Secret Plot

1598 Words
Jason was proud as his father finally spoked his mindset. "You cannot do this to us Alpha!. What meat are we going to use?" Beta Nathan questioned out. "Goat meats or cows and rams.. Much other meats are there to be used. And this's my last order!. No more murmuring from you all as I've been to the human's city myself and I know what it is like to be there. The more reason I haven't left for their Council meeting of recently as the last time I went there after five years of the former ruler's death, Joel Maverick spoked about finding us, and he recruited a lot of men into his guards, training them to become as soldiers. The more reason I wanted Jason to cut his long hair shorter. He cannot return back there as that would've already raised suspicion with his weird looks.." Alpha Eli spoked and Jason smirked. "Father, The humans princess seemed to like me, and you see am not doomed after all. I am being invited to resume the council meeting on your behalf and they actually treated us both with warm reception, only that, they drove us out of the city gate and towards the forest in their van, if not.. Tyler and I could've captured atleast one of the humans" Jason spoked and he saw all the elders staring to him. "Is alright son. I believe you. You can go. This meeting is over!" Alpha Eli dismissed all the wolves chiefs gathered and they had no other options than to leave the mansion and returned back to their various family houses to inform their families about it. Jason sighed in relieved and as he walked up to the second floor and saw his mother and younger sister, Ava whom immediately stared away from him angrily. Ava was still trying to look for a way to break down his chamber door again as she had gone to his sitting room door and banged on it hardly, pulling on the lock to unlock the door, but Jason chained it strongly. "Good morning mother" Jason greeted his mom as he walked into the hall on the second floor and approached his mother whom stood up to welcome him. "Son.. How was the trip?. Did you found any human?" Chloe asked and Jason smiled and shook his head, as he walked towards the window in the hall to stared out to the chiefs leaving. "Not really mom. We saw a lot of humans, but our hands were handcuffs. The humans guards were much and they caught us both. Tyler and I could've returned back yesterday but we were taken to the palace" Jason spoked and his mother gasped. "Ah!. I hope they didn't suspected you to be different. You see why your father always wanted you to cut your hair short, atleast shorter Jason.." "No mom. I like it like these. Am hungry. Any food to eat?" Jason asked as he stared back to his mother walking away from the window. "Yes son. Penelope already made breakfast, we're just waiting for the elders to leave, you know we cannot step into the gathering of men." "I know mom. Am going up now to my chamber, let me bath first, I will be back downstairs to join you all. Am hungry " Jason spoked and he started to walk away. "Okay son. Good to see you're back safely and sound." "Mom!" Ava interrupted as she was still angry. "What's it Ava?" Chloe asked as she started walking away, sensing most of the elders had left. "Mom, I told you Jason is hiding something in his room, I can perceive the meat" Ava stomped her feet to the ground. "Ava, since you have been growing up, you wouldn't stop complaining about Jason hiding a meat in his room. Why can't I scent it or perceive it too?. I think you're sick and you should visit the clinic. The mating ceremony is tomorrow and you should be more concerned about picking a mate, as you will soon become an adult, so as to start mating on time, to be able to conceive earlier." Chloe spoked. "No mom!. Am not going to any mating classes. Am not interested in finding any mate. You all don't want to believe me, then fine!" Ava yelled surprising her mother and she ran away. "They always think am lying. Why's brother's chamber always locked?. Even father doesn't lock his chamber as much as Jason does. Only concerned about me finding a mate, whereas I can still perceive the delicious scent coming out from Jason's room door." Ava continued murmuring as she ran downstairs and she collided with her sister whom rushed to the stairs too. "Ahh! Ava!" Penelope exclaimed as she was already pregnant and had found her mate, but was still living in her family mansion as she want to witness the full wolf moon festival that would be held at midnight when the full moon is out. "Sorry" Ava apologised wanting to walked away, but Penelope stopped her. "Where's mom and Jason?" Penelope asked. "Leave me alone sister. You all don't believe me in this house, so don't ask me anything!" Ava walked away, walking out from the mansion and surprising Penelope whom stood speechless and staring to her younger sister. Penelope was 25-years and she sighed knowing truly Ava has been complaining about Jason hiding a meat that scented delicious but she couldn't perceived any meat either. Ava had told her, "It scent more delicious than goat, cow nor chicken," and she wished she could perceived what her sister was talking about. She had advised Ava to stop going upstairs to Jason room and to also stop speaking about a meat that no one else could perceived to prevent others from seeing her as a mad she-wolf. Penelope shook her head sadly, knowing that Ava didn't liked her as a result of that, because she refused to believed that there was truly a meat and Ava was telling the truth. Her baby was gradually growing in her stomach and she could feel them to be twins. She carefully climbed the stairs and going upstairs as she knows after the full wolf moon festival, she would be moving to her mate's house, and that way Ava wouldn't be mad at her anymore. *** Tyler returned back home with his father, Beta Nathan George whom was totally mad at him. "Son, I told you to kill Jason when you had the chance too, why didn't you do it?." "Father.. Jason saved my life and I don't think I have a heart to kill him anymore. And beside, you said he was already cursed to die, so is best we wait until he dies for me to take over the Alpha seat than me staining my hands with his cursed blood" Tyler replied as they walked into their house. A simple mansion and not two-storey building like the Alpha's owned. "Shut up Tyler!. You're just so dumb. And don't let it be because you liked his sister that you refused to kill him. Kill him and get him out of the way!." Beta Nathan yelled and Tyler sighed. "Fine father.. have heard you. Can I go in now and eat, where's mother?. If that Lion had killed me before Jason killed it, who knows what the story could've been by now?. I need to go in and rest first. We can discuss about Jason later and you should note killing him wouldn't be easy as he's the Alpha son, and more stronger than any of us." Beta Nathan frowned as he watched Tyler exited his viewed. He hated Eli and could've killed Eli when he had the chance too. "Eli is more favoured than all of us. And we're all managing. We're superior than the humans, how can we be hiding from them, instead of ruling over them, and having them and their women as our servants" Beta Nathan spoked as he sank into deep thinking, standing in his living room. "I'll have to see what I can do myself, to get Jason off that seat and not wait for Tyler.. I should have known Tyler is so Chicken at heart. A true wolf should be fearless and rogue and not soft like the humans. Gradually we will loose our heritage and start living like the humans does. I cannot let these continues.." Beta Nathan spoked with gritted teethes and he finally walked away, going back to his bedroom. *** Jason unlocked his sitting room door, pushing it opened and he stepped in, slowly closing the door behind him and locking it properly. He breathed out in relieved and made his way into the corridor leading to the room where he kept his personal meal. Ann was in the bed sleeping as she was hungry. For the past one week she hadn't bathed and she decided to sleep so as not to feel her grumbling stomach or remembered she was hungry. She wished the black guy would eat her up and that way she would rest, not days turned into weeks and into years, yet he kept her alive and still didn't wanted to eat her up like he had threatened. Sleeping peacefully on the bed, she was oblivious of anyone stepping into the room and Jason pushed his inner bedroom door opened after unlocking it and he walked in feeling his rage growling as he could perceived the delicious scent of the beautiful young woman laying peacefully on the bed.
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