Gracelyn (Grace) Edwards

3901 Words
After everything that had happened this morning the rest of the day seemed kind of tame. I had three lectures on my timetable and two of them were already over so I hurried back to the library. I had been reading a book in-between my classes and I was just about to finish it "Where is it?" I asked looking where I had left the book but it wasn't there. This library followed the Dewey decimal system so even if there librarian had moved the book I would have been easily able to find it. I sighing I was about to pick up another book when I spotted a tall muscular African American man dressed in a polo shirt, ripped jeans and a pair of red bottom shoes and in his hands was my book "Hey you, sir" I said quickly making my way over to him "Huh?" He said turning towards me "Yes you." I said stopping in front of him "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked confused "That book" I said "Yeah, what about it?" "It's mine" "I doubt it" he said looking at the library card "I meant I was reading that first" "So you are the jackass that left the book on the table" he said with a slight glare "No I didn't, I was going to put it back but I was running late for a lecture" I said but he just continued to look at me suspicious "Whatever, that's not the point. I want the book back" I said "No" he said "Why not? I was the one that was reading it first." "Well no one was reading it when I took it so it's not like I'm bothering anyone" he smirked "You're bothering me!" I yelled "No, you're just being a pest" he said. "You son of a--" "Yo Luke! We're heading to the cafeteria, You coming or not!" A guy from across the room hollered "In a minute!" He hollered back "You do know you're in a library right" the librarian said passing by "Sorry Marge" he said before he turned back to me "Looks I get the book after all. Your friend's waiting" I smirked as I held out my hands for the book. He looked at me before turning around "And where are you going" I said as he walked up to the librarian "Hey Marge, I'd like to borrow this book." he said handing her the book. After getting back the book he looked at me with a cocky smirk. I huffed before marching off. I sat down at an empty table glaring at him as he walked out with his friends. "That's Lucas Wolfe" someone said appearing out of no where "Jesus Christ! When did you get here" I jumped "Not to long ago. I noticed you sitting by yourself staring at Luke and thought you could use the company" the girl said. "I don't really need any company" I said "Then maybe a study partner" "I prefer studying by myself" "Okay, what are you studying?" she asked "Okay I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked annoyed "No. I'm Gracelyn Edwards, you can call me Grace, and I'm a freshman" "Do you need something Gracelyn?" "Not really" I said "So why are you bothering me?" I asked "I don't know, I just thought you looked lonely" "Well I'm not so you don't need to stay here" I said "You know Timothy, right?" she suddenly asked "No" I said "Come on there's no need to lie. The whole school's talking about how some new girl was walking with Timothy Stone." "And you somehow think it's me?" I asked denying it "Yes" she nodded "It's not" I lied. I knew being around that guy would bring me trouble "Come on, I know it's you I have a gut feeling and my gut is never wrong" "Well your gut is wrong this time. Can you leave me alone now? I have a class to go to and I want to finish this book before I go" "That's such a coincidence, I have a class soon too. Which class do you have? What's your major" "I don't see how that's any of your business" "I'm just trying to make conversation" "And I'm just trying to read my book in peace" "I noticed, my last best friend loved that book" "Good for them" I said "At least tell me your name" "Will you leave me alone if I do?" "Yes" "I honestly doubt it but I am Eloise Taylor Gardener, freshman and I'm studying a business major" "Another great coincidence, I'm a business major too. We might be in the same class. Which business major are you doing?" "Please excuse me, I have to go" I said deciding to just move myself away from her I hadn't even read two pages of the book before the alarm I had set went off. "Great" I sighed putting back the book before I headed to the class. The class was crowded but I continued looking through the sea of people to see if I could find at least one empty seats "Eloise!!" I heard an annoying familiar voice shout out. I turned in her direction and spotted an empty seat beside her. God this girl was persistent, she was probably some rich heiress that didn't know how to take an obvious hint and probably has never experience hardship a day in her life. I don't want to associate with people like her "There's got to be another seat somewhere else" I said before going over to one of the students in front "Excuse me" I said tapping his desk "Can I help you with something?" he asked before he caught a good look at my clothes "Are you the cleaning lady?" "What?" I asked confused how he got to that conclusion "I'm glad you came I