Chapter Seventeen

4208 Words
Zak opened the passenger side of his car for me. I furrowed my brow in confusion, but thanked him nonetheless. I would say it was a kind gesture, but in all honesty, it confused me. Since when did people act like that anymore? No one I knew did. Not that I knew a lot of people. Even before this whole wolf thing I was more of a loner than anything. Socializing always made me uncomfortable. Being around too many people made me uncomfortable. Which was weird considering a wolf was a innately social animal, thriving in a pack life. Straying from my thoughts I allowed my mind to focus on my surroundings. I wrinkled my nose, not able to understand how I had survived so long in a city environment. Or my parents for that matter. Now, I could never go back to living here. It was gross. It smelt strongly of trash, sewer and body odor. The screeching of tired, reeving of engines, screams of the people over whelming. My nerves were on edge, a migraine blooming in my head. It was all just too much. I ended up groaning, clapping my hands over my ears as pain from it all shot through me. “Sera? Are you alright?” Zak’s concerned voice bounced inside my skull like a sledgehammer. “It’s too much.” I wheezed. “The sounds, the smell. It hurts.” The sound of the engine reeving louder, and the force that knocked against me told me Zak had sped up, trying to get me from the city as soon as possible. How was he not having this same trouble? Surly his senses were just as acute as mine. Well, then again maybe not. He couldn’t smell or sense the rouges earlier. So maybe all this enhanced crap was just me. Oh, joy! I thought sarcastically. Yet even more to add to the growing list of weird that made me. I hated being different. Being different never went well. For anyone. Like, ever. I felt when we left the city, my sense of smell calming and greedily taking in the scent of the forest. Ruby also seemed to calm a little, her hackles lowering ever so slightly. I still didn’t totally trust Zak after what happened today. Even if my senses were heightened because of my bloodline, he should have listened to me. But no one ever listens to me, so why would I expect some random alpha to? “Here we are.” Zak pulled me from my thoughts by speaking. The home he drove us towards was nothing short of a mansion. It looked Victorian, but I was never good with architecture. I couldn’t even tell you what kind of stone the building was made from. Though it looked like white stone. I was probably wrong though. Flower bushes decorated each side of the porch in an array of color. Trees were sparse around the home itself, but spanned for what seemed like miles beyond the home itself. “It’s beautiful.” I told Zak honestly, stepping out of the car just as the front doors opened. The woman from the photo on Zak’s desk faced us. Her chestnut hair hung to her shoulders in slight waves. Her deep-set hazel eyes looing me over in curiosity. She was thin, not nearly as muscular as a wolf should be which caused red flags to wave in the back of my mind. She looked sick, malnourished even. Like she hadn’t been fed. But her eyes themselves told me a different story. Her eyes lit up with joy as Zak rounded the car. A relieved sob scratched from her throat as she ran full speed towards him and barreled into him. I realized she must have heard about what happened at the bank. “I was so worried.” She cried. “When you didn’t respond to our link, and I heard what happened I feared the worst.” She sobbed. “Everything is alright dear. You have this young lady to thank for my safety.” Zak said, motioning to me. “Thank you.” Carol cried, throwing her arms around me in a tight embrace. I was so caught off guard I didn’t respond, my mind completely blanking. It took me a few seconds for my mind to catch up to what was happening. Eventually though I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. “Don’t thank me.” I spoke. “I’m just glad I was able to help.” It was then I noticed something about Carol. She didn’t smell like a normal wolf. Yes, she had the earthy smell of a wolf to her, but there was something else. Something fresh, and odd. Then I noticed her heartbeat, it was erratic, but that wasn’t all. There, barely audible, was another heartbeat, than another. They beat like a hummingbird’s wings, fast and strong. I pulled away from her and searched her eyes for any indication she knew. But there was none. “You need to eat Carol.” I told her softly, my eyes flicking down to her belly and back up again. She furrowed her brow, until I gave her stomach a pointed look before turning my eyes back to hers. “You…..How……it can’t be.” She struggled to speak. “It’s true though.” I told her kindly. She turned to Zak with renewed tears in her eyes before throwing her arms around him once again. Her shoulders shook with her sobs, but it was happy tears this time. It filled my heart with joy to hear. I waited for a few moments, before they pulled apart, a curious look in Zak’s eyes. I just laughed and shook my head at him. It wasn’t my business to tell. I’d let Carol do it. “What am I missing?” Zak asked, putting his arm around Carol’s shoulders as he led us inside. “Nope. Not answering that.” I laughed. “Ask your mate.” I smiled over at Carol who was all but beaming at me. “Who are you?” She asked. “I’m Seraphina