14: Beneath The Dark Blue Moon

2172 Words
~Rina~ The forest stood ahead, thick and the faint display of the setting sun. It felt like the trees themselves were watching us, their branches twisting and creaking in the wind as if they knew the secrets we carried. My heart pounded in my chest, not from the physical exertion of the training, but from the dread that settled in my stomach. Syl stirred inside me, her presence pushing at the edges of my mind, eager and restless. Unlike me, she wasn’t afraid. She wanted to run, to feel the earth beneath her paws and the wind rushing through her fur. She was ready to risk it all, and that scared me more than the forest ahead. ‘Let me out,’ she urged, her voice smooth and tempting. ‘I’ll handle everything. We’re stronger together, Rina. You know it.’ I clenched my fists, gritting my teeth as I forced her back. ‘No,’ I signed to myself, keeping my breathing steady. Syl growled, frustrated but patient. I could feel her watching, waiting for the moment I’d give in. But I wasn’t going to. "Alright, let’s move!" one of the instructors shouted, his voice cutting through the growing tension. We were supposed to climb the mountain that bordered the forest, using our werewolf strength and endurance to make it to the top. Easy for most of them. Not for me. I hung back as the others rushed forward, their bodies shifting into wolves or staying in human form as they sprinted toward the mountain. I knew my limits, and I wasn’t about to show off like them. As I began the climb, the rough surface of the mountain bit into my palms, the sharp edges of the rocks scraping against my skin. My legs trembled with every step, my muscles aching as I forced myself upward. Sweat dripped down my face, stinging my eyes, and I bit my lip, determined to keep going. I couldn’t afford to stop. Not here. Not now. But the mountain was like a tough fit. My foot slipped on a loose stone, and for a terrifying moment, I felt myself falling, my heart leaping into my throat. The ground rushed up to meet me— But suddenly, a strong hand grabbed me, pulling me back just in time. Callan. “You okay?” he asked, his voice soft but filled with concern. His dark eyes searched mine, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. I nodded, giving him a weak smile of thanks. My hands moved in a shaky sign. ‘I’m fine.’ “You’re stronger than you think,” Callan said, offering me a smile that made my chest tighten. He didn’t wait for a response before continuing, "Here, hold onto this part of the rock. It’s sturdier. You can make it." I followed his instructions, gripping the rock as tightly as I could. Every step was agony, but I kept pushing, listening to Callan’s voice guiding me. “You’ve got this,” he encouraged, his presence steady beside me. “Just a little further.” I grunted in frustration, pulling myself up, my trousers snagging on a jagged rock. I heard the fabric tear before I felt the cool air on my skin. My cheeks burned as laughter erupted from the group behind me. Some students pointed, their mocking voices echoing off the rocks. "Look at the mute Omega," someone sneered, "Ripped her pants. Poor thing can’t even dress properly." Humiliation crawled up my throat like bile, but before I could react, Callan was already moving. He pulled off his cardigan and quickly wrapped it around my waist, shielding me from their cruel stares. "Ignore them," he said firmly, his eyes darkening with anger. “They’re not worth your attention.” I looked at him, grateful, and gave him a small nod. ‘Thank you. Callan grinned, wiping sweat from his brow as he pointed to the next part of the climb. “Just follow my lead. You’ll be at the top in no time.” And he was right. With his help, I was one of the first to reach the summit. Relief flooded through me as I collapsed onto the flat surface, my body shaking from the effort. But the moment was short-lived. My gaze landed on the triplets…Axel, Ryder, and Kade…standing on the other side of the summit, surrounded by a group of girls. My stomach twisted as I saw them. Axel was with Cassandra, of course. Her hands were all over him, her lips crashing against his as if they were the only people in the world. His hands gripped her waist possessively, their bodies tangled together, devouring each other. They didn’t care who was watching. Ryder had his arm wrapped around a brunette, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle and blush. Meanwhile, Kade had his hands all over a blonde, one of her legs wrapped around his waist as they stood pressed against a tree. And through it all, Axel’s gaze flicked to me, his eyes dark and calculating even as he kissed Cassandra, as though he wanted to see my reaction, to gauge the hurt and anger that surged within me. His lips moved against hers, but one of his eyes remained on me, watching. My breath hitched, jealousy burning through my veins like wildfire. I hated them—hated everything about them. But why did it hurt so much? Why did seeing them like this twist the knife deeper in my chest? They were my bullies, my tormentors. My mates. Syl growled fiercely inside me, her anger as potent as mine. ‘They’re despicable,’ she snarled, the edge of her voice sharp and wild. ‘They don’t deserve us, Rina. Let me out. Let me show them what real power looks like.’ I shook my head, suppressing her. