Chapter Eighteen

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True to his words, Zak had the amount requested ready and waiting for me. It was like six hours earlier than the twenty-four hours previously told. Not that I was complaining. There was just one thing I didn’t think through. How the hell was I supposed to carry such a large amount of money? Sure, as hell wouldn’t be in a wallet. Maybe a duffle bag, but that would just look odd. Me carrying around a duffle bag full of money. And I felt bad that I might have to ask Zak to open me a new account to put it all in. Then again, no way was I about to open an account with the same company I already had an account with. That was counterproductive. Maybe Hector would have an idea to help. That might be asking too much though after what I’ve already requested of him. I was grateful for his help, and I wasn’t dumb enough to ask for more. Then again, he was an alpha, and their pack had to put their money somewhere. If anything, he could give me the name of the bank he uses for his pack. Because there was no way I could just carry cash around like this. “Are you ready to go Seraphina?’ Zak asked as he led me from his office. “Yes, just a little nervous. Hector does not seem like an ordinary werewolf. He isn’t bronze like everyone else and his hair is white. I just don’t know. He seemed alright over the call. Sexist maybe and has a better than thou attitude, but otherwise seemed okay.” I shrugged, turning to look over at Zak. “I’m just excited to be able to accomplish something. Something that don’t involve family or mates or attempted murder. With Hector I know I will learn quickly and that I will be safe from Blaze and Alexander.” “Are you afraid of your two mates? Or ex-mates?” Zak asked, an odd edge of protectiveness entering his tone. “No, not really. I’m more afraid of what my reaction to them would be right now. I just really don’t want to see them.” “Alpha Hector will keep his word. He will keep your presence quiet and train you to be the best alpha female you can be. You can count on that.” Zak told me softly. I gave Zak a curt nod, but otherwise turned to my thoughts. Going to the red river pack was Elijah’s idea for Blaze. I bet he never intended for me to try and go. I don’t know if he thought it was because he thought I would stay at his pack forever or because he thought he could stop me. Either way he was wrong. I would have eventually found my way to the Red River pack one way or the other. I needed to learn to train regardless. Because even though I know nothing of my birth pack, I want it back. I want to take my rightful place as Alpha. Not because I wanted power or anything. But because I wanted to prove to myself, I was capable and show all the male alphas what a female alpha can do. What one can be. Hector though, he plagued me in a way I never could have expected. He was powerful, that much was clear. Not only in his physique, but because you could see it in his azure eyes. Every expression, every word he spoke exude power and confidence. I was both excited and nervous to meet him face to face. Ruby has been purring and pacing since our call with him. Hector had her utterly hypnotized. I couldn’t blame her though. Hector was a remarkably handsome man. I had thought Elijah, Blaze, Alexander, all the males really was handsome. I guess that was trademark werewolf genes. But Hector? He was more. I really didn’t know how else to explain it. He was just. More. He easily outmatched every single male werewolf, alpha or otherwise ten to one. Hell, he outmatched Alexander ten to one too. And that’s saying something considering my reaction to Alexander and his scent. I wonder what Hector smelt like? “You like him!” Ruby purred. “I’ve never met him Ruby.” I sighed. “I can’t like someone I’ve never met. I find him intriguing, and I very much want to get to know him. But it’s too soon to say if I like him or not.” “Fine. Then you’re attracted to him.” She said, obviously trying to get me to admit to something. “Of course, I am.” I snorted a laugh. “The man is a freaking god. A woman would have to be blind to not find him attractive. Hell. Even then his voice is enough to make any woman swoon.” I admitted unashamed. The memory of Hector’s deep baritone voice sent shivers down my spine. If that’s how he sounded over a computer, how did he sound face to face? Was his voice deeper? Louder? Did he speak more calmly? Or more harshly? Did his eyes spark with life when he laughed? Did they darken with anger? Did the azure color harden like ice when someone made him angry? I found myself spinning with questions I so badly wanted answered. Questions that would be easy enough to answer just by laying my eyes on him, by hearing him speak. But there was also more to my curiosity. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on just yet. I even felt Ruby’s confusion as she tuned into my thoughts. She never spoke, but I could still feel her emotions. Before I knew it I was sitting and eating a late lunch with Zak and his wife. I had no memory of how I got here, or of when I had eaten. But as I stared down at my now empty plate, I knew that at some point during my mental check out, I had indeed eaten. It made me ill at ease knowing I could do so much without even remembering doing it. “Are you back with us Seraphina?” Zak’s wife carol asked gently. “I…uh…Yeah. Yeah, I’m back.” I mumbled. “I don’t know what happened.” “It’s an alpha thing.” Zak told me, his tone kind. “We are more able to separate our thoughts from our actions when something has begun to take up too much of our head space. You for example. Something was bothering you to the point where your conscious mind drifted to the background allowing your unconscious mind to take over. Think of it like auto-piolet. The driver is there, just not the one steering the wheel.” “I guess that makes sense.” I murmured. But I had never heard of such a thing before. Elijah nor my dad had told me anything about it. Not that they told me much of anything to begin with. They all evidently decided to keep me in the dark as much as possible. Hopefully Hector wouldn’t do the same. Zak was more open with me even if he did try and call me like a dog, then turn and get angry with me when we spoke to Hector. Should I even call Hector, Hector? Should I call him alpha Hector? My body quaked with the force of the shiver that riled through me. My entire being balking at the thought of calling another alpha on a permanent basis. That didn’t make sense either though. Elijah, my dad, Zak. None of them seemed to have any problem calling other alphas, alpha. So why did I? It couldn’t be because I was an alpha female. Mom was too and she still called others alpha. No, it was something to do with me and Ruby. Something neither one of us has figured out yet. I knew though that I would. When the time was right, and the situation arose, the reason would make itself known. It was just a matter of if I would be ready for it or not. As they say, the truth can hurt. The ear-splitting sound of bells ringing made me drop the crystal glass I was holding. It shattered on impact with the floor. My hands flew to my ears as tears of pain stung my eyes. What kind of freaking door bell did Zak have? It sounded like someone just played a tornado siren in my ears. When I was able to move my hands I looked up into the worried eyes of four people gathered around me. But I couldn’t focus on who was there, my ears were still ringing and the tears from the pain blurred my vision. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and clear the fog from my brain. “What the hell happened to her?” A vaguely familiar voice bellowed. “It was the doorbell. She has the most sensitive senses I have ever seen. She detected the rouges in the bank when I couldn’t. The sounds and smells of the city had an almost identical affect on her.” That was Zak, I knew that much. “She is the one who told me I was pregnant.” Carol’s voice said softly. “She is special.” A gentle hand swiped down the back of my head soothingly. “Why didn’t you warn us of her heightened senses?” Another voice yelled making a startled squeal escape carol. The soothing hand from the back of my head vanished the same moment. For some reason that pissed me off. Not just the lack of comfort from Carol, but the fact that they startled her so thoroughly. I knew where the voice came from, could smell the mint and vanilla coming from him. And without thinking, I launched myself at him. I knocked the startled stranger to the ground and pressed my knee into his chest with a growl. “Apologize.” I hissed. I felt as my eyes changed as Ruby came forward. When the man didn’t respond, I pressed my knee harder into him making him gasp. “I said apologize to Carol.” I sneered. “I apologize Luna Carol.” The man rushed out. His wide brown eyes moving from me to her as he spoke. “Accepted.” Carol responded sounding amused but proud. I growled as I stood and wiped nonexistent dirt from my clothes. “It’s not polite to scare a pregnant woman.” I said sternly. Despite my anger though I held my hand out to help him up. I wasn’t a monster after all. Well, not entirely. The man hesitated, his eyes darting back and forth from my hand to my face. I just rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to hurt you.” I sighed. “I’m just offering to help you up.” The man grabbed my hand and I pulled him to his feet. I added a little more strength than I intended and he flew from the floor into the air. The momentum of his speed and the excess strength I used sent us both barreling to the ground. Fortunately, I was able to catch my footing and stabilize both him and myself before we hit the floor. “Sorry.” I choked out. “I guess I may have put a little too much into that.” “No worries.” The man said breathlessly. Then I remembered seeing four forms when I first opened my eyes, yet I had only identified three. My body immediately stiffened when I finally registered the final presence in the room with us. He smelt of caramel and coffee and his aura was stifling. I didn’t know how I didn’t feel it before now. The person wore power like a second skin. It saturated the air alongside the intoxicating scent. Even without turning I knew who was here. It was impossible not to know. “Good evening alpha Hector.” I said before I turned around to look in his hypnotizing azure eyes. “I wasn’t expecting you to come and pick me up personally. Should I feel honored or wary?” I questioned. Amusement