split my latte and I need someone to clean it up" he sad "I'm not a cleaning lady" I gritted my teeth "Then what the do you want?" he asked annoyed "Can you change seats with me" I said "What?" "Your seat. Do you mind changing with me?" "Are you nuts? Do you know what time I got here to get this seat? Why should change my seat with you?" "Look there's another empty seat over there but I don't really want to sit beside that girl so please change seats with me. You get to sit beside a pretty girl" "No way in hell. Get lost" he said rudely "I was only asking. You don't have to be so rude" I said. Just as he was about to respond someone suddenly ran in yelling "He's coming!" the person said before the double glass door flew open and he walked in. The entire class seemed to stare in awe as a well dressed young had walked in. He had seemed familiar but I couldn't quite figure out where I had met him before. As I tried to remember where I had seen him he looked around surveying the room before he stopped staring directly into my eyes. I stared back at him but a chill went down my spine when he suddenly started making his way towards me. I had expected him to say something but he oddly only glanced at me before standing before the guy I had been talking to "You" he said "Yes" the guy jumped startled "What's your name?" he asked "Tommy...Thomas. My name's Thomas Andrews" he stuttered "Well Thomas, you're in my seat" "Huh" "Do you wish for me to repeat myself? I am sure you saw a bag on this chair when you came in" he said "Yes but-" "Then why are you still sitting here, goodbye" he said. I could tell Thomas wanted to say something but one mean glare from the guy made him shallow his pride "Sorry" he said getting up and leaving. The guy looked at me before taking a seat "Do you need something?" he asked I thought of asking him but something told me he wouldn't get up so I could only glare hatefully at him as I made my way over to seat Gracelyn had saved "Hey looks we're in the same class, I have a gut feeling that we are going to be the best of friends. It's fate" she said "That is not fate in the slightest" I sighed "Whether it is or isn't, either way I like it. This is exactly how my last best friend and I met" "I have a question" I said "What?" she asked "Who is that?" I asked pointing to the guy "You don't know" she gasped "If I did I wouldn't have asked" I scoffed "Oh yeah I guess you're right" she sheepishly reacted "So who is he?" I asked "That is Adrian King" "Adrian King?" "Yeah do you know David King?" "Yeah everyone knows David King": "Well that's his son" "So that's why he acts like he owns the school" I said "I mean his family did fund over fifty percent of the school" she said before the door opened again and the lecturer walked in "Quiet down class" he said before everyone shut up and looked at him "Good morning sorry for being late but you should probably get use to that because it won't be the las time. Since it is the first day some introductions are in order; my name is Professor Keith Brown and I'll be your main lecturer for your freshman year, not so lucky you. I am sorry but I am very busy, usually with the upper class-men, so I will try to make it to very few of your classes. Guiding you in my stead I will send my star pupil. I will send him to give notes and help with assignments. Please try not to bother him too much since he has assignments to tend to as well. Please come in" he said before a familiar face walked in and I immediately sighed "Hello my name is Timothy Stone" he said before the class was filled with scream of excitement "I'm happy for the warm welcome. As you just heard I will be helping you with your classes because you drew the short straw when it comes to teachers." he chuckled and everyone chuckled with him "Anyways pay no regard to what Professor Brown said; if I am free you can ask anything you need" "Thank you" some people yelled "No problem, I am happy to see some familiar faces in this class" he smiled as he looked around before stopping when he glimpsed me "Hello Eloise" he said before I groaned trying to bury my head in my desk to avoid the hateful stares some of the others were giving me "I knew he'd be a problem" I sighed "Alright for the next order of business" the professor said "Am I sure you've all heard that I tend to give group assignments so I am going to assign you groups. After considering the groups I have decided to assign you groups of three. Any questions" he asked and Adrian raised his hands "Yes Mr. King?" he asked "Why are we being placed in groups? I, myself, am fully capable of finishing all assignments by myself" "Do you wish to answer this one?" the professor asked Timothy "Sure" Timothy shrugged moving back to the front "Adrian quick question" he said "What is it Stone?" Adrian groaned "What is the most important part of running a business?" Timothy asked "Competent leaders" he answered "That's important but ultimately incorrect. Teamwork is the most important. It doesn't matter how competent a leader is, he isn't capable of running every department of a conglomerate. Not even