Not Happy

1737 Words
Joel's wife (Ella Maverick) wasn't happy about Joel's decision to imprison Samuel. As soon as the elders in grand hall left the palace, Ella immediately walked up to confront her husband about his ruthless decision towards his brother's only son (Samuel), who was the next heir and ruler of the Gold City kingdom. "How could you, Joel? How can you imprison Samuel?" Ella asked as she walked up to meet her husband, who stood speechless, lost in deep thought in his long brown noble garmet. As all the elders in the council meeting had left, leaving only the maids mopping the blood stains away from the tiled floor and him with his wife and children in the hall,. "What's your problem, woman?. Didn't you see the blood?. How was he able to kill the cook with his bare hands?" Joel questioned his wife angrily, but Ella shook her head in rejection, knowing her husband had always hated his late brother and the wife. She knew her husband was also secretly admiring Grace Maverick, but since Grace refused his advances, he hated his brother more and had been scheming on how to snatch the throne away from his brother (Leo). Ella shook her head in sadness and walked away from Joel, going up to meet little Mia, who was crying and was seriously wailing for her brother to return. And Ella carried Mia away from Ivy's hand and took Mia, going upstairs back to Mia's room, as the palace mansion was very big, wide, and spacious. As it was also a two-story building,. "Mother, you cannot carry Mia away when I am here!" Ivy screamed out at her mother, who ignored her and went away with Mia, while Josiah laughed out at Ivy. Ivy was an eight-year-old girl, just like Ann, but Ivy and Ann weren't friends, nor were they related like sisters. "You're already grown, Ivy. Mia is still a little baby, and she just lost her mother and sister," Josiah replied, and Ivy stared back at her brother angrily. "I hate you, Josiah!." Ivy screamed out as she ran to the stairs. "Why must you all show care for that stupid little witch instead of me, your own sister?" Josiah scoffed, As he walked away too, going outside to meet his father and to see the dungeon cage, Samuel was thrown into it. Josiah subtly couldn't wait for Mia to become an adult, as he admired Mia so much and wanted to have her as his own bride. Joel Maverick is still in deep thought as he walks out of the grand hall with his trusted friend, Juda Matteo, who has been a good supporter of his plans to snatch the throne. "I still cannot believe Samuel killed that cook with his bare hands. It simply means the service of a new cook will be employed here in the palace," Juda said as they both walked up to the dungeon to see the cage Samuel was thrown into. Joel was silent as some guards walked behind him while he walked with Juda and his son (Josiah), as most of the elders had gone back to their homes after he was through with the official announcement and declaration of him as the new ruler. Joel sighed heavily as he approached the dungeon, as obviously he had gone there the previous day to the forest road where his late brother and his wife were killed. And he had seen only skeleton bones and torn clothes, which he assumed to be his brother's and his wife's. He even saw the car's windscreen broken and the side door left ajar, and as the road was deserted, he knew it was obviously some wild forest animals that had attacked and killed his late brother and the wife. But then, Joel only saw two bodies, as he never saw Ann's little body amongst them. And now Samuel was frightening him, and they were aware of folktales that believed in werewolves existence. Joel feared that Ann was responsible for his late brother and his wife's deaths. And Joel thought to make inquiries and to visit the Gold City Library to find out more details about werewolves, as he hadn't seen one before. Joel had stared at the clawed, scratched mark on the dead cook's body, and staring at Samuel in the dungeon, Joel didn't want to believe that Samuel was a werewolf too. Because the bodies of his late brother and wife had the same scratch marks and were found, but Ann's body wasn't found. Joel didn't want the guards to manhunt for Ann; he also wanted his brother's family out of the way. And Joel shook his head, staring at Samuel standing in a corner in the cage, and he decided not to think too deeply about the possibility of werewolves existence, as he didn't want to search for Ann or raise the citizens fury as he had pronounced Ann dead and even buried a fake empty coffin in respect to Ann's dismissal. And so Joel sighed, knowing Samuel and Mia also believed Ann to be no more. "Samuel will face a hard labor of suffering until he's ready to confess what he did to the cook. Let's go," Joel turned and finally exited the dungeon cell, while Josiah stood in front of the cage and stared at Samuel irritably with a smirked crease on his face. "I told you, You will sit and watch me rule over the Gold City kingdom; let's watch." Josiah smiled and happily ran away from the passage. As the dungeon was very dark and scary, he only stood to laugh at Samuel, and he ran back to the palace mansion to meet his parents. Samuel groaned in pain as he wommed, {How did I kill the cook?.