Chapter Twenty-Two

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We sat at possibly the largest table I have ever seen and there was at least fifteen people already at the table. Only two chairs remained. The one at the head of the table and the one to the right of that chair. Hector, being the alpha he was, sauntered over to the head chair and sat down dramatically. The man exudes power and dominance. His very presence demanded attention. As Hector sat, I just watched. He flounced in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest. I followed him with my shoulders back and mt head held high. No way would I show any weakness to these people. As I sat Hector’s gaze hardened as he looked over the table and noticed every staring at us. It didn’t bother me, apparently though it bothered him. He growled, his chest vibrating with the intensity. My eyes widened at him before I looked over to the other people at the table. They were all cowering back from him, their eyes downcast. Did he lead with fear as well as Blaze intended to? As I studied them though I noticed it wasn’t that they were afraid of him. I mean yeah, they were scared of him. That was obvious. But there was respect there. I turned back to Hector and eyed him warily. He was still glowering at the rest of the table. Eventually the others actually started whimpering under his gaze. “Hector?” I murmured under my breath. “Are you alright?” My eyes kept flicking from him to the others. I didn’t miss their sharp inhale at me calling Hector by his name. But I also didn’t have it in me to care. He’s the one who told me to stop calling him alpha after all. “I’m fine.” Hector growled before finally looking down to his food. The others weren’t far behind him, beginning to eat now that the alpha was eating. “Alpha, will Seraphina be joining our training this morning?” Michael asked from across from me. “You already know the answer to that Beta.” Hector grit out. Obviously trying to hold his tongue and his anger. I just kept my mouth shut and ate my food. No way was I about to jump into a conversation to save Michael’s ass when he asked stupid questions. Questions he already knew the answer to at that. And this man was Hector’s beta. How did that happen? Was he smarter than he appeared? Or was it an act to cover his stupidity? “Who will be her partner?” Michael asked, before shoving bacon into his mouth. I just arched a brow as I looked over at him. What was the point in this line of questioning? “Where are going with this Michael?” Hector’s voice was hard as steel as he sat his fork non-too gently down on his plate. He leaned forward and steepled his fingers together. Resting his chin on top as he glared over at Michael. Well, this just got interesting. I put my own fork down and watched the two of them eagerly. It was entertaining. Michael questioning his alpha, then Hector’s calm, too calm response. Even I could tell Michael was walking on thin ice. One wrong word and he was done for. “Just that. Uh..” Michael rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his eyes flickering to me pleadingly. “Oh no.” I chuckled holding my hands up. “I am not getting in the middle of this. I may only be seventeen but I’m not stupid.” I didn’t miss the smirk Hector gave me before his face went cold and impassive again. It was so quick though I doubt anyone else would have seen it. “I want to spar with her.” Michael finally blurted, his face turning beet red. All I could do was stare at him like he’d lost his mind. I mean really, has he? Because he was a beta, strongest next to Hector. And yeah, I may be an alpha and I may have trained back home, but he had more experience than me. Has been in actual battles. Me? My first battle was an accident. A freak coincidence after I shifted for the first time. “You?” Hector asked, sounding amused but his face shown nothing but anger. “She brought you to the floor within seconds when we picked her up.” “She got lucky.” Michael grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just this morning she took out Justin.” Hector arched a brow over at Michael as if his words meant something. Apparently, they did, because gasps sounded around the room and all eyes snapped to me. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?” I sighed, leaning back against the chair with a huff. “You don’t know who Justin is?’ Michael asked me shocked. “I just got here last night Michael.” I rolled my eyes. “I know you and I know Hector. Even then I barely know the two of you. So tell me. How am I supposed to know who anyone here is? Well, except that desperate she wolf. I don’t remember her name.” I shrugged. I knew very well her name was Emily, and was even more aware that she was sitting at the other end of the table. I just didn’t care. “How dare you?” She growled, shooting to her feet. Her chair scratching against the hardwood floor as she did. “So you deny throwing yourself at your alpha? You deny that you kept trying after he told you to leave him be?” I laughed. I shouldn’t be teasing her in front of everyone. I shouldn’t be humiliating her, but I couldn’t help it. Not after the way she acted. “You don’t know anything.” She hissed. She stormed from her chair to stand in front of me. I didn’t even bother to stand. “He belongs with me. He is mine.” I was on my feet and had her pinned by her throat to the wall before anyone could stand from their seat. My nails had elongated into claws, and my canines had descended. She was gasping for air, her hands scratching at my hands where I had her pinned, but I couldn’t feel it. “He belongs to no one.” I told her harshly. “And for you to try and lay claim on him is pathetic and desperate. Not to mention cruel. So I suggest, for your own safety.” I leaned in close to her ear. “That you never speak of him like that while I’m present. Do you understand?” She nodded harshly, the movements sinking my nails into the skin at her throat. “Good.” I dropped her. Her body hit the ground