Chapter Two

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"How far out are we going? We've been walking forever!" Emberlynne whined, as she tromped through the wooded area behind Jackson. He wanted to take her far out enough, that even if she did shift, no one would be nearby to see it. Most of the time, a shifter got their wolf when they were sixteen years of age. He had been lucky in that regard and got his own strong wolf, Remus, just on his and Ember's sixteenth birthday. Hers didn't arrive that year, and due to her small frame and fragile nature, their family lived in fear of what would happen when Ember finally did get her wolf. Weak shifters are made for weak wolves, or so the story goes. His father had been pleading with the Alpha in secret to have Ember thrown out on her eighteenth birthday as to not make the rest of the pack seem weaker, but Jackson had stood up for her. Declared himself her caretaker, that he would keep her out of sight and out of mind if they forgot about her for a while. Shifter politics were complicated, but many were outraged that such a weakling could exist, let alone live amongst them. Jackson didn't want Ember to become a Rogue. He wouldn't be able to protect her, and that was a thought that he just couldn't stand. His mother told him that his unnatural attachment to his sister was completely based on the links that the twins shared, and even blamed him at times for coming out so strong, while Ember was so weak. The doctors even thought that Jackson might have taken more than his share of nutrients in the womb, and that Ember was deformed somehow because of it. Ember stepped out into a clearing, stepping in line with Jackson. She couldn't believe what she was saying. Even as dark as it was, there was plenty of light from the large moon that hung in the night sky. It was almost a full moon, but not quite. The pack run happened on nights under the full moon, and the next one was only a couple of days away. It was a little bit of a clearing, just outside a thick brush of large oak trees. There was a small stream that ran through it. The stream was deep enough that she could see small fish swimming about just under the surface of the clear water. There was a growth of soft grass that rolled over the hills, reaching as far as the next grove of trees beyond it. It was pretty, as far as wooded areas were considered. She hadn't been anywhere like it. "I thought, since no one ever comes out here. It would be a good spot to escape to. I can't protect you from everything that goes on in that house, but I can at least get you away from the bullshit every now and again." Emberlynne grinned and hugged him tight. "I never doubted you for a second. You've always had my back, in fact, if not for you. I think I would have snapped and stabbed dad with a beer bottle by now." Jackson laughed and mussed up her hair. "I've actually thought about it a couple times. Bastard would deserve it." Her laughter stopped short, when a sharp pain started in her mid section. It began resonating all over her body and then she collapsed on the ground as the pain began to overtake her. It was happening at long last, Ember was finally turning. Usually, for a first shift, there was at least an Alpha or a Beta present in case something went wrong, but Ember and Jackson decided to do this in secret. They were already in turmoil because of her runt status. If a weak wolf happened on top of all that, the Alpha and his family would probably not only throw Ember out, her family might be punished for bringing such a cursed thing upon them. Runts were seen as a plight to their people. Jackson had spent all his life protecting Ember from all of those that couldn't possibly understand her worth and refused to let anyone harm her. She was his sister, and he refused to let anyone be mean to her over something they couldn't possibly understand. "Ember! I'm here, we'll get through this." Jackson chided, as Ember was quite literally screaming as if her body was ripping itself apart. In truth, it was. The first shift was always the worst. There were times when a shifter was too weak to complete the shift, and their body more or less rejected the change and they died right then and there. Jackson made a promise to himself that no matter the outcome was, he would be there for her. She didn't have anyone else. Jackson could hear the sickening crack of bones breaking, something that sounded a lot like muscles ripping, but what he heard mostly was the sound of her terrified and agonizing screams, as the change started to overtake her. "What the f**k is all of this?!" Jackson's blood ran cold as he recognized the sound of the voice behind him. Ryker Black was the Alpha's son. His dark hair was trimmed short, but his caramel-colored eyes pierced into Jackson with a cold contempt that Jackson hadn't experienced before. They were caught. "Mate" was the word that hissed from the Alpha's son, as he stared down at a screeching Emberlynne. He looked beyond pissed off, and Jackson couldn't really understand why he was so angry. Was he mad that Jackson took Emberlynne out there to experience her first shift? Or, was he more pissed off that she was his fated mate? He didn't really know how to feel about either one of those scenarios. "You know damn well that an experienced wolf is supposed to oversee first-time shifts in case of problems or fatalities. The fact that you brought her out here alone, is a major f*****g offense. Then again... I can see why you would want to hide the first shift of that.." Ryker said as he pointed down at Emberlynne. "Any wolf she gets won't make the cut to be Luna, let alone to remain in the pack. She'll probably look mangy and just as scrawny as she is. If she's not strong enough to handle a decent wolf, she is of no use to this pack. Might be interesting to watch though. I'm curious what the thing will look like, so I'll stick