The Curse

1755 Words
Jason walked out of his room on the third floor and made his way downstairs to the first floor. And like he knew it, Evan and Max's fathers had both shown up in their grand hall downstairs to see his father. "Alpha! Our kids didn't return home last night, and Evan clearly told me he was going to see Jason." Evan's father, Beta Nathan George, pointed to Jason, while Max's father remained silently as the rest of the elders started walking into the grand hall, and the howling cries of the late wolves mothers were heard from afar as they ran faster in their wolf forms to Alpha Eli's mansion. Jason slowly walked downstairs to the hall and stopped rightly in front of his father, who was quiet and still staring at him, while the other chiefs in the grand hall that heard Beta Nathan's statement started disagreeing amongst themselves. "Are you trying to say that Jason knew about your sons wherabout? What if they left this village and went to the city and got killed?" One of the elders questioned it, but Beta Nathan, like he knew it, quickly disagreed. "No!.. I know my son. Evan cannot leave this village and has disobeyed me. He clearly told me he was going to see Jason and play with Jason. And I warned him not to cross the boundaries or leave our village pack either!" Beta Nathan roared out with gritted teeth as he stared at Jason angrily, while Alpha Eli was still silent all through. "Alpha, what do you have to say about this? Ain't you asking Jason about his two best friends disappearance?" One of the chiefs in the grand hall asked. Just then the chief priest walked in, and he was assumed to be the husband of the moon goddess, as he had no mate and had lived for hundreds of years. "Greetings, wise one!" All the chiefs in the grand hall stood up to welcome him as he walked in, and his wolf form was white even as he was in his human form; he still had white long hair on his head, and he was the only fair-skinned werewolf in their kingdom, as they were all dark-skinned and never grew old. Wise one Austin, like he was called, hit his long brown rod with a wolf head to the floor as he walked into the grand hall and walked to the front to meet Jason's father, who also stood up to welcome him too. "Welcome, Wise one Austin," Alpha Eli spoke, while Jason brows furrowed as he hated Wise one Austin right from his birth and when he started to know a thing. Wise one Austin had no mate, and Jason stared at him irritably as he approached. Jason remembered that he had asked his mother why wise Austin hated him so much, and his mother said, "Only the wise one knows." "Alpha Eli! Your son has to be punished!" Wise one Austin roared as the cries of the female wolves were heard from outside their mansion, as the she-wolves couldn't walk into the gathering of the male-wolves except during festive seasons like mating ceremonies. "What has he done?" Alpha Eli pretended and asked, with his head slightly bowed, As even though he was the Alpha, once he refused to choose the right path of decision, wise Austin would appear out of nowhere and reveal the truth to all. As Wise one Austin was like his nemesis, just then the eyes on the wolf head on the brown rod in Wise one Austin's hand shone brightly red. "Alpha Eli, your son killed his two best friends for a meal that he should have shared between them, and Jason knew the customary law of the Greshood packs, yet he killed them to have the meal alone!" Wise one Austin roared out, and the elders in the hall gasped, "What!" Alpha Eli immediately fell to his knees and pleaded, knowing the grave consequences Jason had committed, and he begged, "You cannot kill him, wise one. What will become of our clans?." "Silence!" The wise one, Austin, thundered as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. "The three of them made a terrible mistake by killing the human ruler and his wife. And now, our kinds would be in great danger as the humans would hunt down for us and kill us all as their revenge!" Wise one Austin roared in anger while the brown rod wolf head eyes continued to shone redder in anger too. "Beta Nathan and Gamma Kai, you both would have to bear the loss of your sons, as the three of them foolishly sneaked out from the borders to attack the humans. And to protect our clans, huge walls would be built around them to prevent humans from entering our kingdom freely or spying on us. Our packs need to be protected at all costs, and that's just it." Wise," Austin said as the grand hall fell into murmuring again. "Silence! I'm not done talking, and you don't talk while I speak. Alpha Eli, you knew the law, and because your son killed his brother, you thought you could hide it and protect him. He would be punished, and that's the