Chapter 5: The opposite young rulers

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"How is your father and brother?" Angelo asked whilst looking at the glowing youth in front of them, he was calm because he find it normal that Sophie's beautiful is capable of doing what the young man was experiencing, but he didn't think about it earlier because he didn't know Jo;el as a horny type that why he find it slightly unexpected but the male cannot be blamed. 'f**k!" Jo;el on the other hand moaned inwardly, swallowed and tried his best to calm his ragging self down, he took in a deep breath and spoke "The ruler and the young ruler are good, my father is attending to some private people and my senior brother is busy with organising the meeting event" the gorgeous male said and Angelo nodded. The gorgeous blue haired male from the ruler family has a senior brother, and his brother was everything that he hated, lustful, dominating, aloof..., and he also hated that his senior brother is more handsome than him, expremely handsome that it's alarming, he still remembered when their stepmom who is now the queen wanted to sleep with his brother, she has tried to endure and hold herself but she can't, every movement of the male turns alot on, his voice turns them on, his godly physique turns them on, his looks turns them on, his senior brother was like the s*x incarnate, if Adonis and his senior brother were to enter a place he is sure that all the people there would be turned on by his brother and few would be the one to notice Adonis, his Senior brother is extremely and alarmingly handsome, not that Adonis is not extremely handsome but there is something with his brother that he can't get, even his girlfriend that can't do without him wanted to f**k his senior brother after a short interaction with his senior brother and the sad part about it is that his senior brother didn't even know. The queen craved his brother to the extent that he entered his brothers room when he was sleeping and undressed him, but the view of his senior brother naked body got the queen cumming for a long time that she became so satisfied and weak for s*x, she didn't even have any strength to wear back his senior brother's cloth before weakily leaving his royal chamber, not that their dad the ruler is old, for f**k sake he still looks twenty just like Angelo, his blue hair, eyes, eyebrows and chiseled body was so sexy that was also why Jo;el felt so small compared to his brother's charm. But one thing he can never forget is that his brother never take his problem lightly, if he were to be sad his brother would pester him till he tells him what the problem was, he knew that if he is a female he would be craving his brother touches too. Angelo nodded "That's good, sighs, I forgot to introduce twin, the pretty angel is called Angel, Angel Angels, the male is Alexanderé Angels and he is my son and the young ruler, I know it's you first time meeting, no?" Angelo said introducing the two angelic beings with him, Adonis smiled at the blue haired male "Please to meet you young Lord Jo;el" he said shaking hands with the male as if he was not giving him a threatening glances few minutes ago, Jo;el returned the gesture and turned to look at Sophie, his blue eyes sparkled out of happiness mixed with arousal, Adonis saw the light in the male's eyes and groaned in annoyance. Sophie chuckled at Adonis reaction whilst stretching her hands out for Jo;el, when their hands met Sophie squeezed small and a jolt of pleasure went through the male's already aroused body, he closed his eyes for a moment before retracting his hands and moving back to were he was. "As you can see my son beauty can be compared to your senior brother, no?" Angelo boasted obviously and Jo:el nodded with a smile making the group to laugh and Sophie started Wondering who the male senior brother was that his dad was comparing her godly brother beauty to him, she was still trying to get used to the looks of Adonis because the male practically look like a god and Angelo has the same thing in mind. He knew the look of sky god young ruler and compared with the looks of Adonis, it's practically or almost the same but he knew and cannot deny that there is something with the looks of the sky god young ruler that always turns a joyous occasion gathering into a horny occasion gathering without even knowing, Adonis is more of serene young ruler whilst the other was more of s*x young ruler, Adonis presence brings peace after his awakening, it gives serenity but other male's presence brings arousal, extreme arousal.
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