} Samuel stared at his bare palms and turned his fingers upside down to stare at his finger nails. Samuel was only eleven years old, and he was also shocked to see the cook bleeding and the scratched marks all over her skin, face, and neck that he had bitten. Samuel shivered in fret, not wanting to believe he was a beast truly like one of the elders had accused him to be. Samuel now remembered why his mother had always warned him to be calm, like she knew he was a beast. And he remembered that his mother always told them stories about werewolves and how they shifted from humans to wolves, but he was never interested in the story then, nor did he like to be told bedtime stories. Only Mia and Ann loved listening to their mother's stories, not him. Samuel finally sat on the dungeon floor, and he cried as he was practically afraid of himself too. **** Ten years later, Ann sat in the room where Jason had locked her inside sullen, as previously Jason was acting nice to her and also giving her food and allowing her to take her bath. But as they grew up into young adults and she started growing breasts and turning sexier, Jason changed and became more brutal. He refused her bathing and insisted she had to remain dirty for a week or two before she bathed. Jason locked up the bathroom door, and only when he had returned from his training classes did he allow Ann to bathe after taking his own bath. Jason also saw Ann was trying to escape from the inner room he locked her inside. As Ann even dared to open the windows once and peeked out to the streets, when she turned twelve years old as of six years before... Ann was mesmerized by the city and how their town looked so different, and she could see the roofs on every home from the room window she was inside. Ann was still disbelieved and afraid, and as she thought to peep out the next day, Jason returned and caught her peeping, and he purposely bought a padock and chained her up to restrict her freedom. Ann couldn't believe Jason was so brutal. Jason grew into a handsome black guy with his long, curly black hair on his head and green, glowing, deep eyes. And Ann wished she could just get a grip on Jason's long hair and cut it off from his head in anger, as it made Jason look breathtakingly handsome and charming as he taunted her with it. Most especially after taking his bath with his long black hair dripping wet water droplets down to his dark bronze skin. Ann hated to stare at Jason as his black long hair was reaching his back waist line, and she stared at him angrily as her own blonde hair was only reaching her chest and covering her boobs. {How could a male possess such lengthiest hair?}< Ann wondered as she continued to grow up, locked up in Jason's inner rooms. Ann hadn't received sunlight, and she wasn't usually feeling too dirty, as she hated to bathe and didn't worry much about her brother or sister again, as she knew they were fine and safe in the mansion with her uncle and aunt. Ann vividly remembered the day her father had allowed her uncle and his wife to move into their house when she was younger. As of then, Joel's house got burned, and she hated Josiah with passion after they moved into the palace. Even though Josiah cared for Mia over her, Mia and Samuel had yellow, sparkling eyes like the sun, while Ann's own eyes were sparkling blue. Ann remembered she had asked her mother why her own eyes were different colored from Ivy's, Josiah, and all the people she had come across, as they had brown eyes. And her mother had silver eyes, but her mother replied, "It was hereditary and nothing wrong." Now seeing Jason with green eyes and being able to shapeshift into a wolf, Ann knew her mother had told her lies and not the real truth, as she wasn't scared of Jason truly eating her up again. Ann wished she could shapeshift like Jason, as she had seen his wolf form once, when they were younger, when Jason shapeshifted to her view. As Ann remembered, Jason looked at those wolves that had attacked her parents and ate them. And Ann hated Jason because of that, and she plotted to kill Jason first before he killed her too.
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