Chapter 8 - The Luke Effect

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It was a busy day as usual in the office, and I am so thankful for it because I won't have to think about my nightmare. I busied myself with emails and articles for editing. I was engrossed with my work when someone knocked on my door. I called whoever is at the door to come in and waited for them to enter. I was shocked when a delivery guy came in with a big bouquet, and when I say big, I mean huge. There are dozens of red roses in that bouquet. " Good morning, mam. Where do you want me to put this?" The guy with the bouquet asks. I cleared my table and pointed to the guy where I want it. I thanked him and took the card on top of the flower. Have a beautiful day. I know I'll have one just thinking of you. Can I take you to lunch later? My face hurts from smiling so hard. Luke is the true definition of a fast worker and sweet talker. But, I won't deny that it did make my day a little bit brighter and beautiful. Suddenly, my door opened, and Nat strolled in with her eyes on the flowers. She snatched the card from my hand and read it. She then looked at me with teasing eyes. " Mr. Lover boy is fast. So he's not taking you out of his sight and staked a claim. This situation is such a good opportunity for you, babe, grab it and use every power you have to get that interview. I'm positive once you tell Luke about it, he will help you." She said and sat on the chair. " I don't know Nat, it doesn't feel right, and I might hurt him. We all know he is a very private person. No one has succeeded in getting an interview from him at his house. This guy is one secretive person." I told her and sat on my chair with a sigh. I honestly don't want to step on his boundaries, especially when there's a contract involved. I could get into trouble or, worse, lose my job. Luke is a good man. He does not deserve to be used or lied to. " Babe, God made everything easy for you. You landed on Luke's arms that day for a reason. So God is saying go and make that dream come true! We'll cross the bridge when we get there, okay? In the meantime, are you going to accept his invitation for lunch?" Nat convinced me, although I am a bit skeptical, she has a point. " Maybe not. I need time to think, Nat. If I go out with him again, he might think I am eagerly waiting for him. I need to set some boundaries. If he wants me, then he should wait when I am ready." I replied and grabbed my phone. I started texting Luke, telling him I can't go to lunch with him. I made up a story about being busy and had a deadline to meet. He replied after a few minutes and said he is disappointed but understands. I told him I'd take a rain check and said sorry again. I put back my phone and looked at Nat, who is eyeing me like a hawk. " You wasted an excellent opportunity to be closer to Luke. It was your chance to learn more about him more discreetly. It is quite obvious that he's got the hots for you, Stacy. So what's stopping you.?" She asked curiously. " Nothing, Nat. I just thought it's too early to jump on the opportunity. But I have a feeling Luke won't let it go. He's the type that doesn't take no for an answer. We will see Nat. The ball is on his field. What he will do next remains to be seen." I told her and continued with my work. She shook her head and stood up. " Don't say I didn't warn you, babe. You might regret saying no to Luke Davies." She said, then went out of my door. If only she knows. If I say yes to Luke Davies, I will be saying no to my ambition. I will gain one and lose one, and I am f****d. I picked one rose and smelled its intoxicating smell. Aah, Luke, what am I going to do with you. I spent the whole day arranging my office, answering all my emails, and read and reread my articles. I did anything that will distract me from thinking of my past and my present. Then, when the clock strikes five, my two best friends showed up with their bags. " Ready to go, Stace?" Becky asked, and I nodded. I snatched my bag and turned off everything. Then we went to the elevator. " So, do you have any plans tonight?" I asked them both. " Matt and I are going out for dinner," Nat answered. She turned to Becky and raised her brows. " What about you, Becks?" " Jack's waiting for me at home. It's movie night tonight." She answered and grinned. " You lucky bitches. I am going home alone and watch a movie alone, yeah love my life!" I rolled my eyes at both of them and shook my head. When the elevator door opened, we all exited, laughing. We parted ways at the parking lot and kissed before getting into our cars. I waved and honked my horn before driving off. My phone rang when I was at a stoplight, so I touched the answer button. Luke's voice echoed inside my car. " Stacy? Are you there?" He asked. " Yeah, I'm here. Hey, what's up?" I asked back. " Are you still at the office?" He asked again. " No. I am actually on my way home. Why?" I answered. " Oh, okay. Well, drive safely, babe. I was checking if you're still at the office." He replied. " Oookay? Thanks." I answered curiously. " Bye, see you."  He said and cut the call. " Bye," I whispered. I was puzzled by Luke's last remark. See you? Why see you? This guy is playing mind tricks with me. I parked outside my apartment and went down my car. I will order a Chinese take-out tonight and curl in my bed with a good book. Just thinking about it made me excited. As soon as I got in, I dialed the number of my favorite Chinese restaurant and placed my orders. Then I went to my room, grabbed my towel, and went to my bathroom to take a shower. I just stepped out of the shower and was putting on my robe when the doorbell rang. That was fast! I said to myself and went to the door and opened it. I was shocked to see Luke standing there with food boxes in his arms. He was smiling at me, but when his eyes traveled down my body, his face changed. Oh s**t!
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