Eloise (Ellie) Taylor Gardener

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In Star City there is a place that the rich and the wealthy call home. That place is Star View Hill. Anyone who is anyone lives on this hill. At the very top of the hill is the King Family. True to their name they are royalty among even the most wealthy of Star City citizens. It is safe to say that they own the town. No one no company no organization has the capital to compete with them. Like their name suggests they are the undisputed kings of this town but unbeknownst to those gazing up at the Hilltop mansion with envy, among those bright stars that shine down on them are shadows that hide scars too ugly for the world to see. I still remember the first day that I had met these chosen people. I had been getting ready for the first day of school. It was my first time in college and I had yet to collect my timetable for my classes so I was a little frantic. "My bag. Where did I put my bag?!" I said as I threw everything in my room looking for my bag "Eloise dear, hurry and come down. I made breakfast" my mother yelled "In a minute." I yelled back "You said that fifteen minutes ago. What exactly are you doing up there?" she asked "I'm looking for my bag, I swore I packed it and left it on the nightstand last night" I yelled "Oh dear, is that what you're looking for?" Mom chuckled, "You should have said so. I picked up your bag this morning. It's in the kitchen with me" she said before I groaned. I looked around the room I had totally destroyed and could only sigh knowing that I had to clean all that up when I came back from my lectures. It was exhausting since I spent the previous day unpacking and cleaning up the room. I headed down to the kitchen and glared at my Mother "Mom, how many times have I told you not to trouble my bags?" I said annoyed as I sat down at the table "Sorry Dear. I just wanted to borrow one of your pens but you were sleeping oh so soundly that I didn't have the heart to wake you and ask for permission" "Seriously Mom? What happened to your half of the box we had bought?" I asked "Come now Dear, you know me I already lost those. It is a really good thing I have such a responsible daughter" she said kissing my cheek "Yeah yeah, You better not lose that one because I'm not letting you have another" I said "Okay, I promise I won't lose it" she lied "Anyways, what's for breakfast?" I asked "Pancakes. How many do you want?" "Two please" I said "Coming right up." she said before handing me the plate along with a knife and fork "Where's the maple syrup?" I asked "I'm sure it's in one of the boxes. I'll take it out when I get back from work" "Mom, you know you're gonna have to unpack everything eventually right" I sighed "Unfortunately I do, but it just seems like so much work" Mom sighed "I just got an idea. Why don't we do it together when you get back from your lectures" she said "Actually I can't" "Why not, it would be really fun" "Because I'm going to check out the library after the lectures" I said "Don't you want to spend some quality time with your mom?" She sulked "I've spent plenty" I rolled my eyes "Fine but promise me you'll be home as soon as you're finished. I hear this place can be really dangerous at night" "I'll be home as soon as I'm finished. It's not like I have anywhere else to go" "That's another thing. Can't you please promise me you'll make at least one friend?" "Mom-" "I know I know, You're at school to study not to make friends" she reiterated what I had told her countless times "Exactly." I said "You know I worry about you sometimes" she sighed "I worry about you too." I shook my head "Hurry and finish your breakfast," she ordered as I hurried to finish my breakfast After putting away the plate my mom picked up her handbag and jumped in front of me "How do I look?" She asked spinning around. She was showcasing her blue frilly collared blouse, black knee high skirt, black shoes and her vest "You look great" I complimented "Thank you" she smiled "How do I look?" I asked before she looked at me up and down. Analyzing my plain T-shirt, straight jeans and old vans sneakers "I'll buy you some new clothes over the weekend" she said leaving me to roll eyes "Can we get going?" I asked before we walked out of the two bedroom loft my mom had bought. She drove me all the way to the campus "So you excited for your first day?" She asked "Yeah. This university is amazing. They hire professional lecturers from Ivy League schools and professionals at the top of their fields. They also have a program where if you can't find a job after graduation one of the King corporation's businesses would hire you" I listed off benefits "Plus the boys aren't too bad too" she whistled "Mother" I said "I know Sweetheart. You're focused on your studies but I really want you to have some fun and not spend all your time stuck in a book like you did in high school" "Mom, I'll have fun when I graduate and am able to secure a stable job. So will you please stop bringing it up" "Fine. I'll stop bringing it up" she said parking the car "Thank you" I said opening the door "Have a nice day. Love you" she said as I got out "Love you too Mom" I said as I closed the door. I stood there watching as she drove off for a solid minute before I turned around and walked away. The campus was amazing. It was huge and extremely beautiful. I was a bit distracted by the beauty of the school as I stepped off into the street. Then out of no where I heard the roar of a motorcycle coming my way. In seconds after hearing it I saw the red painted bike zooming down the street heading towards me. Barely having time to react I jumped back on to the sidewalk narrowly avoiding a collision with the rider of the bike who stopped and turned towards me. The rider was wearing a red T-shirt covered by a leather jacket with ripped jeans and the latest pair of Jordan