Rushed To The Hospital

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Chloe and her first daughter, Penelope, who was three years older than Jason, put their hands together and carried Jason out as they ran out together from their house, as they didn't use cars in their packs because they didn't want the humans to be aware of them. And there was no possible way of running with Jason in her arms, in her Wolf form, as Jason had lost so much blood. "Mom, let me transform so you ride on my back; let us take Jason quickly to the clinic. I don't want him to die." Penelope cried out, and in a flash, she transformed quickly into her wolf form, even as the sun burned hotter. Chloe carefully sat on her daughter's back as their wolf form was stronger, and Penelope ran faster to the clinic with her mother holding Jason closer to her chest and riding on her back. Chloe took Jason into the clinic as they arrived. "Good morning, ma." The nurse on duty ran to Chloe's side and collected Jason from her hand, and the nurse also asked, "Did he get into a fight?." Chloe ignored answering the nurse's direct question, and Chloe yelled, "Attend to him first! And don't let him die!." Chloe cried while Penelope transformed back into her human form, and she walked into the clinic to meet her mother. "Jason won't die, mother. Brother is strong and will survive." Penelope consoled. "I hope so." Chloe sniffed, and a few hours later, Chloe spoke, "Penelope, why not go home and stay with Ava?. I don't want her leaving the house and going out to play, especially now that we ain't home." "No, mother, Ava won't play outside as she was inside sleeping before we left, and I doubt she will want to leave home without me around," Penelope replied. "Hmm. That's why you should go back home to meet her," Chloe stated. "No, mother, I need to find out how Jason is doing first," Penelope insisted. And just then, Doctor Brown stepped out and washed his hands, and he stared at Chloe and her 15-year-old daughter (Penelope). "How's he, doctor?" Chloe and Penelope both questioned Doctor Brown, and he breathed out heavily and replied, "He was severely injured, but he will be fine and heal, as his blood is different from ours." "Are you sure he will heal, doctor?" Chloe asked worriedly, as she heard when Wise Austin cursed her son, and she feared it might affect his healing nature too. "Why did you ask that? He's the next Alpha, so he will heal. Only that, the wounds are deep, so he might not be going home today, as the wounds will still need us to clean them and ensure they heal before discharging him," Doctor Brown said. "Can we go in now to see him?" Chloe asked. "No ma'am. He's still sleeping as I gave him some herbs to make him rest, seeing as he's still growling in pain." Doctor Brown replied. "Thank you, Doctor; I hope Jason will be alright." Chloe spoke, and the elderly doctor replied, "Of course he will." The elderly doctor wondered who could have dared to attack Alpha Eli's son, as he knew how dangerous Alpha Eli was in his younger days. "Mom, let's just go in to see Jason first, to be sure he's alright." Penelope insisted, and Chloe nodded. While they both walked into the private ward to see Jason,. Chloe stared at her handsome son sleeping on the bed, and it broke her heart to pieces knowing that Jason was now cursed, never to have a mate, and to also be the guardian keeper of their packs, especially when the humans eventually avenge their late ruler's death. And she wondered how Jason would be able to protect them all. Jason was only 12 years old, and she wondered how he would be able to fight with humans that might be armed with dangerous weapons?. Chloe slowly wiped off the corners of her eyes as she saw Jason's hand move, like he knew of her presence and wanted to console her. Chloe quickly moved backwards away, stepping out of the private ward without disturbing him. As it seemed, Jason was aware of her presence in the private ward, and she knew how he hated to see her cry. "Let's go, Pene." Chloe turned and exited the ward with Penelope, leaving only Jason in the room as they spoke to Doctor Brown Wilfred for a while before they left for home, walking down their pack street. **** Ava woke up and, like usual, made her way out of her room on the second floor, and she went upstairs to her elder brother's room on the third floor to find Jason. Ava was 7 years old, and she saw when Jason had previously left the house the previous day with his two best friends, and when Jason returned back at midnight, he was hiding something away from her. Something she could perceive as delicious. As her stomach grumbles out loudly in hunger at the sweet, delicious aroma of the meat that she was perceiving, the aroma seems to have pulled her upstairs to Jason's room door again. Ava clicked on the door handle to open it, but discovered the door was locked and not opening. "Jason.. Jason.." Ava slowly called her elder