David King could run every department in his main building much less his entire franchise. Remember in business no one man is an island, except the Cayman" he tried another dumb joke that had the others die with laughter "Okay any other questions" he asked "What's your number?" some girl hollered "Do you have a girlfriend?" some one else hollered "If not are you willing to date guys?" "All my contact info will be on the board so you can contact me on w******p, f******k or **. As for question about my relationship status and sexuality I am currently in a very committed relationship" he explained before the other sighed in disappointment not seeing the glare the professor had given them "Okay if there are no more questions I'll hand back over to Professor Brown" he stepped back "I am now going to now list off all the groups." he said. After six groups he had called my name "Eloise Taylor Gardener, Gracelyn Edwards" he listed off "Looks like we're going to be partners, this is totally destined" Gracelyn smiled happily "Of course we are" I sighed unenthusiastically, "As well as Adrian King" he finished and Gracelyn gasped "Oh. My. Gosh" she said "We're in the same group as Adrian King" she squealed "Great now I have two targets on my back" I groaned ignoring all the daggers being glared into my back "Okay that's all for today's class. Use the rest of your time to socialize or something. Just get to know your partners" he said turning to walk away "Well let's go" Gracelyn excitedly said as she tried getting me to stand up "Wait Professor Brown I have a objection" Adrian said standing up "What does he want now" I rolled my eyes "What is it Adrian?" the professor sighed "I request to change partners" "Why?" the professor asked "I refuse to work with a delinquent" "Delinquent?" I asked looking at Gracelyn. Though a bit annoying she was by no means a delinquent at least she didn't have the attitude of one "And who per say are you talking about?" the professor asked "Her" he said pointing towards me from across the room "Me!" I jumped up surprised "Yes you delinquent" "Why am I a delinquent?" "Have you already forgotten what you did to me? Do you do it that often?" "Do what?! What the hell did I do to you?!" I asked "You dared to put your foul putrid hands in my face" he said and I immediately remembered who he was "Umm..." I said "I see you remember what you have done" he glared at me along with the class joining him Embarrassed I stepped back "Um....I...I didn't-" "Didn't what? Didn't mean to hit me? Are you so stupid your hands move without your control?" Adrian chuckled disdainfully "Adrian, there's no need to be so harsh; she already apologized" Timothy said "But she hasn't" Adrian glared at him "Look I'm sorry but if you weren't so rude and so insistent on taking up my time I wouldn't have hit you" "I see so you're a barbarian that strikes people whenever they are upset. It makes much more sense now" Adrian chuckled again getting some of the class to laugh with him "You pompous..." I scoffed unable to find the words to retort "Hmph I see the barbarian isn't able to find the words. I recommend you start reading the dictionary. I guess you wouldn't know what that is" he said as the class laughed again "I know what a dictionary is, asshole" I snarled "But I bet you've never read one...oops you'd have to know how to read first. I am sorry for assuming you're capable of that" Adrian said as the class erupted in a violent laughter and I only look around embarrassed "Guys it's not that funny" Gracelyn protested "That's right everyone needs to stop" Timothy said before some of them started to calm down returning to its initial quiet "Okay if that's all, remember to get to know each other and Timothy will be here for tomorrow's class" the lecturer said before walking out Definitely not in the mood to get to know that bastard I angrily packed my bag and headed for the door I stormed off angrily stomping my feet on the porcelain tiles and then I rambled the lush blades of grass that made up the lawn "Hey wait up!" I heard the annoyingly familiar voice say as they chased after me "Listen Gracelyn, I am not in the mood right now!" I grumbled as I continued my march "I just wanted to tell you not to worry about what Adrian said in there. I really didn't know he was such an asshole but did you really hit him?" she asked "It's fine, I just needed to get out of that room" I said "That's a good idea, you know I heard about this amazing coffee place near here. Maybe we can stop by" "No I just want to go home and prepare for tomorrow" I said "Come on, they say they that they have the best Frappuccino and I've been wanting to try out their Mocha Cookie Crumble ever since I heard about it. I adore everything that has chocolate in it, my best-friend and I use to go to a store and one of everything chocolate related, then we'd eat all of it until we had a stomachache. When it was really bad my adopted mother would take care of us" she said. God she was like a yipping puppy, she just kept talking and following me no matter how much I tried to talk away from her. I