Coleman. It’s nice to officially meet you, Carol.” I smiled. “Sera here is a pure blood alpha female.” Zak said, his eyes trained on Carol. “So that’s how you knew.” She breathed. “Knew what?” Zak asked confused. “That I was pregnant.” Carol whispered, peeking up at Zak through thick lashes. “Twins actually.” I chirped, with a bright smile. “WHAT?” Zak bellowed in disbelief. “Yes, twins. Their heartbeats sound very healthy.” I said, not looking back over at them. I didn’t know much about babies, especially unborn babies. But I did know that fast and strong was a sign of good health. But if Carol didn’t take care of herself, if she didn’t eat properly, her health and the baby’s health would be in jeopardy. “Zak, you need to make sure Carol eats. A lot. Her health right now isn’t good. The twins will take a lot of energy from her and she is already too thin.” I looked over to her apologetically. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to speak about you as if you weren’t here.” I assured her. “No, it’s alright.” She waved me off. “I’ll go get something now. I will see you two later.” With that, she walked off down the opposite hall from us. “How could you possibly have heard the heartbeats?” Zak asked as he led me through the halls. “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I just did. It sounded like two sets of little humming bird wings.” “It’s amazing how you wished for the goddess to bless us, then we ended up with our hearts biggest desire.” Zak shook his head as he unlocked a door and led me in. “I’m sure I personally had nothing to do with it. A mere coincidence is all.” “Come sit. Let’s call alpha Hector.” I took a seat in a plush arm chair across the desk from Zak. I looked around the room while he shuffled through some papers, assumingly looking for Hectors number. Why wouldn’t he have it programmed already? Was he really pencil and paper old? Everyone used phones now days. I’ve even seen elderly more attuned to electronics than Zak seemed to be. In fact there was no computer on his desk at all, just stacks of paper. There were also filing cabinets which I assumed held even more papers and documents. This man needed major help. Sorting through all of this to look for one number could take forever. “How old are you?” I blurted the thought before I could stop myself. I slapped my hand over my mouth, my eyes going wide in shock. Had I really just asked this alpha his age? How rude could I be? So embarrassing. Ruby however was not embarrassed. She was in the back of my mind laughing like a hyena. “I am so sorry.” I murmured as I felt my face heat. “It is quite alright.’ Zak laughed. “As you know werewolves can live hundreds of years. Some have even lived over a thousand. But I am two hundred and fifty years old.” “No way.” I breathed, shifting forward and taking a minute to look him over more in depth. His dark hair the color of mahogany had no traces of grey. It was sleek and shiny, just as a young man’s hair would be. His smoke grey eyes held wisdom, but still shined bright with life. His features were sharp, dark skin stretching across high cheekbones and a sharp chin. There no wrinkles unless you counted the crows’ feet around his eyes. But that could only mean he laughed and smiled a lot. He stood at least six foot tall, and was built like a NFL linebacker. “You look really good for your age.” I said honestly, still somewhat shocked at his revelation. “Thank you.” Zak smiled his eyes filling with mirth. “You’re welcome.” I leaned back in my chair and continued to look around the room. It was much like the one at the bank. Dark hardwood floors with crème-colored walls. This time the walls were covered with pictures of him and his wife, along side people I was assuming was pack mates and family. They all looked so happy and carefree. Like nothing in the world could ever bring them down. I kind of wondered what that felt like. Even when I lived in the city, I never had such freedom. Never felt true acceptance and happiness. The book shelves in this office were filled with old looking tombs. Curious I stood and made my way to the shelves. Many looked like the copies of the ones Elijah had. While others were some I hadn’t seen before. I wish I could stay in one place long enough to actually read one of the old tombs. I was sure they could teach me a lot of things I wanted or needed to know. Things about being a pure blood alpha female and what it meant. “Are you alright Seraphina?” Zak’s concerned voice asked from behind me. I turned to him with a sad smile. “Me? Oh, yeah I’m okay. Just sad I guess.” I turned back to the book shelf and sighed. “Elijah had a lot of these old tombs too. I just wish I could stay somewhere long enough to actually read one.” “Should Hector accept you, you will be at his pack long enough to read quite a few of them.” He told me, trying to reassure me. “Maybe.” I murmured under my breath, turning back to Zak who was now holding some kind of remote. “What’s the remote for?” I asked, tilting my head to the side curiously. “Alpha Hector does not like phone calls, he is more of a video chat person. He likes to be able to see whom he is speaking with. He says it’s to better read a person.” Zak shrugged, pressing a button on the remote. My attention turned to where a groaning noise was coming from. A TV, rose