sneakers and a red helmet covering his face "Can you watch where you're going. You almost hit me!" He simply looked at me before revving his engine "Aren't you gonna apologize?" I asked but he just rode off "Asshole!!" I cursed at him. Only to have him wave me off in response as he turned the corner "I hope a bus hits you" I cursed before storming off. As I walked I gradually regained my cool and continued to look for the administrative office. The school was like a really expensive maze that I had no idea how to navigate through. I had tried stopping and asking the others students but they all dismissed me "Hey can you-" "Sorry, I'm all out of cash" the guy said not even bothering to stop "The auxiliary staff room is that way" a girl said flashing her expensive handbag. Damn it! I was so sick, tired and annoyed at all these spoiled brats. Every single one of them dressed in a clothing brands that rappers brag about and coming out of cars that you would only in music videos. Though they annoyed me I had to admit I was a little jealous. I would never have been able to afford these things even if I saved for ten years. So I could only looking at them as they screwed their face at me disgusted by cheap clothes "Excuse me!!" I suddenly heard someone yelled. "Huh?" I said turning to see a young man just a few steps away from me. Not having time to move we crashed into each other. "Owe" we groaned both of us flat on the ground everything in my bag surrounding us. But as I laid flat on my bum he jumped up like nothing happened "Are you okay? I'm so sorry" he apologized "I'm fine." I said picking up everything that fell out of the bag "Let me help you" he offered "Please don't" I rejected "It won't be a problem" he said picking up the other papers "I told you not to" I glared getting up "I really don't mind" he smiled handing me my papers "Well I do" I yanked them out of his hand "I don't like people touching my things" "I'm sorry I didn't know. I was just sorry for knocking you down like that" "I already said it's okay. You can go now" "It's just I was in an hurry to meet up with a Professor because I was late and I didn't see you" "I didn't ask for an explanation, Can you just go?" I groaned annoyed "Sorry if I'm being annoying, I just feel really bad" he said "Don't be" I sighed before a girl came running up to us "Why did you run off like that?" She asked "Sorry Steph, I just remembered I had promised Professor Brown to help him this morning" he said "I'm sure my dad won't mind if you're a little late" she rolled her eyes "Come on Steph, I'm trying to get closer to your Dad from now" "My Dad already loves you. If you two get any closer you might as well marry him" she said "I know but-" "Look, I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this so I'm just gonna go" I said walking away "Wait" He said "What now?" I let out an annoyed sighed before turning back to him "And who is this? Another one of your fans?" The girl said with a look of contempt "Um this is...um. Oh yeah I didn't get your name" "If I tell you will you leave me alone?" I asked "Sure thing" he smiled "Eloise Taylor Gardener" I said "Odd" he said "What's odd about it?" I asked "Nothing. It's just most people don't give their middle name when introducing themselves" he said "I didn't. I have both of my parents last name" I clarified "I see. Well I'm Timothy Gray. Everyone calls me Tim but you can call me Timmy too if you'd like" he said. His name at the time seemed really familiar to me but I couldn't remember where I had seen it so I stared at his good looking face, black hair and beautiful blue eyes trying to remember where I had seen it but I was drawing a blank "And what exactly are you staring at?" His girlfriend glared "Nothing. I just thought that name sounded familiar" I shrugged "Don't mind her. This is my fiancée Stephanie Brown. You know like the superhero, Spoiler" "Huh?" "Maybe you know her as Robin? ….Batgirl?" "Aren't those different characters?" "You don't read much comics, do you?" He asked "What do you think" I said before I looked at the beautiful blonde dressed a purple dress beside him "You're his fiancée?" "Do you have a problem with that?" She glared venomously "Steph, she was just a bit surprised. She didn't mean anything by it" "Humph" she huffed "Anyways, I am going to get going" "Wait where are you heading. I can probably show you around" "That won't be.... On second thought can you show me the way to the Administration Office?" "No problem. It's actually on my way" he smiled "Then lead the way" I said "Sure thing" he said walking off. The walk to the office was really tiring but not because of the distance. It actually didn't take long for us to reach the building but as we walked we couldn't avoid the shocked and envious glares that seemed to focus on me. "The Administration office is just around that corner" he said "Thank you" I said "No problem. It was nice meeting you Eloise" "Tim, we should get going. Dad's waiting for you" she said grabbing unto his hand "Oh yeah. I hope to see you around Eloise" he said as they walked away "I hope not" I sighed. Though he seemed like a nice guy he drew a lot of attention his way and that was not something I was looking for. Sighing one last time I turned the corner and started heading towards the office. As I walked I spotted a beautiful black limo parked in front of the building "Wow" I said. My eyes were fixated on the beautiful vehicle I was walking pass, my gaze only breaking when the driver's door suddenly opened as I was passing slapping me off the limestone sidewalk causing me to land on the lush green grass "Oh my god, Did I hit someone?" The driver said closing the door I was getting ready to yell and call him a jackass when I sat up but when I did I saw that it was just an old British chauffeur stretching his arm to help me up "Are you okay, young lady? I was totally unaware