Four years ago.

449 Words
Storm Pov The rain shattered against the god forsaken castle. I sprinted fast and hard desperate to save her. My mother. Desperate to kill the bastard that had dared take her away from me and my family. The wind whipped against my fur, my fur glowing a beautiful white, the crescent symbol behind my ear shining. My wolf wanted blood and so did i. My father ran a little ahead of me with my brothers the wind rippling their brown fur, they howled into the night sky signaling the bastard that his end was near.  The pack followed suit. We were ready to get back our luna. We neared the castle and saw warriors surrounding it, they attacked us and we did the same. I launched into battle slaughtering all that stood in my way. Big or small. Male or female. Nothing mattered to me. All i wanted was to get to my mother.   My father was a true beast. They had stolen his mate and he was furious. He lay waste to the warriors, ripping through them as though they were paper. Alpha Caleb came out to the clearing. The bastard who had kidnapped my mother. He held my mother with a silver gun to her forehead. We all stood still. My father look shocked and worried. "Let her go you bastard" My father roared in his alpha voice "No i wont win this battle but i will make sure that you live life on this world as though it was hell." And with that he shot my mother killing her instantly. My father roared as he felt his mate bond disappear. He launched himself at Caleb and ripped im to pieces. He then slowly walked up to my mother and held her silent tears falling. I collapsed as i saw my mothers lifeless body in front of me. She was gone. My brothers rushed up to me and held me as i sobbed and sobbed. Father silently got up and ordered everyone back to the pack house to organise a funeral for their luna.  --------------- Two days later we let her rest once and for all. The woman i had looked up to my whole life was gone. The woman who cried when she saw me crying. The woman who calmed my father down when he found out i snuck out of the house. Then woman who giggled about boys with me. All gone. My father looked broken. He was remaining strong for the pack but i knew he was hurting. He had become a shell of the man he used to be. That day changed us all. We became ore ruthless and my family? More protective.
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