Episode 8

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Chhavi’s POV On the day of marriage, obviously it was my birthday as well, and dad came to my room early in the morning and hugged me saying happy birthday and gifted me a beautiful dress along with the golden chain and golden bangles and kissed on my forehead and said, “always be happy,” and promised that he will cut the cake in the evening and went away from there. Many rituals were performed in this house, but I was not the part of any ritual, I don’t know why, but I was not even the part of Henna ceremony, they all were applying Henna, but I want to be with dad, he pushed me to apply the Henna to my hands, but I rejected it politely saying that I am not the bride and he needs me the most than that Henna and he smiled looking at me. On the day of marriage, Sarah told me that she wants to buy the cake for me and I have to wear her clothes till she returns, and it blew away my mind, but she requested me saying that she wants to celebrate my birthday and this is the first time she wants to do something for me and I also wanted the same for many years and I agreed to her proposal and wore her dress, but I don’t know why I am feeling nervous. What if she becomes late? My dad’s reputation will be at stake. I am not understanding why I agreed to it. I asked her to return on time and she gave me one slip and said, “if anyone gets the doubt then I have to hand it over to them,” and went away from there leaving me alone in the room with a veil on my face. Now, I am sitting in the pavilion and the priest is chanting mantras and my gaze is fixed at the entrance. It’s time to take rounds around the holy fire and till now Sarah has not shown up and I can’t proceed more than this. I can’t cheat my dad anymore. He has faith in me and I can’t break his faith in me.  I looked at dad and he was looking nervous. I know why he is nervous, as I was in the veil he thought I am Sarah and asked about me and I nodded my head as no and from that he might be searching for me. The priest asked us to stand and I stood up and ran towards my dad and hugged him tightly and he muttered, “Chhavi” and I started crying. The groom came and stood behind me and asked, “what is happening here?” I broke the hug and handed the slip to Vikram and went and stood behind my dad holding him tightly and said, “sorry,” and he asked, “do you know what is written in it?” and I nodded my head as yes and said, “sorry.” “Did Sarah tell you that she has written sorry in it?” he asked and I nodded my head as yes and he showed the slip to my dad and asked something, which I didn’t understand and he held my wrist and dragged me towards the pavilion and looked at the priest and he started chanting mantras again and he started taking rounds around the holy fire and when I protested, he didn’t even listen to me, but when I was about to fall on the holy fire, he held me tightly by my waist and looked at me for some time and took me in a bridal style and started taking rounds. I did not understand how to stop him and I looked at my dad and he had tears in his eyes. I cupped his face with my hands and said, “I am not princess, I am an orphan, I can’t become queen,” but he didn’t look at me, but he said, “show me your hands,” and when I showed him my hands, he asked, “why didn’t you apply henna?” and I said I was busy with the arrangements. Vikram’s POV     I was checking the preparations of the function hall and I wanted to confirm about the seating arrangements, so, I called Mr. Rajput, but the girl lifted the call and said, “her dad is sleeping,” and disconnected the call. This is the first time that somebody disconnected the call without listening to me, obviously after my greatest mother.     I called Nihal and asked him to take care of everything personally and went to my bungalow, as I have some urgent work to take care of before the marriage.     I reached the function hall and reached the pavilion and was about to climb the pavilion, Nihal came and said, “mom wants to watch the marriage live through the camera,” and I declined it saying I am not in a mood to be in a camera and he understood why I said that, he smiled and said, “actually, the camera is not working properly,” and went away from there.     I don’t understand, who wants to show their suicide on the camera, live? Obviously, I am going to commit suicide by marrying the girl who is in relationship with another guy.     I was sitting there and the priest was chanting mantras and I was just doing what the priest was asking me to do and after some time the bride came and took the seat beside me, but her eyes were fixed at the entrance. I think her boyfriend is going to come and stop this marriage.     