The Fight

341 Words
Storm POV "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN YOUR WINNER STORM MIKELSON" "STORM" "STORM" My name echoed through the arena as i squared my shoulders and stared at my half dead opponent. I smirked before exiting the ring only to be engulfed in a hug by my best friend and f**k buddy Damien Black.  "That was amazing my love" Damien whispered Chuckling i pushed him off and said "I know baby" "Give me a sec ill go to the changing room and collect my stuff" Damien nodded and i ran to the locker room to collect my things.  STORM CASSESLIUS MIKELSON WHERE THE f**k ARE YOU I groaned as my dads alpha voice roared through the mind link. Im out with Damien daddy  Get you ass back home right now or i swear by the moon goddess storm  Okay Okay dad ill be home  Good and stop hanging out with Damien you shouldn't be with any guys. whatever I strolled back to the basement where Damien was waiting for me. "Whats up Storm everything okay" "No dad mindlinked me and hes f*****g pissed" "well duh your at a illegal fighting ring" "Yeah he doesnt know that or he would have literally blown up". Damien nodded as he got into the passenger seat of my Ferrari 458 Italia and sped off. Storm where the f**k are you dads getting angry I groaned again as Elijah my brother mindlinked me  Im on the way tell dad to chill He said he wants to tell you something important and that rogues have been spotted on territory  okay ill careful good  ---------------------------------- Two hours later "Where the f**k have you been" My brother Adonis questioned as soon as i stepped into the house. "Out brother"  "Now where is father...unless you want him to turn the whole house upside down'" "Whatever hes in the study" "See wasnt so hard now was it" I walked up to my dads study and knocked twice  "Alpha?" "Come in" I walked in to face my dads wolf in full control fuck im screwd.
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