Chapter Five - Giving in and making out

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Nate’s P.O.V I had finally got rid of Sarah. She was so clingy and annoying. It’s like Jeeze it was only s*x, she was acting like she was my girlfriend…never gonna happen. I don’t do dating or relationships. A guy as good looking as me was not put on this earth to be tied down to one person. I was put here to screw around and pleasure woman just for one night, maybe two if they were lucky. Anyway back to it, my mother was in bed since it was already after one a.m after all. I was nowhere near ready to sleep. Back at the old place, we used to live before we moved to this shitty, boring place I would sneak out and meet my friends. We would sneak into bars and clubs with fake ID’S, get drunk and hook up with an older woman but here there was nothing like that to do. I knew no one. I decided there was only one thing for it. I grabbed a joint I had hidden in my room and a few beers from the fridge and headed out the backdoor. I slipped my trainers off, sitting at the edge of the pool…feet in the water and sparked up my joint. I sighed at the relief of it running through my body. I have not managed to sneak one at all today. As I relaxed the light went on in Taylor backdoor and I heard noises, making me smirk. I was hoping it was her and she was alone. That was another reason I entertained Sarah, to try to make Taylor jealous. Even though Taylor would never admit it I knew it worked. It was written all over her face. I grabbed my beers, putting my joint out, heading over and taking a small peek over the fence and right enough there she was…alone. She was sitting on a hammock in her PJs which consisted of shorts, a tank and fluffy slippers. A book in her hand, using the spotlight of the backdoor to see. How much are you betting it’s one of her shitty love stories again? I jumped the fence, making my way over to her, standing right in front of the light so she couldn’t see her book any longer. She jumped slightly before looking up and when she saw it was me she rolled her eyes, groaning in annoyance, making me chuckle. “Go away.” She whimpered at me.  I decided that was not gonna happen. I lifted her legs, sitting down next to her on the hammock, placing her legs over my lap. She looked at me, raising her brow, “Beer? Smoke? s*x?” I asked smirking. “Nope! Don’t drink or smoke. I sure as heck don’t wanna have s*x with you.” She said disgustedly at the thought I would even ask her that.  “Oh well then. You always this boring?” I asked taking a drink of my beer.  She glared at me. If looks could kill I would be a dead man right now for sure. “Just 'cause I don’t drink or smoke weed or want to have s*x with you Nate it doesn’t make me boring. It makes me sensible. Why are you even here Nate?” she groaned, going to remove her legs from my lap but I stopped her.  I decided I would try another approach…being nice. The thought of it even made me cringe but I will give it a go. “Taylor I am sorry. Don’t go, hang out with me for a bit please?” I asked giving her my best puppy dog eyes. She looked at me, studying me for a moment,  “Fine! You annoy me once more I am leaving.” She huffed, making me chuckle a little. “OK, that’s fair,” I replied smiling A silence fell between us as I drank my beer and she got back to her book. It was quite a comfortable silence, not awkward like I thought it would be. I turned around, watching her for a moment. She really was beautiful though. If I did the full relationship/dating thing I would go for a girl like her because I could tell she could be trusted and would stay loyal. Though that stupid purity ring would be long gone if she was mine. As for her being mine, she will be eventually, just in a different way. “Taylor, did I really steal your first kiss?” I asked, my fingertips tracing her bare legs “Yes.” Was all she said without even looking at me but I could still see her face was turning red. “I’m sorry,” I said, trying not to smirk “Yes, Nate you seem very sorry about that.” She giggled, rolling her eyes at me. “Yes, I really am not that sorry about it be honest with you.” I shrugged, no point in lying to her cause she would see straight through it. She reached in, slapping my arm playfully, “Shut up!” she giggled “Make me?” I pushed, smirking. She never said anything, just stuck her tongue out at me instead, “I will bite that any more of your cheek,” I said, raising my brow at her “Try that and I will kick you where it hurts Nathan.” She smirked, using my full name which annoyed me, to be honest.  “You wouldn’t?” I chuckled “Try me.” she giggled I laughed, shaking my head at her before another silence fell between us. This one was different though. We were staring at each other intensely. Her eyes kept falling on my lips. I knew exactly what she wanted. I decided if she wanted me to kiss her again she would need to ask for it. She went to say something but stopped herself, shaking her head and turning away from me. “Taylor if you want me to kiss you, you need to ask me too. You want that again you need to be the one to make the move this time.” I said trying to hide my smirk.  She groaned in annoyance, jumping to her feet and turning to face me,  “I don’t wanna blooming kiss you, Nate! Jeeze! You really are full of yourself. Can you not act like a decent human being for five blooming minutes?” she whined. Oh, I had made her mad again. I like when I do that cause I find it very sexy. I never said a word to her though. I looked up at her, giving her my best smile, making her sigh and go to walk away but before she could I grabbed her. I pulled her straight onto my lap and she was now straddling my hips. My hands were firmly placed on her hips. “What the heck are you doing?” she tried to complain but instead it came out barely in a whisper. She was becoming weak around me again. I slid my hand under her top, stroking the skin on her lower back. She closed her eyes over, swallowing hard and I smirked. Before she had the chance to open her eyes I reached up, placing my lips over hers, making her whimper. Unlike earlier she never hesitated for a single moment before she kissed me back. Her arms snaked around my neck as my grip tightened on her hips. The kiss started getting a little more passionate. I tugged on her bottom lip, making her groan and part her lips and I used this to my advantage. I slid my tongue inside and soon enough so did she. I found myself groan into her lips. It got heated within moments and we were soon in a make out session. Her hands had found their way under my tee, her fingertips tracing my stomach and chest, making my full body shiver. What the f**k? She was not meant to be having this effect on me. I was meant to be the one having it on her. It lasted for another few minutes before she abruptly pulled away from, jumping to her feet. “Oh my God, I should not have done. Leave me alone Nate.” She growled at me before rushing inside, leaving me sitting there not knowing what to do. I was not expecting her to run away from me like that. s**t! I need to up my game. I pulled myself together, shrugging it off before heading back home. She will give into me eventually, they always do. 
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