Kissing Ann

1566 Words
Jason entered into the kitchen and he he decided to roast the pork meat left and took it to Ann, as he had completely forgotten about her having her breakfast. Jason set the coal pot to heat and he placed the meat on top and added pepper on top of the meat as their kitchen had an outdoor entrance. Thru roasting the meat as he didn't wanted to wasted any much of his time, Jason took the meat and went upstairs to his room. Ava was inside her room on the second floor, which was quiet and so Jason went upstairs to his room and kept the tray of roasted meat on the center table in his sitting room. Jason surely roasted the meat a little burnt and not like how his mother used to roasted pork meat for him but he had no other option as he took it to his room and shut his entrance door closed. Setting it on the bed as the sun had gradually gone down, Jason walked up to Ann's room door and knocked. Knock, knock. Ann was inside and she pulled the door opened as she was nervous, wondering what Jason wanted and as she opened the door, still wearing Jason shirt that could barely cover up her thigh as she didn't had any other cloth, Jason meet her gazed and he knew, he had frightened her before. "I made something for you. My mom is not around and tomorrow I will be leaving to Gold City kingdom." Ann was silent as she didn't moved away from the door and Jason stared to her and asked, "Ain't you hungry?." "Am not," Ann stared away as she wasn't still happy and Jason sighed as he drew more closer to her and before Ann could ran away or move backward away from him. Jason rather carried her up and took her out to his room as the night sky approaching. "I know you're angry with me, but tomorrow, Am leaving to Gold City and don't know when I will be returning." "Why, and you're going to lock me here?," Ann asked him, And Jason sighed as that was the obvious. "I cannot let you out. There are a lot of rogue and I don't know if I have the power to turn you into a wolf or not but that's if you will accept." Jason took Ann to his bed and he placed her carefully and took her legs which Ann wanted to pulled away, but seeing Jason wanted to unlocked her shackles, Ann allowed him held her slim slender legs and Jason removed the chain away from her legs and trailed his calloused palm on her slender legs, while Ann immediately pulled her legs away to her chest. Jason stared up to Ann, and Ann could saw the desire in his eyes and as she wanted to moved away from Jason, her right hand mistakenly touched the roasted meat on the tray, and it hurt her palm, making her to gasped out, "Ahh!." Jason immediately pulled Ann's hand and licked it surface to coal the burn and Ann was shocked, having Jason's wet tongue sucking her finger. Ann wanted to pulled her hand away from his mouth, but Jason held her to stayed still and he released her slender thumb away from his mouth, as he blew it a little to cool, and stared to it, while the burn relaxed. Ann felt uncomfortable as she knew Jason was making so many advances to slept with her, from the way his eyes held hers and he also clearly admitted it to her, making her more uncomfortable. "I roasted the pork myself, test it," Jason said to clear Ann's thought, seeing her cheek burned redder in the slightly dark room as his room lamp was clearly burning. Ann stared to the tray and picked up a pieces meat while Jason stared to her face as he watched her ate it. "Ah, it's peppery," Ann said and Jason leaned over to her and took another pieces to taste. "Not bad," he remarked while Ann meet his gazed so closer to her. Ann finally asked him, "When will you be returning?." "Missing me already?," Jason smirked but Ann frowned. "No, I just want to know," Ann admitted and Jason said, "I won't stay long, probably two days." "Two days," Ann frowned deepened and she remembered, Gold City was her kingdom. "Why not take me along with you?," "No," Jason face turned serious, but as Jason wanted to pulled away, Ann grabbed him closer by his neck collar of his cloth and pulled him closer to herself on his bed, and without warning, Jason sealed his lips on Ann's, to practiced what Ava had taught him about kissing. Ann body froze as Jason's lips captured hers, and she felt her body ached to be touched by him and for some seconds, Ann forgot Jason was a werewolf as her arms rather encirled Jason the more and he drew more closer to her, while they both entangled their lips on the bed kissing. "What nonsense did you just do?," Ann immediately slapped on Jason's cheek, as soon as their lips parted and she was breathing heavily while Jason didn't flinched as he wanted more. Jsson smirked and remembered Ava had told him not to force himself on his mate, but he couldn't helped it but wanted more, as Ann on the other side immediately shifted away from him, as she saw his eyes glowed greener, but Jason caught her and rolled with her on his bed. "Let go off me!," Ann screamed breathing heavily and Jason didn't paid heed to that as he buried his head on hers on his bed, and he kissed her even more hungrily, crashing his hot lips to hers and Ann was left with no other choice than to succumb as she couldn't pushed Jason away. Jason continued kissing Ann whom moaned heavily and after he was satisfied, he let go of her, while still laying on top of Ann and wanting to devour her as he stared to her face. Ann opened her previously shut eyes, and she meet his gazes. No she must be dreaming, Jason was still a werewolf and she didn't wanted a werewolf as her husband, Ann thought. Betrayed by the level of arousal in her, Ann laid still while Jason finally moved away from her and brought the tray closer to her as he tried to feed Ann, but Ann rather pushed his hand away as she was fighting the urge to sobbed, knowing exactly what Jason wanted to turned her into. "I will bring your sister tomorrow, but you won't see her, just only to hear her voice and you will stay inside your room and not try to make any noise." Ann was quiet as she had debated the same topic with Jason and she didn't wanted to placed her hope on meeting her sister, whom she knew wasn't a werewolf like Jason had said. "Here eat some," Jason tried to feed Ann but she shook her head. "What's wrong, I only felt to kiss you and not like I touched you." Ann stared to Jason with burning eyes and she was truly angry with him. "Fine am sorry," Jason admitted and he pulled Ann whom tried to pushed him away and he said, "I won't hurt okay." Ann didn't agreed, And so she pushed him away but Jason insisted, "Fine eat some, Tomorrow I will get you enough fruit and food to eat before leaving." Ann stared up to Jason as she was slowly sobbing and Jason wipe her tears, "It's okay. If you agree for me to bite you and turn you into a wolf, that will be better and you can start going out." Ann didn't said anything and so she ate from the meat slowly, and hoping to heard her sister's voice. After Ann was thru and eating most of the meat, Jason didn't tried to stopped her as he watched Ann stepped down from his bed and Ann went to her room to stayed. Jason sighed and knowing their world and the humans are totally different and if it weren't for the fact that Ann mother had escaped in the past and went to lure a human to mate with her, Ann could had probably being born as a complete werewolf and not completely human as Mia was half human and half werewolf likewise Samuel. Jason sighed and went to bath, and later he drifted to sleep in his bedroom. Ann heard Jason snoring as she was unable to sleep after Jason had kissed her, And so, Ann stood up from her bed and stepped out to stared to Jason sleeping Ann knew he told her he was going to brought her sister, and she didn't knew how true his words were . Not able to slept, Ann walked to his wardrobe to took out some clothes that she wanted to changed into, as she was tired wearing just one shirt and Jason rather saw her, taking out some clothes while he pretended he was asleep After Ann was thru ransacking for the clothes, most especially shirt that would fit her, Ann shut his wardrobe close and went to took her bath, before fallen asleep on her bed.

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