Brother's trial

1763 Words
Samuel wondered where his younger sister (Ann) was?. As he loved both Ann and Mia so much, and he knew now that his uncle had taken over his late father's position, they would be subjected to suffering while his uncle created a facade that they were living peacefully in the palace. Samuel has heard his uncle laughing out loudly the same night the guards returned home to the palace without his parents or sister. And he had to look after Mia, as he feared to eat whatever was given to him. His uncle automatically took over his late father's position, and Samuel and Mia both became strangers in their own father's house. Even his uncle's son, Josiah Maverick, mocked Samuel and laughed at him, saying, "How pathetic to think you will become the next ruler, Samuel. Just a few months from now, the people will forget you ever left. And I, Josiah Maverick, will become the next King of the Gold City kingdom, right in your presence." Samuel thought of what to do, and escaping was the only option, but he couldn't leave Mia behind, as Mia was only six years old, and she cried a lot not seeing Ann nor their mother around, who used to tell her bedtime stories. Samuel felt pitied for Mia, as even Mia's maids were beginning to neglect her. It was only three days after his parents deaths were announced and confirmed to their citizens, and now they had already been neglected, while Josiah and his only sister, Ivy, were treated with love and care. "Brother, where's father, mother, and sister?" Little Mia walked up to meet Samuel. As she held him and tugged on his shirt, she sobbed, staring at the huge crowd gathered in front of their mansion. "They will be back. Mia, don't cry, okay? Ann is fine, and she will soon be home," Samuel said to Mia's ears, feeling his anger arising. "Are you sure?" Mia asked, with her shinning yellow eyes staring up at her only brother. Their eyes were so different and yellowish, but their mother had told them it was a genetic disorder. "I'm sure Mia, don't cry, okay?" Samuel affirmed. "Okay," Mia nodded, and they witnessed the final burial of their parents and sister. Mia was young, and she didn't understand a thing. Samuel felt his anger arising as he stood, and he kept his cool, remembering that his mother had always advised him not to let his anger take the best side of him. He was a ruler, and whether anyone liked him or not, he should also keep his cool and focused as the next ruler of the Gold City kingdom. Samuel and Mia finally walked back into the mansion, as their uncle had finally dismissed the crowds gathered on the palace premises. As they walked back into the grand hall, Samuel held Mia's left hand and took her back upstairs to her room on the second floor to speak to her. "Mia.." "Yes brother," Little Mia stared up to meet Samuel's gaze in her, with hope clearly written in her eyes. "Mother and father traveled okay. And Ann followed them too." "Okay." Mia smiled in relief and hugged him. "When would they return?"" Mia asked, still hugging Samuel. "I don't know. Maybe next week or two, or years." Samuel stammered. "Okay," Mia squealed, and she finally let go of Samuel. "I'm hungry, brother," Mia said, and Samuel replied, "Fine, I will go out now. To get you something to eat from the kitchen, wait here." Samuel left his youngest sister's room and made his way downstairs to the kitchen to prepare food for Mia. But just then, a maid stepped into the kitchen and spoke to him. "You're not allowed into the kitchen, young master. Leave now." Samuel stared back at the cook, who was a middle-aged woman, and Samuel's yellow eyes burned at her, still feeling the pain his parents felt from being betrayed by the same people surrounded in the palace. "Why shouldn't I enter the kitchen?. Who're you?, And step aside now," Samuel commanded, but the middle-aged cook rather laughed out in a menacing laughter and spoke, "Don't waste your time standing there, Samuel, or should I call you Sam?. You're not allowed into this kitchen. The next ruler of Gold City isn't allowed to cook for himself. So if you don't want to eat the food served to you, you can as well go and join your parents in their grave." The cook smirked, And Samuel's fist tightened in rage, and in a flash, sharp clawed fingers grew out of Samuel's nails, without his knowledge, and he jumped to the cook. And gripped on her roughly, tearing her to pieces. While the middle-aged cook screamed out loudly in horror, alerting the guards that immediately rushed upstairs and into the kitchen, To get Samuel away from the bleeding cook Samuel's nails had already returned to normal, sensing the guards rushing up to him and separating him from the cook, while the cook continued bleeding seriously. "He's a beast, he's a beast!" The middle-aged cook cried out as the guards arrested Samuel and took him away with the