Chapter Twenty-One

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I knew after the conversation with Hector I wouldn’t be able to sleep anytime soon. So I decided to take a bath and soak for a little while before laying down. I wouldn’t do anything but stay up all night going over and over what I told him. I was being honest with him, every word. But it wasn’t what I said that was bugging me. It was his pain. The anguish he was still in. I didn’t like seeing him so vulnerable. It didn’t seem right. But no matter how strong you are it seemed the death of your mate could bring you to your knees. I shuddered. I never wanted to see Hector on his knees on pain. I didn’t want to see him in pain ever again. It broke my heart. I lost track of how long I’d been in the tub, but it had to have been a while because the water now felt like ice. My teeth chattered as I climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself. How did I not notice how cold the water was? I dried and quickly dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top before wrapping myself in a fuzzy robe. I’d warm up in no time with this thing on. Once back in the room I unpacked all my clothes. It didn’t take long since I didn’t bring much with me. I had brought enough to last and that’s all I needed. I hid the bag of money in the very back closet. I’d have to talk to Hector about it tomorrow and I didn’t need anyone coming in here and finding it before then. A low grunt made me snap my head towards the door. I stopped and waited. Another grunt, then a groan followed. I rushed to the door thinking someone was hurt, but when I jerked the door open no one was there. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Another pained groan reached me. I turned towards Hector’s door. Was he okay? Was someone hurting him? I rushed to his door and spread my senses open. No one was in the room with him. When he groaned again, I threw caution to the wind. I opened the room and was met with total darkness. I allowed a moment for my vision to adjust before I made my way towards him. He was thrashing in his sleep, the blankets twisted around his ankles. His hair was plastered to his sweat covered face. His face was pinched in pain, making my chest ache. He was having a nightmare. I thought about backing back out of the room but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I am so going to get myself killed. I walked over to him and sat by his head. I didn’t want to wake him, but maybe I could soothe him. I started running my fingers through his hair gently as I hummed soothingly. He was tense at first, his body trembling. I sang softly to him, a song I found that I loved. It was called knowing I love everything about you by Chester See. So, I sang this to him, and continued to run my fingers through his hair. About halfway through the song, he seemed to relax. His muscles uncoiled and his face relaxed into a calmer expression. I continued this until I finished the song. I was happy he was asleep; I usually didn’t sing in front of people. But I would do it a million times over if I could see this calm on his face again. I smiled, before getting to my feet. As much as I wanted to ogle him, I didn’t. I slowly untwisted the blanket from his feet and pulled it over him. He didn’t stir. Good. I had just made it to the door when I heard him move. I turned back towards him to find him curled in on his side, but his eyes were open. “You have a beautiful voice.” He murmured sleepily. “But why are you in here?” “I heard you from my room. You were having a nightmare. I thought I would try and calm you.” I whispered, making my way back over to the bed and sitting at his head again. I wiped his hair from his face gently. “I’m sorry if I woke you.” “You didn’t.” He sighed heavily before sitting up. The blanket pooled around his waist but by some miracle I was able to keep my eyes on his. “It was the lack of your voice that woke me.” “Oh.” Was all I managed to say. My face was so hot I was surprised it wasn’t glowing red. “You should be resting.” He told me, bringing my attention back to him. “I know. But I don’t see that happening tonight.” I smiled. “I’ll be fine. You though, I’m not so sure about. You’ve had a rough night so far. You need to rest more than I do.” “Do you always put others before yourself?” He asked. “Yes.” I answered honestly. “Coming here was the only decision I have made for myself lately.” “I’m glad you made the decision.” Hector yawned. “Get some sleep.” I murmured, gently pushing his shoulders until he was laying back down. I smiled, covering him back up as his eyes fell closed. He probably won’t even remember this tomorrow. “Good night, Hector.” “Stay.” He mumbled, his hand gripping mine tightly. The man was half asleep, he didn’t know what he was saying. “I’ll stay until you’re asleep.” I told him sitting back down. He didn’t protest. He let go of my hand and pushed it under his pillow. I stayed like that for an hour. Running my fingers through his hair, humming or singing softly. Once I felt he was deep enough asleep, I stood and made my way back to my room. “He’s softer than a teddy bear.” Ruby cooed. “He’s in pain Ruby. He hides it behind this asshole attitude that no one can see through. I doubt anyone has ever seen him like that before. He won’t like that I have.” I warned her. “He won’t remember in the morning.” Ruby brushed me off. “He may not remember, but he will smell that I have been in his room. I’ll have to explain it to him.” “Shit.” Ruby hissed. I was groggy the next morning, but instantly became alert after memories of last night drifted through my mind. I turned to the clock. It was only six in the morning. I sighed and hauled myself out of the bed. I changed into leggings and a sports bra and slipped out the door. I wondered around the house for a bit before I finally found my way to the front door. I needed to run, to get some of this pent-up energy out. As I opened the door to step out a massive chest stood in my way. “Excuse me.” I said, looking up at the unfamiliar man. I turned to move past him, but he moved into my path. “I said excuse me.” My voice firmer. “Who are you pretty lady?” The man said huskily. “I am none of your business. Now please move.” I said sternly. “No, I don’t think I will.” He laughed. “it’s too early for this.” I groaned. “Oh, it’s never too early to have fun.” He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me against him. Ew. “Get off me.” I growled. “Now.” “No.” he laughed. My chest vibrated, a low warning growl emitting from my throat. “Take your hands off of me or I’ll remove them myself.” “Oh please. Do try.” He taunted, tightening his hold. I growled and stomped on his foot as hard as I could. He howled, but I didn’t