Episode 7

1434 Words
Chhavi’s POV In the morning, I was not able to move my hands as they were paining like hell and I slowly got off the bed and walked towards the washroom, but the pain is preventing me from doing anything, suddenly I heard Survi calling me from behind and I turned towards her and hugged her tightly and started crying my heart out. After some time, I broke the hug and said sorry to her and she smiled and said, “i brought something for you,” and put some medicine and covered the hands with the plastic cover and said, “I will be waiting for you here only, don’t lock the door, I won’t allow anybody to come in,” and stood there and I walked into the washroom and did my morning chores and removed the cover and threw into the dustbin and came looked at her with a smile. She came near me and touched my forehead and said, “I think you still have a fever, why don’t you take rest for today, I will go and check with your sister Sarah.” I smiled and sat on the bed, but Sarah came and stood near my door and said, “I want pasta, that too spicy one,” and went away from there without listening to anybody. I looked at Survi and she assured me that she would make it for me, but I was afraid that she would scold her, so I walked towards the kitchen without any protection to my hands and as soon as I touched the spices with my hand, it felt like hell. I came on my knees and started crying and all the maids looked at me shocked and Survi came running to me and washed my hands and applied soothing cream and made the pasta and took it to Sarah’s room. After some time Sarah came downstairs and asked, “are you trying to avoid my orders? Don’t you remember who you are? How can you ask another maid to cook for me?” I tried to say something, but she was so angry that she didn’t even care to listen to me, she just said, “I am worthless, I can’t even cook for her and I am a burden on her dad,” and slammed the door and went away from there. I cried remembering her words and slept as I was not feeling well. The next day, I covered my hands and did the cooking for her and when I went to her room to serve the food, she asked me to wash her clothes and I washed her clothes and cleaned her room. She looked at me and asked, “when was the last time you went into the garden?” and I looked at her confused and she showed me the vase kept on the table and said, “see the flowers have withered long ago, but you didn’t care to change them as well.” We have a beautiful garden and I always bring the flowers from our garden and decorate the vases, but yesterday I was not able to go towards the garden. I walked towards the garden and smiled looking at the beautiful roses. I took the scissors to cut the flower, but my hand was not supporting me with the scissors, so I thought of plucking the flower with my hand. Survi came to me and asked, “hey beautiful girl, do you want any help,” and I declined her help politely and held the flower to pluck it, but suddenly the thorn pierced into my finger and when I was about to protect my hand Sarah called me from behind and I don’t know how it happened, but I held the stem with my hand and its thorns pierced into my hand and blood started to flow from my hand. I cried in pain and Survi looked at me shocked and held my hand and helped me. Sarah came near me and said, “you can’t do any work properly,” and went away from there. “Is she even a human, can’t she see your pain?” asked Survi, fuming in rage, looking at my bloodied hand and took me inside and cleaned the hand and applied cream to it and went away from there. In the evening dad came to my room and sat beside me and took my hand in his and said, “sorry for being rude on that day, I don’t know why, but I was angry as king Mahesh has asked for Sarah’s hand, and you know he killed her previous queens and now he is looking for another girl to get married and he thinks I will give him my daughter.” I just rested my head on his shoulder and he asked, “I know you didn’t commit that mistake, but I don’t understand why you accept punishments on her behalf?” “She is my elder sister and she has done many favors for me,” I said and he raised my head from his shoulder and looked at me for some time and asked, “what favors did she do for you?” I thought for some time, but I don’t remember any, so I said, “I don’t remember, but she said that she has done so many favors on me,” and he hit me on my forehead and said, “you are my daughter Chhavi, you have the same rights on this house as her, and no one has done any favors on you, you have done a favor on me by coming into my life like an angel.” “I love you dad,” I said and hugged him tightly and he said that he has called the doctor to treat my hands and he will be here any time and walked out of the room. After one week of that incident, Sarah again called me and said that she has broken dad’s favorite vase worth lakhs, but I didn’t had the courage to take the punishment on her behalf as I already suffered a lot and the doctor had strictly instructed me to take care of my hands, otherwise, I would need to rest them for a long time. I declined to take punishment, but she told me that tomorrow one king is coming to meet her and what he will think looking at her injured hands and what he will think when he comes to know that she broke the vase and I had to agree to take the punishment, but luckily dad gave me only one blow and went away from there angrily and Sarah came near me asked to cook pasta for her and I don’t understand why she likes pasta that much when we have so many good things to eat. The other day when I was in the garden, somebody cleared their throat and when I turned and saw one man standing right behind me, I guessed him as the king and tried to run away from there, but he held my hand. He was so handsome with his black eyes with a chiseled jawline and he looked breathtaking and I can’t look at him more as he is my sister’s fiancé, but he was saying something, which I was not able to listen properly as I was capturing his beauty in my mind. After some time, he suddenly left my hands and I escaped from there without looking back at least for once. Dad became so busy with the preparations and I had to take some of his responsibilities as he was looking like a zombie and I was running here and there completing the pending works, and suddenly somebody called on dad’s number and as the mobile was with me I lifted the call. “Mr. Rajput,” said the voice and my heartbeat skipped a bit, listening to his voice. “Dad is sleeping,” I said in one go and disconnected the call and gave the mobile to Survi and started to complete the remaining work, but I don’t know why I captured his face in my mind. It is disturbing me a lot nowadays.
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