hard as she clutched her throat and gasped for air. I didn’t spare her or anyone else a second glance, not even Hector. I just made my way out of the dining room and through the front door. It wasn’t until I closed the door behind me did, I take off running. And I mean I freaking ran like my life depended on it. What just happened? What did I do? Why did I do it? It didn’t make any sense; I shouldn’t respond to people like that when it came to Hector. He wasn’t my mate, and yet I felt compelled to defend him. He wasn’t my mate, and yet I felt possessive of him, protective. What was wrong with me? On my run I found the training grounds. By complete accident of course, I didn’t feel like going today. Not after what happened earlier. I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to face Hector right now. What I did was out if line. I attacked a member of his pack, almost killed her. And why? Because she tried to claim him as hers? That was no excuse. I was out of line and I knew it. So, I watched. The guy from earlier, Justin. He was still purple and blue, his lip split. Even still he beat every opponent he was put up against. It made me wonder who exactly he was, and how I beat him so easily. Suddenly he stopped, his hands balled into fists at his sides and his shoulders tensed. “I know you’re there.” He shouted over to me. “Aren’t you supposed to be joining us this morning?” Of course. How stupid can I be? They could smell me. How could I not remember a werewolf’s sense of smell? “Yes, I am.” I nodded, lifting myself up off the rock I had been observing from. “However, after my behavior at breakfast this morning I thought it necessary I stay away. For the moment at least. I’ve caused Hector enough trouble as it is.” “Oh, no. That’s not going to work for me angel.” Justin tsked. “You see I was undefeated. The best trainee here they had this year. Then you come, and you take me down like it was nothing. No, I don’t think so. You’re going to fight; you’re going to train. And I am going to kick your ass.” He finished on a snarl. “If you couldn’t beat me the first time what makes you think you can now?” I huffed wiping hair that came loose from my face. Justin just sneered at me, his lip curling above his teeth as he bared them at me. “Please, spare me the asshole alpha attitude. I had more than enough of my fair share of the better than thou attitude.” “Oh, I know I’m better. Women don’t belong in the ranks of warriors. They belong in the kitchen, raising pups and keeping the pack going. Men fight and defend the pack.” “That’s where you’re wrong. A woman is just as capable if not more so to do anything a man can. Except have children. But I’m sure if women figured out a way to have children without men they would. Nine times out of ten when a woman marries, she is just raising an adult child. All men do is complain about one thing or another. Nothing is ever good enough for you. Most alphas. Note I said most not all, are impudent, prideful, power-hungry bastards. You can’t handle criticism or anyone being better than you. That’s why alphas always fight because they think they have something to prove. You all think you’re better than the other when you’re not. So, what if someone is more powerful than you. You, all of you.” I waved my hand over the group of men that has gathered behind Justin. “Will one day learn that power can never make you happy. Because once you have power, you’ll only want more and more and more. There will never be enough for you. Life is about more than power. Think back to your packs. You and your father are the top of your pack. But I bet unless mistreated your pack is happy. Not because they have power, but because they have a life. People who love them and whom they love. None of you know what true happiness is. Not until you’ve met the other half of your soul. You see. I had a mate and a second chance mate. Both tried to kill me. One was power hungry and couldn’t handle having a mate who was more powerful than he was. The other tried to kill me simply because he was paid to do so.” I walked closer to Justin; his eyes now wide in shock. “So before you challenge me, threaten me. Ask yourself why I am here in the first place. Ask yourself why Hector allowed me here when he only trains alphas.” “You’re an alpha female.” A blonde stepped up beside Justin. “I am.” I nodded at him. “Can you shift?” He asked, his eyes full of wonder as he stepped closer to me. “Yes. I shifted early. Most shift at eighteen, I shifted at seventeen.” “Prove it.” Justin crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing at me. “Okay I am not about to strip down in front of all you men to shift. Thanks, but no thanks. Second, I have absolutely nothing to prove to any of you. Hector has seen my wolf and that’s all that matters. Third, this is hand to hand training not training as wolves.” Justin scoffed, “See what I tell ya. Nothing but a pathetic female after alpha cock.” He laughed. That tipped me and Ruby over the edge. I roared, my shift taking seconds before I was on top of Justin with my teeth around his throat. I growled, making Justin whimper as it vibrated his throat where my teeth trapped him. Yet he said nothing, didn’t apologize. I clamped my jaw tighter, drawing blood now, and growled deeper in my throat. Ruby released some of her alpha power to cover the crowd of men, making them all step back and Justin cower. “I…I’m so…sorry.” He gasped. I let him go, prowling backwards so I wouldn’t turn my back on him. I didn’t trust him, not in the least. He was a coward. Taking pleasure in degrading women, talking about them as if they weren’t meant for nothing except breeding. How was it all these men were so blind? I was seventeen and knew more about life than these alphas. “You’ve just signed your death warrant pup.” Hector’s angry voice boomed from behind me. Uh oh. He was pissed. Great, just great. Exactly what I needed. Another freaking alpha. Ugh, I missed Hope. Despite my restless