stop there. I turned and planted a kick square in his abdomen. He flew several feet back into the yard. I stalked towards him, my anger rising. He was on his feet by the time I got to him, bracing for another attack. But he didn’t know who I was and he didn’t know what I was. I darted towards him and punched him on the cheek. His head snapped sideways and blood flew from his mouth. I continued my assault on him until he was groaning on the grass. “Next time I tell you to take your hands off of me listen.” I growled. “You have no right to put your hands on me.” I walked past him and went to start to run when another hand grabbed me. I growled. Turning on a dime I was ready to hurt whoever else thought they could touch me. I stopped short when blue eyes met mine. I dropped my fist when I realized it was him and ground my jaw. I moved my eyes away from his so he didn’t see the extent of my anger. But of course, Hector being Hector gripped my chin and pulled me to face him. “What happened?” “I decided to go for a run before breakfast. When I made it to the door than neanderthal stopped me. I asked nicely to move twice. Then he decided to grab me.” I growled again. “I warned him to let me go, but he refused. So, I removed his hands myself.” “You’ve done quite a bit of damage for harmless fun.” Hector said sternly. “You’re kidding. Please tell me you’re kidding.” My eyes narrowed on his. “No.” He simply shrugged. I jerked my chin from his grip and backed away. “No man alpha or otherwise should put their hands on a woman without consent. And they sure as hell should let go when asked. When I say no, I mean no. I don’t mean keep going until you decide otherwise. If this is how you run this pack, allowing men to go around and grab women without permission then I made a horrible mistake coming here.” I walked past him back to the door. “Thank you, alpha Hector, for taking me, but I think I’ll take my leave now. I’ll be gone within the hour.” “Ria.” Hector called. My body stiffened at his tone and I turned to face him. He was already making his way towards me. His steps slow and measured. Others had already gathered to watch, their eyes wide. “I need to speak with you.” “Lead the way alpha.” I said, motioning for him to go ahead of me. He growled as he brushed past me. I followed him back up to the floor where my room was. He opened one of the closed doors and waited until I was inside before closing the door back. I stood with my spine straight and my hands clasped behind my back. “How can I help you alpha?” I said, trying to make my tone as emotionless as possible. “Sit.” He motioned to a chair nearby. “I’d rather stand, thank you alpha.” “Ria, please.” Hector sighed. I ground my jaw together harshly, but did as he asked. I sat ramrod straight as I faced him. “Happy?” “No.” he said, his eyes meeting mine. “Ria, I didn’t mean what I said the way you took it.” “How else was I supposed to interpret it alpha? I told you what happened, and you insisted it was harmless fun. It may have been all fun and games for him but I assure you it was not to me. He put his hands on me, I retaliated. I warned him twice before I had to resort to violence. No one touches me without permission. I don’t like being touched, by anyone.” “How did he touch you, Ria?” Hector asked. “When I asked him to move, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me against him. He only tightened his grip further when I warned him that I’d remove his hands if he didn’t. So, I did exactly that. I removed his hands. He’s lucky I didn’t cut the filthy things from his body.” I sneered. “He will be delt with.” Hector assured me. “I’ve already delt with him. But it doesn’t matter, I’m leaving. Is that all you wished to talk about alpha Hector?” I asked, standing. “Damn it Ria.” Hector shouted, startling me. “I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear?” “You have no need to apologize to me alpha.” I grit out. “Stop calling me that.” That surprised me. “Calling you what?” “Alpha. I don’t like it.” He hissed. “You don’t want me to call you alpha?” I asked stunned. “No. Just call me Hector. Now can you sit down so we can talk? I need to ask about last night.” My body stiffened. “What about it?” “What happened?” “So you don’t remember?” “No. I just woke up to your scent in my room.” He almost snarled. I groaned. “I knew it was a bad idea.” I muttered. “I heard something from my room and thought someone was hurt. Until I heard the sounds coming from your room. I made sure no one was in there with you, afraid someone was hurting you in your sleep. But you were having a nightmare. I went in to try and help. When you relaxed and the nightmare stopped, I left. It’s as simple as that.” “You were worried someone was hurting me while I slept?” He raised a brow. “Yes.” “And the voice I remember?’ he asked. “I sang to try and help.” I sighed massaging the bridge of my nose. “So it wasn’t a dream.” He mumbled to himself. “Afraid not.” I replied “Thank you, Ria.” He said, his voice sincere. “For what?” “For caring. You don’t even know me yet you were worried for me. Let me unload a long-time burden on you and even ran Emily off before I had to resort to other methods.” “Don’t thank me, Hector.” I muttered. “And why not?’ He balked. “Because I didn’t do any of it because I wanted your thanks. I wanted not see the pain in your eyes anymore. I wanted to help you.” I shouted, immediately covering my mouth afterwards. Oops. “Pain in my eyes?’ he questioned slowly. “People must not pay attention or not care.” I whispered. “And I don’t know which is worse. But it’s obvious to me. I see it, though you try and hide it.” I shook my head and chuckled humorlessly. “Naive of me to think I could possibly help with something so deeply embedded in you.” “The pain will always be a part of me.” He told me. “It won’t just go away.” “I know that.” I sighed. “I know nothing can make it go away. I jus wanted to help. I see I have over stepped my bounds. It won’t happen again.” “Don’t go all formal on me now Ria.” Hector’s voice hardened. “Excuse me?” “You are like an open book. You try and hide your emotions behind manners. You go all formal when you speak when you’re upset.” He told me. “Somehow you manage to even make it seem mocking.” “The last thing I’d ever do is mock you.” “I know.” He smiled. “Stay, please.” I stared at him for a minute, weighing my options. “Fine.” I finally relented. Not just because he asked but because I wanted to stay. I wasn’t ready to leave him just yet. Not when I just got here. The man was irritating and acted like a hard ass, but was nothing more than bleeding heart if he let you see the real him. “Great.” Hector beamed. “Now lets go eat.”
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