
524 Words
"sweetheart, are you still crying?" Hailey's aunt asked, Hailey looked at her aunt and ignored her. Ever since she came back from the hospital, she has been a shadow of herself, she hardly eats or talks to anyone, and she is always in her room staring at spaces. "Come on, Hailey, you need to get up and stop being hard on yourself", her aunt advised, Hailey ignores her aunt again. Her aunt got tired of trying to talk to her, she stood up and said to Hailey" I have made the burial arrangements and your parents will be buried tomorrow, you need to be strong, so you can say your final goodbye to your parents tomorrow ", then she left Hailey's room. After her aunt left, Sasha Parker, Hailey's best friend, knocked on Hailey's door, she held the doorknob and opened the door. "Hey, my love," she said, Hailey turned in the direction of the voice, and when she saw her best friend she started crying. Sasha hugged her and said, "Hailey, you need to stop punishing yourself, your parents wouldn't be happy seeing you like this. It would break their hearts", Sasha said. "It wouldn't stop hurting, I felt miserable ", Hailey explained. "I know baby girl, but you need to be strong for your parents", Sasha advised. Hailey looked at her am smiled "Okay am better now" she said. After her parents were buried, Hailey refused to go home, she insisted on spending some time with her parents. "The driver will be waiting for you when you are done, please go back home, "her aunt said before leaving for her home. When everybody left, Hailey went to her parent's grave, she dropped some flowers on their grave and then said," It's hard to put into words the depth of my sorrow and pain as I mourn losing you both. You were not only my mother and father, but my rock, my support system, my confidants, and my best friends. Now that you are both gone, I feel a profound sense of emptiness and loneliness that I can't seem to shake. I miss your laughter, your guidance, your hugs, and your love. The memories we shared feel both precious and painful at the same time. I know that time will eventually heal the wounds of my loss, but right now, I just feel lost and adrift without you two. I take solace in the fact that you are together now, watching over me from above. And though I can't see you or hold you, I will always carry your love and legacy with me wherever I go. Rest in peace, Mom and Dad. I love you more than words could ever express", She then stood up and left. When she got home, she went to her parent's room, locked the door. Took out their family album and then brought out a picture of her parents and said," I promise not to cry after today. I know you both hate to see me cry". She then placed the picture on her chest and lay on her bed, after a few minutes, she slept off.
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