from inside a shelf. How did he get that thing in there? I wondered as the shelf rose, the TV still on top. “I have already contacted alpha Hector’s beta, Mitchel to inform Hector of the incoming call. I nodded as I stood from my seated position and angled myself towards the screen more directly. I wanted to be able to see Hector just as much as he wanted to see me. I needed to know whom I am about to ask for help. Like I told Zak, I don’t need him to be kind, but I also don’t need him to be needlessly cruel. As the computers dial tone rang through the room, I stood straighter. I squared my shoulders and held my head high. I allowed a mask of indifference to mask my features. No need for him to know how truly nervous I was. That wouldn’t help anyone. Certainly not me. When Hector answered the call it took everything in my power to keep my eyes from jumping from their sockets. He was easily the most different and unique werewolf I’d ever seen. And he was utterly stunning. His skin was a warm latte color. Like most werewolves he had high sharp cheekbones. His almond shaped eyes held hypnotizing azure blue eyes. His lips were plump and slightly downturned. He wore a mask of indifference, like he really didn’t care. But all of this wasn’t the first thing I noticed about the specimen before me. No. It was his hair. It was as pure and as white as the first snow of winter. It trailed down over his shoulders reaching his chest in what I could only describe as a frozen waterfall. This man was bewitching, mesmerizing. “Good evening alpha Hector.” Zak’s sudden business-like tone knocking me back into reality. “I have called on behalf of this young woman beside me.” Zak motioned towards me. “She is in a unique situation and is requesting your help in training her. She is a….” “No.” Hector’s deep baritone voice boomed through the speakers that seemed to be everywhere around the room. I winced as the sound echoed through me like he spoke through a megaphone. “I don’t train females; you know this Zak. Only alphas are allowed to train with my pack.” “Excuse me for interrupting alpha Zak.” I bowed. He shot me a warning look, but I just shook my head before turning to look at Hector. “With all due respect alpha Hector, but you do not even know who I am or what my specific situation is. You automatically assumed I was just some random she wolf. Well, I hate to break it to you but I am a pure blood alpha female. I am seventeen and have already shifted into my wolf. I have fought and protected a pack who was attacked by vampires and rouge wolves. I almost died protecting the alpha’s daughter and son. I confronted a group of dragons who were out for me. And I saved the lives of humans just earlier today from rouges looking to rob the bank where alpha Zak works. If you will allow me the chance to actually explain to you my current situation and why I am asking for your help I’ll be happy to do so.” I wasn’t usually set off so easily, but something about this wolf rejecting me so suddenly and without thought just made anger surge in my veins. I know alphas are usually male, but he couldn’t just assume things without question. It’s that kind of judgement and pride that will get him and his pack killed. What was with men and pride anyway? Was it so terrible to admit you needed help? To admit you were wrong? “Alpha Zak. Is what the female says true.” Hector moved his eyes from me back to Zak. “The female has a name.” I growled. “It’s Seraphina Coleman.” Ruby was bristling in my mind, rising to the surface at his obvious dismissal. I knew by the startled look on both Hector and Zak’s eyes that my own eyes had changed to Ruby’s sapphire blue ones. “Seraphina you say?” Hector arched a brow, what looked to be a smile trying to tilt the corner of his mouth. “Please Seraphine, explain what it is and why you seek my help?” I huffed, running a hand through my black hair exasperation. “Ok well I should start by sating I was not raised in a werewolf community. I was raised human. I didn’t even know any of this existed a few weeks ago, much less that I was a werewolf. My parents, left their pack and their positions to protect me. From what I don’t know. The first pack I’ve known was alpha Elijah Creed’s pack. It was there my life went to hell. On the alpha heir’s eighteenth birthday I found I was his mate. But he rejected me. Though I would not have accepted him either considering he tried to kill me more than once. Said he didn’t want a female stronger than him. Anyway, ironically my second chance mate just so happened to be at the heir’s party. And by some sick twist of fate, he had also tried to kill me. He was the leader of the dragons I told you about. It was then I decided to leave that pack and both men behind. I am determined to train, get strong and take my birth pack and my birthright back from whomever holds the alpha title now.” “It seems you’ve been through quite an eventful few weeks.” Hector said, his tone softening a fraction. “You can say that again.” I huffed. “I just ask that if you do accept me, please do not accept Blaze Creed. I can not and will not be in the same pack as him again. I also do not want any of them to know where I am. My paper trail will end here with Zak whether you say yes or no. Either way I am leaving Elijah’s pack until I am ready to go back. If I am ever ready to come back.” Hector seemed to study me a few moments. His steady gaze staring straight into my eyes, freezing me in place. I was totally insnared by his eyes. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. And Ruby purring in my mind didn’t help. Ruby like this wolf which was weird. She thought the other wolves were attractive, even felt drawn to her two mates. But she so easily left them, as if they meant nothing in the long run. But she actually liked this alpha wolf staring back at us. “I accept.” Hector said smiling. Actually smiling. It lit up his face in a way I could never in a million years describe. His smile must have startled Zak because he gasped loudly beside me. I turned to him with a furrowed brow. “Are you alright Zak?” I asked, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Zak jerked from my touch as if I burned him, his wide eyes darting back and forth between me and Hector. Despite barely knowing Zak his action hurt. Why all of a sudden did it seem like he was terrified of me? What did I do? “Zak?” I followed the alpha’s jerky movements with my eyes. “I am fine.” Zak straightened himself out quickly. “And it’s alpha Zak.” His eyes pierced into mine. Ruby did not like that and neither did I. My chest vibrated with the ferocity of my growl, a clear warning. “I never even called Elijah alpha.” I hissed. “And he was my alpha. What makes you think I will call you alpha above him?” I sneered. I felt as my hands turned into claws, felt as my eyes bled to blue. “Zak.” I growled, shaking my head trying to gain control. “Get away from me. Now.” I yelled. This knocked Zak out of whatever trance he was in and his eyes once again widened. But it was too late. Ruby was seething. My wolf burst free. Ruby shook out her fur before zeroing in on her target, Zak. She growled, snapping at a now frightened alpha. I could tell Zak was trying to stay calm and act like he was in charge. But he didn’t challenge me. Seeing this Ruby eventually calmed, her hackles slowly falling. Eventually she snorted, sitting back on her hunches as she stared Zak down. Ruby wasn’t even mad at him, not really. She was hurt just like I was. I looked around the room and came back empty handed. With a huff, I stood and trotted over to Zak, nipping at his shirt. “Closet behind the door.” Zak said calmly. I looked over my shoulder to the closed door before turning back to him with my head c****d to the side. Really dude? I have freaking paws right now, not hands. How the heck do you expect me to open a door? I was rather large, so I picked my paw up and waved it around trying to tell him I couldn’t open the door. Zak just stared at me dumbfounded. I snorted again, shaking my head. “I think she needs you to open the door, alpha Zak.” Hector chuckled. My head instantly snapped up at the sound. He didn’t even laugh, not really. Just a short chuckle. But the sound lit my insides like the fourth of July. I was confused by the sudden intensity. Hector stared back at me with equal curiosity. His brows were furrowed as if he hadn’t ever heard himself laugh. “Seraphina, do you have transportation to get here?” He asked, a mask settling into place with practiced ease. “She was taking a bus.” Zak informed him as he came back over to us and tossed me a plain white sun dress. Must be Carol’s. With no where else to shift, I mentally rolled my eyes, before shifting and quickly covering my nudity with the dress. It was too small. By a lot. The hem only reached my upper thighs. The sweetheart neck line made my boobs look one wrong move away from spilling over the top. “Uh…. I think I need to go get my own clothes.” I scowled down at the too revealing dress. “Where is your bag?” Zak asked. “I left it in the car.” I murmured, trying to keep my focus on holding the hem of the dress down. “I think you look ravishing,” Hector growled. Ruby purred, making my eyes widen in shock. “What the hell Ruby?” I demanded. “Did you hear that growl?” She replied breathlessly. “You’re incorrigible, you know that right?” I remarked. She didn’t answer, her own mind still on the growl that emanated from Hector. “Well, I am sorry to say this is not my usual style.” I finally gained the courage to look back up to Hector. “I am more of a jeans girl. Though I do own some, dresses are not my thing. Neither is makeup, hair, or anything else most girls or women seem to be obsessed with.” “Too bad.” Hector’s deep voice rumbled. Okay, this was starting to get really weird. “I think I am going to go grab my things.” I said, slowly backing away towards the door. “A car will be there tomorrow afternoon to pick you up Seraphina. As for Blaze. Elijah requested for him to be trained earlier in the week. I have yet to answer him. I will do so tonight and let him know he was denied for the time being.” “Thank you.” I breathed in relief. “I will see you soon Seraphina.” He remarked, then he was gone. The screen black. “That was……intense.” I mumbled. More to myself than anything else. “Hector has not smiled in five years.” Zak said, his eyes searching mine. “Ok? And?” I questioned. “All in one call you got him not only to smile, but to chuckle. You are going to have your hands full when you arrive.” He warned me. I groaned. Great, just what I need. Another alpha male in my life.
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