brother's name to open the door, but no one answered her. And so Ava wondered where Jason might have gone again. ----- Ann was inside the room in the second innermost room, as she wasn't chained, but her hands couldn't reach to open the windows, as she didn't know how to unlock them either. Ann was a princess in Gold City Kingdom and had many maids and servants attending to her needs, as her father was the ruler of Gold City Kingdom, and they were rich as she lacked nothing, not even clothes nor shoes, as she was fully pampered with her younger sister, Mia. Ann heard the subtly knocking on the door, and her heart beat rose to her lungs, as she didn't know who was there, mumbling out low words. Hearing a little girl's voice like hers, Ann wondered if she should respond or just ignore the girl's voice, and she feared why the black boy had locked the door too. Ann walked slowly up to the door and reached to unlock it, but it wasn't opening as the door was locked from outside. Ann thought to ask, 'Who's there?' But just as Ann wanted to ask, she heard the person roar out like a lion, making her stiffen, as she immediately felt goosebumps all over, wondering who the animal was there. Ann wanted to scream out in fret, remembering the wolves that had attacked her parents, but hearing the forcibly banging on the room door, Ann feared for her little life and for the room door not to break down to reveal the roaring animal there. And so Ann quickly ran back into the innermost rooms to hide, as fear gripped her, and she believed probably that was why the black boy had hidden her inside the room, to protect her. Ann was breathing heavily, and she tried to keep her racing heart calm as she heard another loud voice, which she immediately recognized to be a woman's voice too. "Ava!, What are you doing there? Go away from Jason's room door." Ann heard the second voice speak, and she shivered, hiding beneath the bed as she heard the lady's voice. "But there's food in there, sister. I can perceive it and it is very delicious. The young girl's voice said, and Ann ended up peeing on her pants as she wondered who they were?. "I cannot perceive any meat, Ava, and Jason is not home." Penelope sniffed and grabbed hold of Ava's little hand. "Really, where's Jason? He came back yesterday night, and he told me to go away as I saw him dragging something upstairs." Little Ava said:. "What was that?" Penelope asked, and Ann visibly shivered in the room as she almost fainted, wondering if she was the meat they were talking about. Ann remembered how the wild wolves had eaten her parents. {Did that mean the black boy too, with long, curly hair? Is a wolf?} Ann subtly wondered silently. "Are they werewolves? Are they real?" Ann asked herself as her little body shuddered and she immediately fainted in the room. As realization dawned on her that she was in the werewolf den, and the story that her mother had told her with her siblings about the werewolf's existence was true,. "What was that?" Penelope asked Ava with wide-eyed eyes as she heard the sound of something falling in her brother's room. "Come, let's go, Ava; lunch is ready." Penelope began dragging little Ava away, but Ava refused. "No . There's a sweeter meal in the room," Ava protested. "Shut up, Ava! And if you speak of such again, I will knock on your head. Now come with me." Penelope forcefully dragged Ava away and took Ava back downstairs as she personally locked the passage door that led into the third floor above as they went downstairs for their dinner. ------ Jason finally woke up feeling hurt in his neck, and he remembered Wise one Austin staff had attacked him, as he hadn't thought of the stick to transform into a brown wolf, and he tried to sit up wondering where he was. Their packs were built like humans' cities, and likewise, their homes, but they were built deeply in the forest as they feed on humans and animals too. Jason sat up on the bed and felt the stinging, burning pain on his neck, and he touched his neck and felt his open wound. When they were injured in their wolf form, transforming back into their human form was much more difficult, as that would reveal their secrets to the humans, except for him and his father, as they were the Alpha and protectors of their kind. To keep their packs safe, it was cursed by Wise One Austin that if a werewolf was shot dead in its wolf form by any human, it would remain so, and if killed in the human form, it would also remain so too and never shapeshift back into human form in the human presence. Except for the Alpha, Jason believed Wise Austin was only blabbing about cursing him, as curses didn't affect the Alpha. Jason remembered his personal meal at home, and he stood up from the bed to leave the ward, even as his neck was badly hurting him, but just then, Doctor Brown opened the door and stepped in and stared at Jason in shock.
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