Chapter 13: Unsure

1413 Words

One kiss turned into a stream of kisses, each one deeper than the last. His tongue embraced mine and he had a tight hold around my waist. Lust took over... This wasn’t supposed to happen but it felt so good. I was on top of him and I did it all on my own. I could feel his erection pressing against my core.  I had to break myself away from him. When I got off of him I panted. “Yue.” I wiped my mouth and walked to the door before responding to him. “What?” He shook his head and let me go. He wore no expression on his face so I couldn’t tell if I hurt him by stopping so suddenly. I went to my room to calm down. I felt dizzy and I was still horny. I told myself I wouldn’t do that again. I’m not here for Kaspen even if a part of me wanted me to be. After I calmed down I went to the Lobby.

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