around. She needs to be able to speak properly so she can accept my rejection formally. I for sure am not going to have someone like her be the future Luna of this pack." Jackson flinched from Ryker's words. He didn't understand why people showed so much distaste for Ember. He found her to be pleasant company. She was kind, thoughtful, and very selfless. He didn't care who she ended up mating with, as long as it was someone who could value her for what she was. While he wanted to be angry at Ryker he also understood his anger towards this prospective mate. The Luna was someone that everyone could look up to, and there was no one that he knew of that would ever accept Ember the way she was in any place of authority. Ryker lit up a cigarette as he watched the change. He was bored of this little were-b***h's screams already. He wanted all of this to hurry up as soon as possible, so he could be on his way. His wolf hated him for what he was about to do, but he honestly couldn't care less. He would not have Emberlynne as a mate. She was weak, small, everything he despised wrapped up in one package and it had to be a f*****g joke. No, he would not accept her. He had to stifle back his laughter when he saw the wolf's form emerge. Well, he thought to himself. At least it didn't look diseased. The screeching had stopped, and what started out a girl, emerged a wolf. If she was bigger, it would have been harder to reject her. The wolf was on the runt side, just like its human counterpart. It was kind of cute though. In a way that strong men find petite human girls cute, or how girls find kittens and babies cute. Runt human counterpart and the wolf was a runt too. It was almost too fun. A brown and white speckled wolf stood in her place. She would definitely not be considered terrifying in any regard, but strong enough to fend for herself would be acceptable to his father. So much for casting her out. She was strong in appearance, well for anyone with a magnifying glass. Gods that wolf was f*****g small. His wolf form would tower over that thing easily. He feared if she ran with the others that she might get trampled. Well, oh well. Least she has a wolf and it's not as weak as what everyone thought. His father would definitely show her some sympathy, calling it part of her condition and status as a runt. Big doesn't always mean better, but that thing would never be seen next to him, that was for sure. He and Jackson stood there for some time while Emberlynne and her wolf got acquainted. It is nice to finally meet you, Emberlynne. We are complete. The two worlds, now in one body. I am your wolf, your counterpart. You may call me Kiara. I am glad to finally have a wolf, but I do have to ask... Why are we so f*****g small? Emberlynne said to the wolf inside her head. The wolf's voice was one filled with amused laughter. Your human half could not have survived a change from someone so small in stature to a large terrifying wolf. Strong does not always mean large, Ember. I was chosen for you by the Goddess. You'll see that I am your perfect match in time. Will we ever look like a normal wolf? Emberlynne asked the voice. Once again, she was greeted with amused laughter. Yes, those who get wolves, such as the wolf your twin has, are already full grown. Their shape will not change no matter how many times they shift. You are very special, Emberlynne. You haven't reached your full potential and your options are without limits. So, the stronger your human half becomes, the more confident you are in your ability and our bond. We can grow up together. However, there's something more important I wanted to say. We are being watched... by our mate. He is nearby and his wolf desperately wants to meet us. Ryker's wolf was absolutely throwing a fit in his head. Even going so far as threatening to take over and pounce on that little shrimp of a wolf and mark her so he couldn't refuse her. Ryker had to block him. He watched as the wolf form receded, and slowly formed back into that of a girl. A small, frail girl that he had this urge in his chest to protect, but he would forever stomp that part of him down. He would not allow such weakness. "Mate," he said as she approached and she recognized him. Nodding as she said it back. "You do understand why I won't be accepting the mate bond, right? I'm sorry, but I can't have someone like you as my mate. You'll thank me for this later. I, Ryker of the Silvermoon pack, hereby reject Emberlynne Brooke as my mate. Now and forever." Emberlynne felt like had quite literally stabbed her directly in her chest. All the wind was knocked out of her at once. It was more painful than anyone has ever said it was. It was like she was in complete cardiac arrest. She winced, and tried to gather her breath. "Accept the damn rejection, now!" He commanded. She heard that powerful tone and her body recognized it as the Alpha Tone. the ultimate power that an Alpha could inflict upon those around them. She could feel a sorrow clenching at her chest, as her wolf Kiara howled in her head, angry and hurt. She didn't want to allow this rejection anymore than Ember did, but she was not about to challenge a man that wanted nothing to do with her. "I... Emberlynne Brooke.. Accept your rejection." She felt something inside of her, twist and snap. When it was gone she was able to take in a deep breath and calm herself. She was deeply saddened, but didn't have a chance to say anything further as Ryker started walking away. "You'll not speak of this to anyone." He said coldly, as he stomped off into the woods. Jackson looked at her sympathetically and pulled her into a hug. "Well, I think your wolf looks good. Small, but good. I brought some extra clothes, so lets get you dressed and head back home." Emberlynne sighed and nodded in her brother's direction. "Yeah, after all of that... I'm ready for bed."
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