blazed in his eyes as he tilted his head to the side to study me. I let him. Because who was I kidding? I was doing the same thing. His white hair was down and flowed over his shoulders. His azure eyes were solely focused on me. I don’t know how I didn’t notice over the video call but this man was built. He had broad shoulders and a thick chest that tapered down to a more average torso. Though it was easily thicker with muscle than most. I could make out his long powerful legs through the jeans he was wearing. My eyes trailed back up to his chest and shoulders. I have always been a sucker for broad shoulders. And his? Well damn, no one could hold a candle to this man’s width. “Like what you see?” Hector’s cocky voice pierced through the fog in my brain. I licked my dry lips, feeling as my face flushed before looking back into his eyes. Such beautiful eyes. At that moment I decided honesty was the best course of action. “If I am being perfectly honest then yes, very much so.” Hector laughed. Not chuckle. But laugh. And I’d be damned if I didn’t feel my insides turn to mush. My jaw, along with everyone else’s in the room was on the floor. Though I’m sure their reason was entirely different than mine. Because I remember Zak telling me that Hector hasn’t laughed or smiled in a long time, this was the first I was hearing it period. And let me be the first to say…Swoon. “Ha!” Ruby barked a laugh. “I told you, you liked him.” “Uh…duh.” Was all I could manage in response. This man was totally captivating. From his unusual looks down to his joyous laugh. “Honesty is a good quality to have Ria.” Hector said once his laughing fit was through. “Ria?” I questioned. “Yes, Ria.” He smiled. “Much easier than Seraphina. Though Seraphina is a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, Ria will be what I will call you.” “Ria.” I whispered, testing the nickname. Oddly, I liked it. But maybe it was just because Hector is the one that gave it to me. “Alright then. As long as you are the only one who calls me Ria. Others may call me Seraphina or Sera.” I nodded in agreement. Hector surprised me by growling. The sound so deep, so vicious I had to fight the urge to step away from him. The others however wasted no time in scrambling away. Even the brown eyed man hector had brought with him. I looked around at all of them in confusion, before looking back to Hector. I mean yeah, his growl was terrifying. But was it really that bad? Or was it just me? Ruby purred at the sound of his growl and I wanted to laugh at her. But I didn’t, I was too entranced by Hector’s vicious azure eyes. Most would probably see death in his eyes. I saw much more. Life, promise, pain, loneliness, and yes even death. But I knew from this moment, there was so much more to Hector than anyone else believed. He wasn’t just a ruthless alpha, or trainer. He wasn’t just terrifying. He was in pain, he was lonely. How could no one see this? Were they blind or just not paying attention? “Are you alright?” I stepped toward him until we were mere inches away. “Seraphina don…” Zak tried to warn, but I held my hand. I looked over into his fear filled eyes and shook my head at him. “Hector.” I whispered, turning back to him and ignoring the gasps I heard around the room. “Are you okay?” I didn’t take my eyes from his. I kept my gaze soft so he wouldn’t think I was challenging him. I watched as a myriad of emotions flashed in his eyes until they finally settled on gratitude. But why? “I’m fine.” He sighed, running a hand down his face. I bet no one else noticed how his hand trembled slightly, or how a glaze of sweat dotted his brow. I bet no one noticed the slight twitch in his muscles or how his veins throbbed with his racing heart. Not really thinking I reached out and grabbed his hand trying to stop or help hide the tremble in them. I knew he didn’t want to be seen as weak. No alpha did. So I grabbed his hand and squeezed tight trying to let him know without words what I could see. “Don’t worry.” Ruby said amused. “I told his wolf Samson what you saw and why you’re doing what you are.” “Please tell me you didn’t.” I pleaded. But when Hector’s eyes widened slightly, I knew that she had. Great. Just great. Damn wolf. She was going to get me into so much trouble one of these days. I went to remove my hand from Hector’s but he gripped me and squeezed my hand in return before letting go. My hand dropped to my side limply as I continued to stare up at him. Gratitude once again blazed in his eyes. “It’s time we left.” Hector said, his voice hard and unwavering. Wait. What just happened? I looked around me in confusion. No one else seemed surprised by his sudden change in mood. I was though. I was freaking flabbergasted. Was he bipolar? Ignoring all my internal questions I quickly said goodbye to Carol and Zak before rushing after hector and the brown eyed man I still didn’t know the name of. Whatever happened with Hector was apparently normal. But I didn’t like it. It was like the life just drained from him. He was either remarkably good at hiding behind a mask, or he just didn’t know how to feel anything good anymore. But if that were the case, what had happened to make him this way?
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