Chapter Three

1058 Words
Emberlynne was exhausted after her day. She got cleaned up, and got ready for bed. The next day would wrap up her highschool education and she was far past ready to get rid of having to see those people every day in the hall. Her home life was one thing, but being ridiculed and made fun of each and every day was starting to wear her down. Jackson checked on her before going to bed, but her mother knocking open her door, startled her to sit upright, even as she was trying to fall asleep. Ember sighed, as she looked in the cold woman's direction, but said nothing as she waited for the passive aggressive insults to come as they always did. "You two ran off in the middle of the night to do what? Tell me what happened tonight Ember!" Emberlynne sighed and ran her hands through her hair, her mother came to sit down near her and she smelled her. "Your scent is different. You got your wolf!" She declared, and there was an obvious look of anger on her face. "Did anyone see you? What did it look like? It wasn't sickly looking, was it? Don't we have enough problems in this family?" Karla was already starting to work herself up, and Ember didn't know what to do. "We went really far out, and it was just me and Jackson...." She said and started fidgeting. She was getting nervous under her mother's gaze. "Okay, well what did it look like? Show me." Ember raised an eyebrow, as what she said was sinking in. "What? no! You hate me, and you'll only hate me more!" Karla stood up, and stared down over Ember. She was clearly angry. "You either show me how pathetic your little wolf is, or I'll get your father in here, and you'll be punished." Ember growled and let out a long sigh. "You're gonna beat me whether I show you or not. Do your worst, I'm not required to show you anything." "Roderick!" Karla yelled, and her father came stomping into the room. "Are you giving your mother a hard time?! She said show her and I mean it. Show her, you f*****g runt!" Emberlynne winced as he snatched ahold of her hair and forced her face to look up at him. He had a tight hold on her hair, and Ember couldn't break free. When he finally released her it was only to drive his fist into her stomach. She doubled over as the all the wind was knocked out of her. Then he shoved her down, her back connected with her dresser and she gasped out in pain. "Jackson.." She mumbled. It was like he was summoned, he slammed open the door and pulled his sister to his feet. "First of all, whether or not Ember shows you what her wolf looks like, is none of your business. Stop bullying her, you're supposed to be adults for goddess sake!" Jackson looked Ember over, examining her face. He only winced once when the blow came to the side of his head. "If you insist on disrespecting your parents by protecting this whelp, you'll get the same as her!" Jackson stumbled back, but he turned and looked at their father square in the eye. "If that's how you feel old man, try it." Emberlynne was shocked, she had never seen this side of her brother before. She had to leap out of the way as the two males went crashing out of the room going blow for blow, much to her mother's horror. Karla screamed, and tried to pry Jackson off of her father. She was actively crying. Karla looked back at Emberlynne and grabbed her by the front of her shirt. "This is your fault. Do you see the damage you've done to this family? Your brother is beating on your poor father because of you!" Smack! Ember's vision almost went blurry from the impact of her mother's hand against her cheek. She stumbled back towards the wall, her eyes filling up with tears. "What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" Karla laughed in her face and reared her hand back to hit her again. "What did you do? You were born a runt. Weak and pathetic, you have ruined this family by being so f*****g weak!” This time when she went to strike her, Ember ducked. Karla connected with nothing but the wall. Ember’s eyes widened. No, f**k this I’m getting you out of here! Kiara said in her head. Before she knew what was happening, her body vibrated and then she shifted. It was like Kiara had strapped her into the back seat, and she was driving. She could see through the eyes of her wolf, as it bolted out of the the room and out of the house. She noticed that they were fast, like really fast. Small can be useful. Kiara mused, as she pushed them harder. Ember didn’t really notice how far they had ran until she saw the shrubs and trees whipping by them. Kiara ran them out to the clearing from the night before and allowed Ember to complete the shift and change back. Emberlynne sat near the stream and pulled her knees up to her chest and sighed to herself. She felt more alone at this moment than she had on any year previously. She probably got Jackson hurt, her parents hated her. She was honestly thinking about running away. Honestly, her family would be better off. She heard a twig snap, and she turned her head in the direction she heard the sound. That was when she saw him, he was tall. A little older, a strong muscular body. He had a head full of shaggy brown hair and a pair of peculiar green eyes. “Mate.” He growled, and Kiara stirred to life in her head. She was absolutely pleased. Emberlynne nodded her head in acknowledgment. “Aren’t you going to reject me?” She asked and the male crept closer, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Why would I reject you?” She turned to face him, and she took in a deep breath. “What’s your name?” “Emberlynne.” He smiled. “It’s a beautiful name. I’m Jonathan.”
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