nerves I stood from my crouched position shaking my fur out. I kept my head held high as I turned to face Hector, fully expecting his words to have been pointed towards me. But it wasn’t me he was looking at. No. His azure eyes were burning with rage as he glared at the alpha still on his back. Murderous rage engulfed us as he got closer. The men all scampered away from Justin, trying to put distance between them and him. But the dumb asses kept their eyes on Hector, never looking away. That was a big no. no. You’re supposed to respect the alpha of the territory you’re residing. Even as I sat on my haunches, I bowed my head in acknowledgement before turning my eyes back to Justin. It surprised me when I felt Hector tap my shoulder, firm but gentle. I turned to him c*****g my head to the side in question. He didn’t smile, didn’t smirk. His eyes stayed hard and unrelenting. He gave no sign of the man I spoke to just this morning. I screwed up. Bad. I was on edge, his alpha power washing over me making my nerves spike, so when he moved I launched away from him and crouched, ready for him to attack. He didn’t. He pulled his shirt over his head and made his way towards me. “Go shift.” He told me, handing me the shirt. He said nothing else as he turned from me. I couldn’t help but admire him as he walked back towards the other alphas. The muscles in his back rippled as he moved. His broad shoulders tensing as he got closer to Justin, his powerful body coiled to strike. I was completely enamored by him. When he turned back to me and arched a brow, I was thankful I was in wolf form. Because I was pretty sure I would be as red as a tomato if I weren’t. I did however run to the tree line to shift. As I slipped Hector’s shirt over my head his scent of caramel and coffee completely overwhelmed me. Without thinking I pulled the collar of his shirt to my nose and inhaled deeply. His scent was intoxicating. But I had to go out there and face the music. Thankfully I wouldn’t be showing much of anything. Hector’s shirt reached my mid-thigh completely covering my butt. Even in his shirt I walked back over to the group with my shoulders squared and my head held high. Many of the alphas stared slack jawed at me making me roll my eyes. But when Hector turned to see he growled. And it made me pause. If he didn’t want me any closer, then I wouldn’t come any closer. That wasn’t the best idea I ever had, because it only made his growl deepen and his eyes blaze. Okay. That isn’t weird at all. Hector lifted his hand and motioned with his fingers for me to come to him. It wasn’t fear that made me hesitate. It was the heat that was in his eyes. Even still, I made my way to him not stopping until I was by his side. He nodded approvingly at me before turning his eyes back to the group of men. Justin had gotten back to his feet and faced Hector with his head bowed. “Is this how you treat woman?” Hector asked harshly. “Grabbing them when they so blatantly told you no. Then insult her for being here to train because she is female. This is twice she has taken you with ease. She will train, she will fight and you better hope she has mercy on you because she will be your partner from here on out.” Hector crossed his arms over his chest. It was me that gasped this time. I whipped my head around to Hector hoping to find amusement on his face. Anything that would tell me he was joking. He wasn’t. He actually meant what he was saying. He wanted this monster of an alpha to be my partner during training. After everything, Hector was insane. He has lost his damn mind. “You’re joking. Right?” I fully turned to him now. “No. Not at all.” He responded coolly. “You realize I might kill him. Simply for touching me.” I pointed out. “This isn’t the best partnership you could have decided on.” “Are you questioning me?” Hector asked turning to me. There was a challenge in his tone, one I was very willing to accept. “Uh, yeah I am.” I crossed my arms over my chest. Gasps followed Hector’s growl, but I could care less right now. He is trying to pair me with a man that apparently hates me. I knew that I had crossed a line, so I didn’t struggle when he gripped me by my throat and held me against a nearby tree. I didn’t whine or flail. I didn’t beg or plead. I just stared him dead in the eye. I was brave or stupid I wasn’t sure which because when Hector growled at me, I growled back. We were challenging each other and we knew it. It was a dangerous game we were playing. One that one of us probably wouldn’t survive. “Seraphina, stop.” Ruby pleaded. “Ares is pleading with Hector to stop too. One of you need to back down.” “Why?” I hissed. “Why should I back down?” “Because you do. Please. I backed down for you with Elijah. Do this for me.” “Fine.” I huffed, casting my eyes away from him growling at the weakness I was showing. Hector didn’t let me go though, and black was beginning to creep in the edge of my vision. “Hector. Let me go.” I demanded trying to keep my eyes off of his. Hector didn’t move, which pissed me off to no end. “Hector. Please don’t make me fight you. Don’t make me try and remove your hand myself.” I was breathing hard at this point, the last of the air I had gone from talking to hector instead of fighting him. I should’ve fought him, should have shoved him off of me by force. But I couldn’t bring myself to try anything like that while others were around. Because if I was able to get Hector off of me, he would never live it down. He would be seen as weak. And for some reason I couldn’t let that happen. His eyes widened and he quickly let go of me. It took all of my strength not to drop to my knees. Instead, I braced myself on the tree and breathed deeply, trying to get air back into my lungs. Too soon I stood to my full height and faced Hector. There was remorse in his eyes, but I didn’t care. I just shook my head, turned away from him and made my way back to the pack house and my room.
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