Chapter Twenty

2690 Words
Apparently, I had fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew I felt my body being moved. The scent of caramel and coffee surrounded me and warmth seeped into my body from his arms. His hold on me was tight, but somehow it was gentle at the same time. It was like he wanted to have me as close to him as possible while at the same time didn’t want to hurt me. I wanted to tell him he wouldn’t hurt me, but I didn’t. I didn’t want him to put me down, I wanted to keep his warmth against my me. Wanted my body to stay close to his. “Open the door, Michael.” Hector said, his tone hard but low. I’m guessing so he wouldn’t wake me up. “I can take her to her room at the barracks with the other trainees if you’d like alpha. I know you’re busy.” Michael responded as I heard the door open. “No.” Hector snapped. “She stays in the pack house with us. I will not have her out there with the men. Alpha or not she is a woman and will not sleep alone around so many unmated males.” “Very well alpha. Where would you like for me to take her?” I felt another set of hands on me as Michael reached for me. I stiffened at his touch, not liking the way it made me feel. It felt cold, wrong. Against my better judgement my eyes snapped open. First thing I saw was the death glare on Michael. Next was Michael’s hands slowly withdrawing from me. “I…uh….” I stammered. “I can walk from here.” I said, though I never once squirmed for him to let me down. I didn’t want him to put me down. “No. You’re tired. I will carry you to your room. You will be staying on the alpha floor in one of the guest rooms.” I didn’t argue. Instead, I rested my cheek against his chest with a sigh. He stiffened slightly, before relaxing and tightening his grip on me. His heartbeat was steady and strong, thrumming against my cheek like a drum. A drum that wanted to lull me back to sleep. A drum I wanted to succumb to. I yawned and snuggled into his arms like a fox. I was beyond freaking caring at this point. My mind was cloudy with fatigue and his scent was overwhelming me. I knew I probably shouldn’t be acting like this, but I couldn’t help it. A chuckle vibrated Hector’s chest making me look up to him. “What?” I murmured tiredly. “You seem to be making yourself comfortable.” He eyed me in amusement. “Hey, it’s not my fault. You’re comfortable.” I sighed, dropping my head back to his chest. He just laughed as my eyes fluttered closed again. I could still sense what was happening around me, could still smell the different people around. so I wasn’t surprised when I felt the presence of someone close by. “Bring home a stray did you baby?” A female purred. I felt her hand trail down Hector’s arm. He stiffened under her touch but otherwise no other reaction was given. “I’ve told you to stop calling me that.” Hector growled. “We are not in a relationship nor will we ever be. Now leave.” He went to step past her but was pulled to a stop. A growl rumbled through Hector’s chest. A clear warning for her to let him go. Yet I could still feel where her skin touched his. And I wanted to rip that hand from her body. “Come on Hector.” She purred seductively. “I know you want me again. You know I’m the only one who can handle you.” Again? And gross. Not something I wanted to hear. “Emily, take your hand off of me.” Hector grit through his teeth. “We both know I was drunk when that happened and I was clear it would never happen again.” “You don’t mean that.” Her voice was close to me, too damn close for comfort. I was close to jumping from Hector’s arms and running my fist through her face. “Go lay the trash outside and play with me.” “Emily.” Hector warned, his grip becoming almost painful. “Yes?” Emily trilled. “Leave.” He commanded, then walked away again. “Hector, what’s wrong with you?” She demanded pulling him to a stop again. That’s when I had enough, and so did Ruby. This woman obviously couldn’t take a hint. In one fluid motion I had bound from Hector’s arms, grabbed the woman by her neck and pinned her to the wall. “I believe the alpha asked you to leave.” I sneered. Ruby was right there on the surface, our alpha aura oozing from us, though not at full strength. “I suggest you listen.” “And who are you?” Emily demanded, struggling under my grip. “Someone who is tired and ready to go to bed. I’ve had a long day and I am not in the mood for some woman and her desperate attempt to catch herself an alpha. If he said to leave then you leave.” I tightened my grip my eyes blazing blue from Ruby’s presence. “Do I make myself clear?” “Yes.” Emily sneered. “Good.” I let her go and she crumpled to the floor breathing hard. After a moment she got to her feet inclined her head to Hector and scrambled from the hall. But not without casting me a death glare over her shoulder. I just smiled and waved in return, making her face go red. It made me laugh. It was then the full force of what I’d just done hit me. Oh s**t. “I…I’m sorry.” I turned to Hector to look into his wide eyes. I knew my blue from Ruby was still there, I couldn’t seem to calm her. “I didn’t mean to do that. I swear.” I promised him “What made you do it then?” Hector asked, though he didn’t look angry. Ruby on the other hand was furious. “She touched what didn’t belong to her.” Ruby’s voice answered him on a growl. “She was asked to let go and didn’t.” Ruby sneered tough not at Hector. “I didn’t like it.” “Ruby, I presume?” Hector crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at us. I was begging Ruby to stop, but she didn’t listen. She was too man, felt too betrayed. But I didn’t know why. He wasn’t our mate. He wasn’t ours be to jealous over. “That’s right.” She answered proudly. “Can you give Ria control back now?” He asked, but you could clearly make out the command in his tone. "When she stops screaming at me." Ruby chuckled. "She does not like me taking control like this. But she needed to be delt with and Seraphina wasn’t going to stop it. She likes you; you know.” “RUBY!” I bellowed, mentally grabbing her by the scruff of her neck and pulling her back. It worked, but Ruby was not happy. “What the hell Ruby?” I shouted. “He needed to know and you weren’t going to tell him.” Ruby hissed. “I just met the man, Ruby.” “I’m sorry about that.” I murmured. “She usually doesn’t get so angry. I’m not sure what happened.” I looked up to him, knowing my eyes were back to their usual green. “It’s okay Ria.” Hector smiled. “You’re still new to this in many ways. Control will come.” “It’s usually not hard to keep her at