cook. And as they stepped into the grand hall, coming downstairs, Joel Maverick and all the elders in the council meeting in the grand hall gasped in shock, seeing blood dripping down from Samuel's mouth and down to his jaw and chest, staining off Samuel's white shirt and trouser. "What happened?" Joel questioned in horror. As the two guards finally stopped in front of him, one holding Samuel and the other the cook, who couldn't speak properly, she died. "What happened to her?" The elders in council screamed out, and Joel stared at Samuel unbelievably. "Samuel, what did you do to the cook?" Joel questioned Samuel as he stared at his nephew with burning eyes. While Samuel calmed, breathing heavily as he didn't also know what he did,. "It seemed she was attacked by an animal, or what did you use to cut her to pieces? What happened?" One of the council elders asked, And Samuel remembered the man as his father's trusted assistant, Juda Matteo. "I didn't do anything to her. She refused to let me into the kitchen," Samuel replied. "And you chose to eat her; with what did he use to tear her flesh like this? Was he with a knife?" Another elder asked in horror, while the guard, who had caught Samuel, shook his head. "No elder. We found him on her." "What!, Then throw him into the dungeon. He's dangerous and a threat to our existence; how did he injure the cook to this extent of killing her with his bare hands??" Matteo questioned out loudly, and the hall fell in great silence. "Samuel is the next ruler, Juda. You cannot just throw him into the dungeon when we're still mourning his parents dismissal. I guess his only hurt about their dismissal too." Another elder spoke, and Samuel stared at the elder and recognized him to be Luca Carter. "Hmm." Joel hummed as he breathed out his seized breath, still finding it hard to believe that Samuel had killed the cook with his bare hands alone. As much as Joel hated Samuel, Samuel was still his elder brother's son, and he hated to think that getting rid of Samuel was also hard. He had personally poisoned Samuel before to kill him and get him out of the throne seat, but the poison didn't have any effect on Samuel, and he wondered how that was possible as the poison had killed a rat, a dog, and even a goat. So how come the poison didn't kill Samuel? And like the boy knew, Samuel had gone to the kitchen by himself to serve his meal, and Joel's brows furrowed at Samuel as he wanted all of them dead except for Mia. As he saw, his son liked Mia, and Mia wasn't a threat to the throne as females didn't rule. So Joel decided to leave Mia, even though he had warned his son (Josiah) that he couldn't marry his cousin sister in the future, but Josiah was still infatuated with Mia and her rare yellow eyes. As no matter what Joel had said to Josiah about forgetting about Mia, Josiah is still overly protective of Mia and is waiting for Mia to grow up so he can't have her. Staring at Samuel for the last time, as the elders waited for him to pronounce the final judgment on the boy, Joel felt like king already, and he knew getting Samuel away now was the best option left, as Samuel had already made it easy for him to eliminate him without raising any suspicion. "Well, since the cook has already died, Samuel will be in jail, as if he cannot explain to us how he tore the cook's flesh. Then we're all in trouble, living with a beast like him?. Samuel looks weird with his yellow eyes and silver hair, and I don't think against that. As I have seen some people with his kind of features before, they're very kind and harmless. So Samuel is hereby sentenced to jail for the murder of the cook. Until he's ready to confess what he did to the cook and how he killed her, he will get his release. Ten years of imprisonment from now, and until ten years from now, he will be released." "What!. You cannot do this to your own nephew, Joel!. Don't tell us that you so much want your brother and his family out of the way, so you can take over the throne?" Luca Carter questioned. "Watch your mouth. Luca Carter!, Don't tell us you don't find it strange that an eleven-year-old boy like him would kill an adult with his bare hands. How are we sure you're not even like him too??" Matteo questioned it. Luca stared at Juda in shock and lost words to refute. As he watched the guards handcuff Samuel and take him away,. Mia stayed in her room waiting for Samuel to return, and not seeing him around, Mia sighed and walked downstairs, and she saw the guards dragging her brother away as they carried him up and took him away. While she screamed out, "Samuel!." Mia didn't know what Samuel did. Mia started crying and ran downstairs to stop the guards, but Josiah immediately caught her little hand, as Josiah was 13 years old, and he handed Mia back to his younger sister, Ivy.
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