I am also looking at the entrance with a hope that he comes and stops the marriage, but to my utter dismay nothing of such sort has happened, and the priest has asked to stand and take the rounds around the holy fire. As soon as I stood up, she ran towards her father and hugged him tightly and started crying and I looked at her confused and thought, “maybe she will request her father to stop this marriage,” and I went and stood behind her and asked, “what is happening here?” and she handed me a slip and ran behind her father and said, “sorry.” I opened the slip and read the message and asked, “do you know what is written in it?” and she nodded her head as yes and said sorry and I asked did Sarah tell you that and she said yes. I showed the slip to Mr. Rajput, and asked, “do you really think I am impotent?” and he looked at the slip shocked. She has written that, “I can’t marry an impotent person and spend my life like a barren, so I am running away. If you want you can play with my toy, as I played with her for the past 10 years, she will never question you about anything, she can’t even seduce you, as she is very boring, and you can put the blame on her easily. Now f**k off from my life.” Mr. Rajput lowered his head and stood there like a mannequin and I held the girl’s wrist. I don’t even know her name and I am going to get married to her, what an unlucky guy I am. I took her to the pavilion and looked at the priest and he started chanting again and I started taking rounds holding her wrist, but she started protesting and was about to fall, when I held her tightly and took her in a bridal style and started taking rounds. She cupped my face and said something, but my concentration was on something else. I asked her to show her hands and she showed her hands and she has not applied Henna on her hands. I am feeling ashamed of myself, I promised myself that I will take care of her, but see I am getting married to her, but she has not applied Henna to her hands. As soon as the rounds were completed, the priest asked us to take the seats and I turned towards Nihal and asked for a knife and the girl looked at me shocked, it was obvious that she might be thinking that I will harm her. I took the knife and cut my finger and with that blood I made her hands red. I first put my blood on her fingertips and then put a dot design on her palm. When I finished my work, Nihal came running and put some medicine and applied a bandage. The priest asked me to fill her hair partition with vermilion and I happily did that as I was waiting for this moment since I met her, but she is not happy, I can feel that. She was looking at her hands and I did not understand what she was thinking. After we were declared a couple, she again ran towards her father and hugged him and started crying and was saying sorry to him. I went and stood in front of Mr. Rajput, and said, “I promise I will never hurt her. I will always take care of her like you did,” and he smiled looking at me and took the girl’s hand in his and gave it to me and said, “I know you never broke the promise and I am happy that she got married to you.” I asked, “what is her name?” and Mr. Rajput smiled and said, “she is Chhavi Rajput, I mean Chhavi Sehgal now,” and I turned towards her and asked, “Chhavi Sehgal, would you be my partner for this life?” and she looked at me shocked and turned towards her father and he assured her with a smile and she turned towards me and said, “yes, but I will talk to dad daily.” I was not able to control my laughter and started laughing loudly and her lips curved into a pout. She was looking so beautiful in that pout, and I don’t think I can control myself for a long time, but I have to because she is still young and needs to complete her studies. Mr. Rajput smiled looking at both of us and said, “I always believed that marriages are made in heaven, God has chosen you both as a couple, so, it happened like this,” and held Chhavi’s hand and said, “I am only one call away,” and she smiled and side hugged him. We came out of the function hall and Mr. Rajput was holding her hand till we reached the car. He made her sit in the car and said, “Chhavi, you know we are a Royal family and I have taught you everything, and hope you will never disappoint me,” and she smiled and nodded her head as yes. He smiled and moved back and the driver ignited the engine and she waved bye to her father happily. Our journey was calm for some time. I turned towards her and asked, “aren’t you afraid of me?” and she just smiled and said, “I am afraid of you, but if it was written in my destiny, no one can stop it. I know you married me to take revenge, and I am habituated to take punishments on her behalf.” I thought for some time and came near her and took her hand in mine and kissed her knuckles and she didn’t even protest. I moved closer to her and put my left hand on her right shoulder and she lowered her head. I am happy and I don’t want our relationship to break at any cost. I will not allow any misunderstandings between us.
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