greatest punishment for him, as he killed not just one wolf but two for a meal that he could have shared with them, and yet he didn't eat the meal. Where's it?!" The wise one Austin roared out in a louder voice as he turned to face Jason. He didn't shake afraid, even as the elders in the hall all shook afraid as their yellow eyes fell on Jason. "Jason, Where's the meal that made you kill your two friends? Where had you kept it?" The wise one Austin questioned Jason, as he couldn't see past that, and he slowly sauntered to meet Jason, who had moved away too. "The ruler and his wife were killed and eaten by Evan and Max, but there was another little human with them. And I cannot see whom that human was, but Jason took that human away, and he hasn't eaten her yet!" Wise one Austin announced. "What!" The whole group of elders in the hall screamed out, as they were all ready to tear Jason apart, including the angry male wolves that had entered the hall to find out why the female wolves were crying. "Where's the meal, Jason? Speak!" Alpha Eli commanded his son, but Jason rather stared away from his father and refused to speak, while Wise Austin pointed his brown rod staff at Jason. "He's a rogue! and he would kill even his own kindred just for a stupid meal, as the werewolves don't kill their kinds, but he would kill any just to protect that meal!" Wise one Austin roared as his rod staff eyes shone brighter redder and the wolf head grew bigger in anger too. "He shall be cursed, and he will be on the call to protect all his packs. The humans would arise, and he would be at the forefront to fight and protect his clans, as he shall have no mate and no heir would arise from him as he shall remain cursed." Wise one, Austin cursed. "No, Austin, you cannot do this to him." Alpha Eli fell to Wise one Austin's feet while the rest of the elders remained silent, but Jason never took the curse seriously. As he took it, Wise one Austin was only blabbing, and he remained mute as he hadn't given out his personal meal yet. "Then would you die in his place and take over his curse? As Jason shall be killed by his very own meal, he's protecting!" The wise one, Austin, roared. "Liar!" Jason finally screamed out and transformed into his black wolf. But as Jason wanted to turn rogue, and like a flash, the brown staff in Wise one Austin's hand too changed into a brown wolf and attacked Jason, biting him on his neck to hold him down. "I told you right from his birth that he was doomed and would bring destruction to us, but you refused to kill him. Now we will all have to face the consequences of your failed action. You only thought of protecting your son; how about the rest of our packs? You're obviously like him, Alpha Eli, but only soft in heart, while Jason is dangerous and ruthless, and he would kill his own blood for a worthless meal." Wise one Austin stretched out his hand, and the brown wolf stopped attacking Jason and shapeshifted back into a brown rod, which magnetized back to his hand. Wise one Austin walked out of the hall with the rest of the elders starting to leave the grand hall too, as the judgment was over. Alpha Eli couldn't cry as he stared at his only son in irritation. He had two daughters aside from Jason, and his blood boiled hot, as he knew it was more difficult for the female wolves to conceive, unlike the humans. As the humans only carried their babies in their wombs for nine months, while the she-wolves carried their babies for a year or more before birth, it took many mating nights before the she-wolf could conceive. Wise one Austin walked out and stared at the crying wolf mothers, and he ignored them as he made his way to his house, as he had spoken to Alpha Eli about the fencing of Greshood packs, which needed to be done before the humans would come searching for them. They stayed hidden, and Wise one Austin thought, rebuilding their packs to look more appealing and also like humans would be their next target. Chloe Tristan immediately rushed into the hall with her older daughter Penelope, and they both rushed to Jason's side, seeing that his father didn't even care to check up on him as Alpha Eli stood staring away. "Jason, Are you okay?" Chloe rushed to Jason on the floor and scooped him up, as she didn't want to lose her only son. He was the next Alpha. Whether their wise one liked her son or not, she didn't care, but she heard Jason growling and screaming out in pain when he was attacked in the hall, and his father stood there doing nothing about it. "Are you okay, son?" Chloe asked, lifting Jason up. "Mom, he's bleeding!" Penelope cried out, and Chloe replied, "Let's take him to the clinic first to dress his wound."
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