on Anthony when something hit me on the face. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain. My vision started getting blurry, and sounds in my ears began to fade. I couldn't tell what had hit me on the face. "Kill them all!" were the last words I heard before darkness enveloped my sight and my hearing switched off. But before all this, I had three words in my mind: I must avenge!
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