Jumbled feelings

1409 Words
Nick POV At the mention of her friend's name, the girl's eyelids lifted, and she stared at me with such pain in her eyes. My heart clenched, fueling my annoyance. What right did she have to act like I was betraying her? Ours was a simple agreement. I was devoted to her. Completely faithful to our deal. How could she do this? The full moon is on its way. That means seven days of hell before I could break this bond with her and move on. The Goddess binding us together was the worst luck ever. How could this be happening at such troubled times in the pack when my father was unwell? I started to rise as I spoke. "You know I almost believed it when you said you love me? For a second there, I actually considered ripping off the contract and starting over." That was nothing but the truth. I remember the delicious quivering in my stomach, how my heart swelled when she whispered those words against my lips. It was the strangest, scariest thing I'd ever felt. But after this bomb she just dropped, being in the same space with her was scarier. "You think I said that because I wanted your money and status?" she asked gently. "I can't even sit here and watch you try to pretend to be pure. I paid you well every time I was inside you, didn't I? So maybe the money wasn't your ultimate goal. What was it, then? If not the status." She lowered her eyes in shame. "I've never asked you for any -" "This conversation is pointless!" I snapped. I still can't believe what she just said to me. She wasn't even sure if there's a pregnancy. Instead of keeping it to herself till she found out, she dared to say it out loud? If she expected to tie me down with that little piece of uncertain news, she got another think coming. "Your plan failed, Sara. I don't want that. I'll never want it. And I don't need to tell you the lengths my family will go to neutralize the error before it gets out, do I?" I didn't wait for her answer before adding, "My lawyer will contact you." Her dreamy brown eyes were wide and glassy as she watched me. I turned to leave, utterly outraged by her now. How could she be this desperate? I thought she was innocent! Clearly, she just wanted more than I've always given her. She must've thought she hit a jackpot when she discovered that we were fated. How I hate her for ruining what we had. The fact that I would never touch her again made me want to put my fist through something. After walking a few steps, something came to mind, and I stopped. I wished I didn't have to set eyes on her ever again. Turning back around, I walked back, then leaned close to pin her with a glare before saying, "For your own good, for your father's sake, don't forget, the non-disclosure you signed is still in force!" A tear rolled down her left cheek as she opened her mouth to speak. I wasn't going to hear whatever she had to say. There was no point. So I walked away, leaving her there with her tears, her stupid betrayal, and the glass of apple juice. Richard was the first to speak when I joined them a moment later. "What was that about?" "None of your business, Rich!" I snapped. "Forgive me for the curiosity," he replied in a sarcastic tone. "It's the first time I've ever seen you say more than two words to that she-wolf, and you come out looking furious." It was clear that he wouldn't let it go. "Her father works in my household, you know?" I said to him. "I mean it, Rich. It's a family matter. It's none of your business, so f*cking drop it!" When I moved close so we were nearly nose to nose, Jake came to stand between the two of us. It wasn't news to me that my gamma friend had a thing for her at some point. It was just my luck that he feared his parents and the pack more than he wanted to f*ck her. Lucky me that I didn't have to murder my own friend over that omega. Despite my disgust for the girl this minute, my ire was rising over the fact that he was worrying about her. What gave him the right? "Let's just go," Jake said, opening the car door and nudging me towards it, away from Richard. I got inside and he went around to take the wheel. We rode silently for a while. The two of them could feel my anger, but only Jake knew the whole story. "So, you and Meg, huh," Rich broke the silence. When nobody responded, he looked pointedly at me. "Me and Meg what?" I asked. "Haven't seen you with any female for months. I was starting to get worried. Then bam! Got a text from Jason last night. You were kissing Meg in front of her hostel." He shook his head. "How long has that been going on?" I couldn't help but heave a deep sigh. "Not long and it's nothing. Just a kiss." He didn't push it, thank Goddess. ***** I expected my mother to give them at least three days to vacate the Reign’s premises. But I must have thought her too generous. When I returned home the next day, there was no sign of Sara and her dad. When I scanned the cottage they occupied at the back, they appeared to be gone. My mother wouldn't burden my father with the drama. He was still secretly recuperating after the accident. To my surprise, she didn't try to revoke the girl's scholarship. A part of me wished she would. I considered doing that myself, but I didn't want to be connected to her at all. I wanted all of this to go away immediately. I hated the hollowness in my chest. It was better to never run into her anymore. Thank the Goddess, my final exams was next month. After that, the chances of running into each other on campus would be zero. I intend to make sure her father didn't get work within fifty miles of the pack, too. Jake, my best friend and beta-to-be, was handling the dissolution of our little "s*x" contract. He hadn't yet passed the bar, but he was going to very soon. As my most trusted friend, he would deal with the legalities of ending this whole thing with Sara. Today was the day we learned if she truly was pregnant or not. I sat in a rented car, watching from across the street as Jake settled into the chair facing Sara in the cafe. He pushed the envelope towards her and she just stared at it. The curiosity about the test result nearly forced me to go to them. I took a deep breath, assuring myself that Jake would find out in a few minutes and he'd get back to me immediately. After a few long moments, she picked up the envelope slowly and started to open it. Another eternity passed with her face on the pages in front of her. Then she lifted her head and said something to Jake. I wanted to know what she was saying. It felt like they were arguing now. Within moments, she brought out her pen and signed the documents. Then she rose and stormed out of the cafe as Jake gathered the papers back into the envelope. I watched her hail a cab and ride off at the same time as my phone started to ring. It was Jake. "What does her test say?" I asked before anything else. "It was a scare. She's not pregnant," he replied. "I see." "What's the matter? I thought that's a good thing," Jake asked. "Of course, it's a good thing. I'm glad it's over." I cleared my throat. "Oh… You don't sound glad," he remarked. "Cuz I feel tired. I'll finally be able to get some sleep," I grumbled. "She didn’t take the cash," Jake announced. "Whatever with that. If it makes her feel good about herself after everything she ruined," I shrugged. "It's her business. I'm done. I can finally put this behind me and prepare to meet my actual mate."
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