only wanted to leave so why the hell couldn't she have just shut and let me go. It's not like I wanted to hear about her friend's life but she just wouldn't stop talking "Can you just shut up!!!" I yelled finally reaching the limit of my patience "I don't want to hear about your favourite blended drink or what topping you like and I definitely don't want to talk about your friend!" I snapped at her "I was just trying to make conversation" she said "That's the thing!! I don't want to make conversation with you, WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!! I DON'T KNOW YOU! Ever since we met you've been trying to talk to me; can't you take a hint! I'm not interested" I exploded at her "I'm sorry, it's just you remind me of my best-friend" "Well I'm not your best friend. If you miss her so damn much then you should just call her and stop bothering me!!" "I can't call her" she said as her tone shifted and her eyes watered a bit "Why the hell not?" "I don't think they have cell service in the afterlife" she forced a smile "Wait do you mean?" "Yeah she's dead" "I...." Oh my god "I'm sorry I bothered you" she said turning around and leaving Great now I feel like the bad guy. It doesn't matter, I should just go home and focus on my studies. Though those were the things I told myself the guilt wouldn't let me just walkout of the campus. I took a deep breath before turning my head to see a coffee shop. Deciding to do something I went into the shop before looking all over for her. My search had led me back to the library where we had met "Hey Gracelyn" I said going over to her "Oh Eloise, what are you still doing here? I thought you were going home" "I was but I had to stop and get this" I said putting down the to-go cup "Is this?" "Mocha Cookie Crumble, didn't you want to taste it? Here it is" "Thank you" she smiled taking the cup before taking a sip "So how is it?" I asked "Delicious" she swooned "Glad you liked it because I still can't believe I wasted money on that" "So aren't you gonna ask?" "I assume you don't want to talk about it" "We grew up together" she suddenly started monologuing "She had been my best friend since middle school and continued all the way to high school, I didn't know what happened but during our senior year she changed. She was distant and didn't talk to me. I should have known, I should have paid more attention to her, I should have seen it coming. After her boyfriend cheated on her and her parents divorce she hadn't been the same" "What happened?" I asked "I should have noticed she was acting weird ever since she started skipping class and talking with that no good drug dealer Mike. Everyone knew how she was always easy to get attached and addicted to things so not long after her first taste she was always addicted. One night I went to talk to her about it but we had an argument and I stormed out. I...I was the last to see alive" she said as tears ran down her face "Gracelyn that wasn't your fault" "So everyone keeps telling me but as someone who lost their entire family I should have talked to her about it" "Excuse me if I am wrong but there's now way you could have helped her" "I could have stayed I could have been there. She wouldn't have done it if I was there" "Or she would have done it anyways and somehow drag you into it" "I could have stopped it from getting so far. If I wasn't so busy she would have had someone to talk to. She wouldn't have had to turn to those, she could have talked to me and not to him" "But she didn't. She didn't go to you and that wasn't your fault" I said "I know but I can't help but think that maybe a minuscule part of it was my fault. I guess that's why I wanted to go here because it was the furthest away from my house. But today when I saw you running up the streets frantically you reminded of her" she chuckled "I am sorry if I annoyed you" "No it's not that, I just need some space some times" "Sorry for bothering you" she repeated "It's fine, by the way you finished with your Frappuccino?" "Almost" she giddily smiled "Good because I have to head home" I said "No problem, oh yeah I almost forgot to ask. Would you like to try it?" "Sorry I'd prefer an espresso" "Then let's go buy one" she said jumping out of her seat "Sure"I sighed as she dragged me out the library. After everything was said and done I parted ways with Gracelyn who had dropped me home. I was smiling as I opened the door only to be filled with anger again "MOM!!" I yelled noticing the mess she had made in the living room "Hey Darling, glad you're back home. How was your first daty Did you meet any cute guys? Did you make any friends? How did you get home? You didn't take a cab, did you?" "That's not important! Why are their empty boxes all over the floor?" "You told me to unpack the boxes and I did" "You should've clean up the mess after" "But I was so tired" she groaned leaving me only to facepalm That was the first day I met Grace someone who would be my best friend for years though I would never admit that to her face or my mother's for that matter
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