bay.” I said, following him once he started to walk. “Not even when we got rejected. She just brushed it off like it meant nothing. And leaving them both was easier. Everything I’ve been told was being rejected hurt. But it didn’t. She was happy he rejected her; she didn’t want him. Hell, neither did I but still.” I shook my head with a sigh. “I just don’t understand.” “Usually rejection hurts.” Hector told me; his voice softer than I’ve ever heard. “But losing a mate to death is like dying yourself. You feel everything they do until the pain of the bond breaking hits you. Usually, it drives a wolf mad when they lose their mate. But not always.” His voice faded and I felt his pain through his words. He was speaking from experience. “I’m sorry.” I whispered. “For what?” He asked, stopping to look at me. “Your mate.” I answered. “How did you…..” “I felt and heard the pain in voice, in the way you spoke.” I shook my head. “I don’t need your pity.” Hector growled. I snapped my eyes to his. “I don’t pity you.” I said biting back the anger and hurt at the way he spoke to me. “I sympathize with you, that is all. I can be sorry you lost someone you loved and not pity you. I know I could never understand, and if I’m being honest, I don’t want to. It doesn’t sound like something I ever want to feel. I’m sorry if I offended you or angered you. It wasn’t intentional. I will keep my emotions to myself from now on, you have my word.” “You’ll never have to feel it.” Hector sneered. “You were rejected.” “Okay, ouch. Thanks so much for the reminder. Would you also like to remind me on how both of them tried to kill me?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “No need. I will remember that betrayal for the rest of my life. I don’t need or deserve your anger when I’ve done nothing.” I took a deep breath and took a step away from him. “I wish to lay down please.” I lowered my voice. I am so done with alpha males. His eyes softened slightly, as hurt and regret entered them. “I’m sorry Ria.” He finally breathed out. “It has been a long time since I’ve spoken of her.” “I want to say I understand but I don’t. I couldn’t possibly imagine what you went through or what you are still going through.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “If you want to talk. Without growling or sneering at me, then I will be here.” I told him honestly. “Why?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Do you want honesty?” I quirked a brow. “No lie to me Ria.” Hector deadpanned. I laughed. “Can we at least get to my room first?” “Of course. This way.” He led me down the hall and up another flight of stairs. There were only five doors on this floor and I was certain the double doors were to the Hector’s room. He led me to a door right beside his and opened it. The thing was massive. Beige carpet and a king-sized bed with my bags already on top. Crème colored walls. It looked like a suite meant for royals. “Now, tell me.” Hector said, stepping inside and closing the door. “Since the video call, there has been something pulling me to you.” I walked across the room and sat on the edge of the bed. “I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. It’s like in the hall with Emily. I lied and I’m sorry. But it made me mad that she was touching you. I know how it sounds and logically I know I have no right nor any place to feel that, but I did.” I shook my head. “So honestly, I don’t know. Not really. What I do know, is I want to help if I can.” Hector sat beside me and took my hand in his, my breath froze in my throat at his touch. “Amelia was my mate. She wasn’t an alpha, but I was fine with it. There aren’t many alpha females out there anyway. We officially met when she turned eighteen a few months after I did, I was already alpha and had been since my father died when I was sixteen. We spent every waking moment together and we were happy. I had pictured my entire life with her by my side and pups running around the house.” His hand tightened on mine and I covered his with my other hand. “Hector, don’t do this to yourself.” I whispered. “You don’t have to.” “But I do.” He turned his blue eyes to mine and the sadness there tore my heart open. I reached up and wiped the lone tear from his eye, but remained quiet. “We were attacked. A rouge pack seeking power. We suffered losses, many. But they were all killed, none went free. My Amelia was killed in the attack. I felt her pain. I felt as she died and took her last breath. But I couldn’t get to her. I wasn’t there when she died and she died alone and in pain.” “That’s not true.” I shook my head sadly. “You were with her in all the ways that matter. You were with her here.” I gently tapped his temple. “And here.” I placed my hand over his heart. “You didn’t have to be with her physically Hector, but you were there and I’m sure she felt you with her. It wasn’t your fault, none of it was.” “How could you possibly know any of that?” “I could lie and say because I know love. I don’t. I’ve never been in love. But I know the concept of love. Love isn’t about being by each other’s side every second of the day. It’s not dates, or spending money on expensive gifts. Love isn’t something you only feel when you’re together. You feel it every second of every day, even when you’re apart. Love is going to work and looking forward to coming home just so you can see them. Love is caring and protecting each other. It’s standing by that person’s side even when you’re terrified. It’s calling to say I love you just so you can hear their voice. It’s missing them when you’re apart. Love is eternal and stays no matter the distance. Death doesn’t mean you stop loving someone. It just means that instead of your angel here on earth, they are your angel in the sky. She’ll always be with you. In your memories, in your heart. I believe your love for her is what she felt, how she knew you were there even if she couldn’t see you.” “Are you sure you’re seventeen?” Hector teased. “Yes, I’m sure.” I laughed. “How old are you?” I asked, peeking over at him. “I am twenty-five. Amelia and I didn’t even get a whole year together.” “I truly am sorry for your loss, Hector,” I murmured. “It was a long time ago.” “Maybe. But that don’t mean it still doesn’t hurt.” Hector stood and cleared his throat. “You should get some sleep. Your training will start tomorrow morning at nine.” He didn’t look at me as he made his way to the door. “Good night, Hector.” I murmured, just as he closed the door behind him.
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