15: Beneath The Dark Blue Moon (II)

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~Rina~ I bolted through the trees with Callan by my side, the sharp chill of fear gripping my chest. Each step felt heavier, like I was running in quicksand, but not because of the terrain. It was the sky—the sun fading into that unnatural dark blue, a color that turned every werewolf’s blood cold. We couldn't escape it. Not here. Not on the mountain with nowhere to hide. "Rina, come on!" Callan urged, pulling me along. I could hear the panic in his voice, but it sounded so far away, muffled by the storm of voices now swirling inside my head. I stopped. The voices were louder now, clear as if they were my own thoughts, telling me I could stop this. My heartbeat quickened, my feet felt glued to the ground, and Callan’s hand slipped from mine. "Rina!" He called again, his eyes widening in fear as I shook my head at him. He didn’t understand. No one did. I lifted my hands, signing for him to go. Run. But I couldn’t move. Something was pulling me back. I turned, and that’s when I saw them—my mates. Axel, Ryder, and Kade stood a short distance away, their usual confidence gone, replaced with something I’d never seen in them before—uncertainty. They were the most powerful, the most feared Alphas in the university, and yet, in this moment, they looked… confused. Their piercing eyes locked on me as if trying to figure out what I was doing, why I wasn’t running with everyone else. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Ryder’s voice cut through the air, sharp and full of anger, but beneath it, there was fear. Axel stormed toward me, his jaw set in frustration. His hand gripped my arm tightly, pulling me, but there was no cruelty this time. “You can’t stay here,” he growled, trying to drag me along. “We need to go!” I shook my head, wrenching my arm free. They didn’t understand. I wasn’t staying because I was reckless. The voices—the pull—I could feel it in my bones, in my soul. There was something more, something bigger than all of us. Axel’s brows furrowed, a flash of concern crossing his face. Concern, from him? Impossible. Yet, there it was. "Are you insane?" Kade’s voice came from behind, tense and laced with disbelief. He and Ryder had caught up, their expressions matching Axel’s—an odd blend of anger and confusion. My breath caught in my throat, and then it happened. The scream tore from inside me, it was loud enough to split the sky. It was deafening. It felt like the earth beneath me trembled. The wind whipped around violently, shaking the trees as though nature itself was bending to my will. My heart raced, and I could feel something ancient coursing through me, as though I had touched the essence of the moon itself. Syl surged within me, powerful and unafraid. For the first time, I didn’t feel fragile. I felt connected—connected to something far greater than just my wolf. The Dark Blue Moon stopped in its tracks. Time seemed to freeze, the blue light fading slowly, and then, as if by some divine intervention, the sun broke through. Its rays poured down like a lifeline, warm and bright, pushing the darkness away. Everything went silent. Slowly, students began to emerge from their hiding places, their faces filled with awe and disbelief. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. The Dark Blue Moon usually lingered for hours, trapping us in its grip, stealing wolves away. But now… it was gone. The field buzzed with confusion. Murmurs of disbelief flew through the crowd as they stared at the sky in wonder. No one understood what had just happened. It was as though the darkness had never existed. But the triplets… they knew. Axel, Ryder, and Kade were still staring at me, their expressions no longer angry or confused. They were shocked—utterly speechless. Their eyes were wide, their faces pale, as if they had just witnessed something they couldn’t explain. Axel’s grip on my arm had loosened, and he just stared at me, his mouth slightly parted as if trying to find words but failing. “What… what did you do?” Kade finally managed to ask, his voice was shaky and completely uncertain. I had no answer. I didn’t even know what had happened. I could feel their gazes piercing through me, searching for an explanation, but I was as lost as they were. My body trembled, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Syl was calm now, more at ease than I’d ever felt her. She knew something I didn’t, but I wasn’t ready to understand it yet. Axel’s eyes, usually so cold and calculating, flickered with something else—something I couldn’t place. Fear? Concern? Maybe both. No one else had seen what I had done. No one except them. The triplet Alphas of Darkmoon—my second chance mates. And they didn’t understand it any more than I did. I took a step back, my legs trembling beneath me as I tried to comprehend the moment. What had I done? How had I stopped the moon? I looked at Axel, Ryder, and Kade one last time, their faces still filled with disbelief. None of us spoke, but the silence between us was louder than any words could have been. Because in that moment, we all knew. Everything had just changed.
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