The dangers of reading

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Surgery room at Gold Moon Pack Hospital Present Ivania's POV Alessandro approached the bed, his cellphone still ringing, but his attention was fixed on me. I trembled. I was sure he had discovered my secret and was about to confront me. "Cindy, by the Goddess, I was so worried about you," he said as he leaned in, his feline gaze of green eyes locking onto mine. "You risked your life and saved mine on your first day of work. I have no words to express my gratitude and the huge debt I owe you, so whatever you need, no matter how big, don't hesitate to ask." I sighed with relief, realizing my secret was still safe. "I just did my duty, Alpha. You owe me nothing." "Of course you do, Cindy. I owe you my life, and according to pack laws, I have a great debt to you." I swallowed. It wasn't fair that Alessandro was being so cordial and generous with me, his escort, a woman he barely knew, when he had been a complete rogue with his mate. Now I hated him more than ever. His cellphone continued to ring incessantly. It must have been an urgent call, but he still didn't answer it, focused solely on me and wanting to know how I was doing. He didn't answer the call until I assured him I was fine, that my wound didn't even hurt, and I was just waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. "I'm glad to hear that, Cindy. And please, just think about it and tell me what you want in return for your sacrifice." I smiled politely and watched as he brought the cellphone to his ear. From his disheveled appearance, I deduced he had stayed overnight after the operation, keeping vigil in my room, watching over me. It really wasn't fair! Why did he do that? He didn't have to! His version of the Gamma escort mattered to him, he cared about her, was even willing to stay in the room and not sleep. But when I was the orphan omega without a wolf, he couldn't be bothered to be a perfect i***t, despite knowing I was his mate. You deserve hell for this, Alessandro, for being like this! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! "... I'm sorry, love, I've been at the hospital all this time, and Cindy just woke up," I heard Alessandro say into the phone. "Yes, yes, I'll send your regards, of course. Well, love. See you tonight, at your parents'. A kiss. I love you. Goodbye." It was Alessandro's fiancée. It couldn't be anyone else but her. My heart fractured again, and against that pain, no lycan she-wolf was worth it. How I hate you, Alessandro Falinni. You truly have no idea how much I detest you! Harmony's Blog Present Gala, dear readers. That's the word echoing through all the packs of the realm right now. Gala. The Gala that will be hosted tonight by the parents of the beautiful Stephanie Astor, the only daughter and heiress of the Alpha couple of Luna Valley Pack, to formalize the engagement she has with the handsome Alpha of Gold Moon Pack, Alessandro Falinni. Do you remember I already talked about the engagement and how the couple refused to discuss it until this blogger made it public? (Link) Do you also remember the scandal caused by the rumor that the handsome Alessandro Falinni was going to engage with an omega? (Link) I don't forget, my dear readers. That's my job, for you, my beloved readers. Returning to the gala, the event will take place at Luna Valley Pack's house, the eccentric mansion that competes in luxury and sumptuousness with the lycan king's palace, to whom I sent my regards through this medium, as well as to his agents, whom I caught - once again - snooping around false leads. Sorry, guys, but you won't catch this blogger. And speaking of the blog, I want to take this opportunity to respond to all my followers who have suggested turning this medium into a vlog, to reiterate that my privacy comes first, preventing me from resorting to a video format. However, as some of you have also suggested, using AI to create video and voice avatars is an option I'm considering. I'll keep you informed of my decision. And, of course, I'll be at Luna Valley Pack's gala tonight. Expect all the exclusives and news from this amazing event tomorrow. Until then. Ciao, ciao. A little message to: Luna Marie, of Star Hills Pack, my heartfelt congratulations on the pup you're expecting. Oh? You didn't know, Alpha Spencer, that your wife is pregnant? Perhaps because you've been traveling for four months, but your Luna is only three months along? Surgery room at Gold Moon Pack Hospital Present Ivania's POV Alessandro bid farewell after conveying the regards from his fiancée, who also wished me a speedy recovery. "Valery said she'd come by soon," he said, as if afraid I might feel uncomfortable being left alone, when that was exactly what I wanted. "I hope you recover well, Cindy. I'll be awaiting your response." I nodded and hypocritically thanked him and his fiancée for their attentions, whom I hoped to meet soon. Alessandro left the room, and I picked up my cellphone from the nightstand where it had just buzzed with a new notification. It was an update on Harmony's blog. I read it. It talked about what I had managed to hear. And about me too? Had Harmony mentioned me? Was I the omega in the rumor? That blogger could be dangerous. I understood why even the lycan king wanted to reveal her identity and had her followed. I followed the link she provided to the article about the omega who almost got engaged to Alessandro, one that, at the time it was written, I had overlooked because I wasn't following her yet. Harmony's Blog 5 years before present events Omega, dear readers. That's the word circulating through the halls of Gold Moon Pack's house today. Omega. An Omega is about to get engaged to the heir of the most prestigious and wealthy pack in our realm, which has, of course, left everyone in the Falinni family with their hair standing on end. Because, dear readers, this blogger has learned that the said omega is none other than a recent graduate from the orphanage of that pack. Yes, you read that right. The omega is an orphan! Can you imagine the scandal this has caused in the prestigious Falinni family? Their only son and heir is about to get engaged to an omega! Get ready, subjects of Gold Moon Pack, because in a few months, you might have an Omega Luna. ... and orphaned. Can you believe it? I don't know what went through young Falinni's mind - who, by the way, for those who don't know, is quite a hunk - whether it was his heart or his pants, to think of engaging with an omega. But I assure you, dear readers, I will keep you updated on this news and whether this scandalous union will come to fruition or not. A little message to: Luna Chloe´s Beta, of Moon River Pack. This blogger saw you very enthusiastic at Alpha Dracos's funeral, perhaps a bit more than should be appropriate in such a solemn rite. What had you so happy, Beta? Did you have plans to occupy the Luna's bed that night, now that your Alpha rests in a not-so-comfortable place several feet underground? Surgery room at Gold Moon Pack Hospital Present Ivania's POV How could I have missed that? It was me they were talking about, I was that orphan omega who scandalized Alessandro's family so much, and surely the entire Gold Moon Pack too. Was it because of that blog post that my engagement fell through? That didn't absolve Alessandro or his family of what happened, but it implicated Harmony, the mysterious blogger whose identity no one knew, a condition she was determined to change.
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