Chapter 6: About to be overwhelmed

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"We have gotten two later young Lord, thanks for been able to deliver" said Adonis standing up and shaking hands with the young Lord, Adonis blood Awakening came with many things, he learned how the household talks and acted, how they behave was also included, with the duty of the young ruler and ruler was included but the later will come in handy when he becomes the ruler. When he spoke everyone in the room got the feeling that an angel was descending, that was his peace and serene aura, Jo;el responsed whilst shaking hands with the young ruler "Just like I said earlier, it's my pleasure" he responded smiling, Adonis nodded "It's already night, if you don't mind you can spend the night here in one of the guest room and can leave tomorrow, what do you think" said Adonis smiling warmly, he really look like the light god, the serenity aura increased as if they are in heaven, Jo;el nodded making Adonis to groan inwardly out of annoyance but he didn't show it, truth be told Adonis really wanted to kick this young royal out of this penthouse but due to formality he has to endure and now he has ended up proposing what he never wanted to see. Angelo on the other hand was amused by his son's royal and serene aura he was giving as if it was a natural for him whilst fuming inside, he knew that the male was fuming but instead of having any other feeling he was amused as he thought 'You thought that you would always do what you want just like before?, now you will see how it felt like to be a ruler' the man jabbed inwardly before standing, "I will be going upstairs, you guys should help yourself with anything" Said Angelo whilst leaving them. "Me too, I'm really tired so I would be heading up too, help yourself with anything young Lord" said Adonis whilst following suit and moving upstairs with the feeling that Sophie would follow but the female has her own plans, she smiled and look at the gorgeous male seating opposite her, his long dreamy blue hair like a water fall, his blue eyebrows like swords, his chiseled skin translucent, from the outline of the male's robe one can see that his body is really gorgeous and well proportioned. When the male saw that the Angel was examining him he swallowed again, his arousal that was controllable earlier increasing, "You want me right?" Sophie asked the male and he nodded subconsciously not removing his eyes from the beauty. "Why?" Sophie asked but the male shook his head "I don't know...fuck" he groaned as his c**k twitched inside his pants whilst jumping up once in a while, the glow his body was giving can light up a room this moment, he haven't felt this much pleasure before so why?, he felt so aroused and the only touch he needed is the female touch, he has started viewing the touch of his girlfriend as not arousing anymore. He swallowed loudly again, his eyes drowsy, "Undress for me" Sophie said smiling but one can see that she is also turned on, who wouldn't when facing a gorgeous male like-god in front of them, even though he is not alarmingly arousing and alarmingly handsome like his brother or Adonis he didn't lag far behind and coupled with his drowsy eyes, parted lips and sweaty gorgeous face, he is extremely arousing, his ankle reaching blue royal robe he is wearing is almost socked with sweat that his musclar chiseled upper body is now outlinely exposed to view, 'The male is indeed gorgeous' Sophie said inwardly and gulped too, she has started licking wet already. The male started undressing, pulling off his robe, he removed the shorts he was wearing inside and is now stark naked, Sophie gasped from the view of the god in front of him, the male is "f**k" she moaned out as her licking wet p***y ozzed more squirts, the male was standing in all glory looking at Sophie like how a predator looks at his prey, his dreamy blue hair started to get socked in sweat, his translucent chiseled chest was dripping down sweats, his red n*****s standing "Please" he groaned, his baritone voice filled Sophie's ears and she squirmed on her seat, she can't resist anymore as more squirts kept socking and wetting her p***y. The male started approaching Sophie after his 'Please'. He said that earlier because whilst looking at the angel he felt like touching her without her permission is a sin, a literal sin but each passing moment he became so aroused that he is finding it extremely difficult to resist her charm anymore, his legs started taking him to her, his monster ten inch d**k so big and standing ready for what his owner is about to enjoy, what the young Lord was feeling that moment wasn't just any pleasure, it was a pleasure that was about to make him go crazy, a pleasure that's about to overwhelm him.
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