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—let her take control, not here, not now. I forced my gaze away, but the image of Axel and Cassandra stayed with me, etched into my mind like a cruel reminder of everything I could never have. Axel’s lips moved slowly over Cassandra’s, but his gaze never left mine. And I hated him for it. Hated him for making me feel like this. I gritted my teeth, turning my back to them as I felt Callan’s presence beside me, his hand resting lightly on my shoulder. He had no idea what was going on inside me, no clue about the bond I shared with the triplets. And I wouldn’t let him know. Not now. Callan stood beside me, his hand still resting on my shoulder as if to shield me from everything that had just happened. I could still feel Axel’s gaze burning into me, even though I wasn’t looking his way anymore. The weight of his stare and the sight of him kissing Cassandra made my chest tight with anger, jealousy, and a deep, gut-wrenching hurt that I hated admitting to myself. "You okay?" Callan asked softly, concern lacing his voice as he stepped in front of me, his dark brows furrowed. I swallowed hard, my throat dry. I didn’t want to break down, not here, not in front of everyone. Especially not in front of Axel, Ryder, and Kade. I forced a weak smile, though my heart was pounding in my chest. ‘I’m fine,’ I signed quickly, nodding to reinforce the lie. Callan’s lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes searching mine as though he knew better. But thankfully, he didn’t push. He just gave a nod, accepting what I signed. "Alright. But if anything’s off, you let me know, okay?" I nodded again, grateful for his understanding, even if I couldn’t bring myself to say more. Suddenly, the sky seemed to shift, the bright blue of the afternoon sun starting to darken. At first, I thought it was just clouds moving in, but the air grew colder, and the light around us dimmed unnaturally fast. My heart skipped a beat as the sun began to vanish behind a growing darkness. The forest that surrounded us was filled in strange, twilight shadows, and a low murmur spread through the crowd. “What’s happening?” someone muttered nearby. My stomach churned as the realization hit me. The dark blue moon. It was rare but always terrifying. It only occurred twice a year, and this was the first time. I had never experienced it before, but I had heard the stories—the horror it brought to werewolves. Once the dark blue moon came into full view, any werewolf caught outside would lose their wolf. Their wolf would be stripped from them, leaving them vulnerable, human, and powerless. And it was happening now. Panic erupted like wildfire. Screams filled the air as the students around me scattered, running toward the woods, toward shelter—anywhere to escape the moon's deadly pull. “Oh my god! It’s happening!” someone shrieked, their voice high with fear. People shoved past each other, desperately trying to hide, but there was nowhere to go. The forest was too open. We were too exposed. “Get out of here! Find cover!” an Alpha’s voice boomed over the chaos, but it did little to calm anyone down. I stood frozen, my heart hammering in my chest. I could feel Syl inside me, howling in fear, her presence shrinking as the darkness crept across the sky. I had never been out during a dark blue moon. I didn’t know what it felt like to lose your wolf, but I was about to find out. “We need to move,” Callan said urgently, grabbing my hand. His eyes were wide, his face pale but determined. “Now!” I nodded, my body shaking as he pulled me with him, weaving through the panicked crowd. Fear clawed at my throat, making it hard to breathe, and my legs felt like jelly beneath me. The triplets; Axel, Ryder, and Kade were already barking orders at the crowd, their voices harsh and commanding. “Everyone calm the hell down!” Axel shouted, his eyes glowing with the remnants of his wolf as he tried to maintain order. “We need to get everyone inside!” Ryder yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos. “You, over there! Move!” He pointed toward a group of students who were huddled together, paralyzed with fear. Kade was shouting at some lower-ranking wolves, his face twisted with frustration as they ignored him, pushing and shoving in their own panic. But it was useless. The fear had gripped too many. Wolves from different packs started to turn on each other, snapping and growling, the desperation in the air thick and suffocating. “This is our territory!” one Alpha from another pack snarled, stepping forward. “You don’t give orders here, Darkmoon Alphas!” Axel’s eyes flashed dangerously as he squared up to the Alpha. “You wanna challenge me? Do it after the moon passes!” His voice was ice-cold, filled with menace, but the other Alpha didn’t back down. The tension in the air thickened, heavy with the threat of violence. Ryder and Kade flanked Axel, their expressions dark, ready for a fight. I could feel the raw power radiating off them, but even they knew they had to retreat. The moon was nearly out, and they would be just as vulnerable as the rest of us soon. Callan yanked me harder, pulling me away from the escalating situation. “Rina, we have to go! We can’t stay here!” I stumbled after him, my breath coming in short, terrified gasps. I didn’t want to look back, but I couldn’t help it. My eyes flicked to Axel just as the dark blue moon fully revealed itself in the sky, putting a fright-gripping glow over the forest. Axel’s face twisted into something fierce, his eyes wild with frustration as he looked at the sky. “Run!” he growled to his brothers, and they bolted without hesitation, seeking refuge from the moon’s deadly grip. My heart raced as Callan pulled me along, the ground beneath us uneven as we sprinted through the forest. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest, but fear pushed me forward. I had to keep going. I couldn’t lose Syl. I couldn’t lose my wolf. ‘I’ve never—’ my hands were shaking as I signed, trying to keep up with Callan. ‘—been out during a dark blue moon.’ “Just keep running,” Callan urged, his voice strained but steady. He glanced over his shoulder at me, his face tense with worry. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Rina. I promise.” But as the cold light of the dark blue moon crept over us, I could feel Syl fading. The connection between us was weakening, slipping away like sand through my fingers. My breath hitched, and a wave of dread washed over me. We weren’t going to make it.
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