A she-wolf sheltered

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Surgery room at Gold Moon Pack Hospital Present Alessandro's POV "I don't know what's happening, Alpha, but we'll have to fully anesthetize her," said the doctor who was about to operate on Cindy. "It may be that, due to the trauma, her wolf is not present, I don't know. It's as if this girl doesn't have a wolf." The mention of a girl without a wolf struck me. I had met a young woman like that before. She was an omega, an orphan, a girl I met at the farewell party for the orphanage's graduating class of the pack. It was five years ago. A girl who had been present in my memory since the night we first met, never missing a day in my memories. 'Ivania,' I thought. Just the mention of her name was enough to awaken Hades, my wolf. He and I had been waiting for her since that fateful day when, convinced I was doing the right thing by obeying my parents, I rejected her, even knowing she was my mate. "Alpha?" the doctor asked, seeing me distracted. I looked him in the eyes. "Do you authorize us to administer local anesthesia?" It was like returning from a sudden journey. "Yes, yes, of course. It's possible her wolf has also fallen unconscious. It's not very common, but I've heard it happens," I suggested. "It's better to anesthetize her." The doctor nodded and immediately called the anesthesiologist. Twenty minutes later, the doctor was making the incision to remove the bullet fragment from Cindy's body. Gold Moon Pack Hospital Room 247 Present Ivania's POV The anesthesiologist must have injected an extra milliliter of anesthesia because I woke up dizzy and disoriented. My eyes slowly scanned the room, still heavy. It was still daytime, but the afternoon was waning, and an orange glow filtered through the wide window beside my bed. I was in a luxurious room, in a private suite, with its own bathroom and even a couch for visitors, where Alessandro was currently sitting. My heart skipped a beat. I strained my pupils to open a little wider and realized why Alessandro was so still. He was dozing, with his head resting on his hand. Had he been there all night? I tried to sit up, but then I felt a sharp pain that brought back recent events to my memory. I cursed. It had been a long time since I freed Belona from her captivity in the lycan king's palace that I felt pain. She had always been there to ease it. I looked at Alessandro again. He was asleep, perhaps deeply. I could... risk it. ‘Belona?’ ‘Ivania, what happened? Why did you keep me hidden for so long? Are we hurt? Hey, what happened?’ ‘I'll explain later. Not now. I need you to help me. Can you take away the pain?’ ‘Take away the pain? No! I'm going to close that wound. We're lycan, remember, or what...?’ ‘No, no, I'll explain later. For now, just take away the pain. Leave the wound.’ ‘I don't understand, why...?’ ‘Belona, just the pain!’ ‘Fine, fine, but you're so bossy!’ Belona acted, and it was a real relief. Alessandro's phone rang, and he woke up immediately. ‘Hide, Belona, please.’ ‘What? But we're still injured. I'm not going to hide until I've closed that wound!’ ‘I beg you, Belona, please... I'll explain later.’ ‘No, Ivania, forget about that. We're hurt, the wound could reopen, and I don't understand why you want to be like this. You have to explain it to me right now!’ I didn't have time to argue with Belona. Alessandro was awake now, and surely his wolf was too. They could sense my wolf at any moment, and if that happened, they would recognize each other as mates. I had to hide Belona, no matter what. ‘I beg you, Belona. Hide now, and don't heal the wound. I swear by the Goddess I'll explain it to you, but for now, I need you to do me this favor, I implore you.’ Belona growled. ‘Fine. But you owe me this explanation.’ Alessandro realized, at that moment, that I was awake. His gaze shifted to me, met my eyes, and he looked deeply at me. His phone kept ringing, but he didn't answer it. All his attention was on me. Had he noticed? Hadn't Belona hidden fast enough? My heart was racing. Alessandro got up and walked to the bed. He had discovered me, I was sure of it. King Lycan's Palace 4 years before the present events Ivania's POV I hurt myself when I fell. It was only two floors, but it was enough for my ankle to twist. I also received a rain of glass and wood fragments from the shattered window frame, which cut me. Still, I got up, sure that the King Lycan's Gamma and himself would be upon me in a matter of seconds. I tried to run, but the twisted ankle pushed me back to the ground. 'Hey, I can do something about that,' said that voice in my head. It was Belona, my she-wolf. I would need to start getting used to hearing her. 'We're not fully bonded yet, but as long as you carry the receptacle I'm trapped in, it will be enough.' I didn't know what Belona meant by being able to help me, but having nothing to lose, I agreed. In the next second after my response, the pain in my ankle stopped, and I could get up again. 'Wow! What was that?' 'I'll explain later, Ivania, for now, run. I sense the Gammas, they're about to jump on us!' I ran without looking back, heading towards where I had come from. The cold of the night enveloped me violently. The temperature had dropped even further. 'I can do something about it too, Ivania.' 'Do what you have to do. I authorize you if that gets us out of this.' Immediately, I felt my body temperature rise, even gaining some speed, and when I jumped towards the firs that would hide me, the leap propelled me farther than I had calculated. It was incredible! In just a few seconds, my abilities had increased by a thousand percent. And I hadn't fully bonded with my wolf yet, still trapped in that locket I now wore around my neck. 'There's a wolf of great power trying to link us,' said Belona as I continued my run through the forest surrounding King Lycan's residence. 'Do you know who it is?' My first thought was the King Lycan himself, but then I remembered Mr. Dakwood, who had been freezing his ass off while I retrieved my she-wolf. 'It must be him, Mr. Darkwood. Yes, let him link us.' 'Ivania?' 'Mr. Darkwood, yes.' 'I see you were successful.' 'I'm afraid not entirely. They found me in the end. Now I'm running away, through the forest.' 'Don't worry, I've taken care of them. They're not following you anymore.' 'And King Lycan?' 'Did he see you?' 'Yes. He entered the library. He was furious.' Until I knew that King Lycan wasn't also following me, I wouldn't stop; besides, running at that speed and with that agility was incredible. I didn't want to stop. 'Well, he might realize at some point. I'm not sure if he's following us or not because he can hide his trail. Circle around and try to get to the shelter without him following you. See you there.' 'Alright, Mr. Dakwood, and... thank you very much.' 'You don't owe me anything, Ivania, and... congratulations. We'll talk again at the shelter, and I'll tell you where we'll go next.' I ran, excited, for the rest of the night. I only stopped at dawn and found that I wasn't even sweating.
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