of you being outside the door as I was too busy" he said "No need to worry I am fine. Thank you for your concern" I said taking his hand allowing him to help me up. My original plan was to curse but seeing the whole almost eighty year old looking old man I couldn't bring myself to let out my frustration "Are you sure? It would be no problem for me to check and see if anything is wrong" he offered "No I'm pretty sure I'm fine" "What about your leg?" "There is nothing wrong with my leg and I don't mean to be rude but I really have somewhere to be" "Oh I see, pardon me for taking up your time. This is my card, please contact me if anything happens" he said "Sure, I will" I said running up the marble tiled steps. I quickly tried to make it to the door but as I reached for the handle the door opened knocking me back "Ah" I screamed as I was knocked backwards, I stumbled over to the steps but before I could fall down the steps I felt a hand grab on to my waist and spun me around however either his footing wasn't good or I was heavier than he expected but we both ended falling onto the cold marble tile "Owe" we both said before I opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw was the beautiful blue eyes of the impossibly handsome man on top of me "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine" I said blushing as I stared at his perfect jawline and full lips. All of his face seemed to have been sculpted to perfection so for a minute I found it hard to look away "Glad to hear. But I think it is a little too early for you to be falling for me" he smirked while playfully winking at me. That cheesy caused me to roll my eyes as he had unknowingly broke the spell he had over me. Returning to normal I pushed him off me and got up and ran towards the door "Shouldn't you at least say thank you" he playfully hollered but I simple ignored him as I ran into the building. Dashing down the extremely long hallway faster than I ever ran before I paid no attention to my surrounding so it came as no surprise when I collided with someone once again Crashing on the ground hurt but I didn't have time to worry about that. I jumped up off the ground and tried to run off but just as I made a step I felt someone grab unto my hand "And where do you think you're going?" He said as he pulled me back "Do you think you can just run into me and run away like nothing happened" he glared at me "Look, I really cannot stop right now" I said trying to break out of his right grip "Do you know the meaning of the word manners? You ran into me and wish to run away without apologizing" He glared "Fine, I'm sorry. Can I go now?" "Are you stupid or just incapable of common decency?" He glared "I really don't care what you think right now but I have to go" I tried yanking my hand free "When did the auxiliary staff of this school get so rude" "Auxiliary staff?" I glared at him, "For your information I am not an auxiliary worker." "Do you expect me to believe you're a student?" he scoffed "Yes" I glared "That's not possible" he said "Why because I'm poor?" I glared at him "No, I don't know anything about your financial situation. The reason I find it hard to believe you're a student is that you're way too stupid to get in" "WHAT!!" "I doubt the school's standard has dropped low enough to accept morons that don't even know to watch where they're going" "What did you just say to me, Asshole?" "It appears you don't understand English. Should I say it in Spanish or would you rather Japanese. I can even do it in Dutch if you'd prefer." "I understand English fine, you pretentious prick" "Then it must have been too complex for your rodent like brain. I am saying you are stupid" he repeated. In a blind fit of rage I slapped him across his princely face "What... What the hell did you just do!!!" He stunned "Humph, you're lucky I don't have time to deal with you right now" I said swinging my hand free from his grip before turning to run "Don't you dare run away from me!" He yelled finally breaking from his shock induced trance. But already being half across the hallway I ignored him and continued towards the door finally making it inside the room. I rushed to the receptionist "Oh my god....I made it" I said panting in front of the counter "Um is there something I can help you with Miss?" the receptionist asked "My name's Eloise Taylor Gardener....I'm sorry, Can I have minute to catch my breath?" I said resting my hands on my knees as I panted "Are you finished?" She asked noticing I had stood up "Yes, thank you for that. My name is Eloise Taylor Gardener and I'm here to pick up my class sheet" "I see Miss Gardener, you made it right on time. We were just about to shut down for the morning." "Yeah a lot happened. Can I get the sheet now please?" "Sure, it wil take a quick moment for us to fetch the required package for you" she said leaving "Thank you" I let out a sigh of relief. The wait was indeed short as the woman came back almost instantly "Here you go Miss and welcome to the S.C.U.C. family. In this package is your student ID, books that you registered for as well everything else you'll need for the year. I hope you enjoy your time here" "I will" I smiled "Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked "The library. Can you show me where it is, please?" I asked "Have you downloaded the Star City Union College app on your phone" "Yes" "Then all you have to do is put in your student ID code to log onto the system. You should a GPS map that will help you navigate the school" "I see, thank you" I said "Thank you coming to the S.C.U.C. registry I hope you have a wonderful day" she said "Same to you" I said before walking out Family having time to take in the beautiful scenery, I took a deep breath basking in the warm sunlight as I looked around at the place that would help change my life forever
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