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Razia ************ The dining hall was as silent as a pindrop. Every prince, including the king himself, was present except Navir, whose chair was empty. Their dinner was served, but they hadn't begun eating at the king's orders. "What was the point of having us here if we're just going to..." Riel's agitated tune was cut shut as the two-way door to the dine was opened,followed by Navir, who walked in with Zaphron following behind. He was dressed in plain evening wear, which wasn't a surprise to anyone because Navir was the kind of person who acted weirdly out of the blue. A party could be held in his name, and he wouldn't mind walking in in blunt clothes. He made his way to the table, sitting himself down, and without regard for anyone's presence of his late arrival,he began serving himself. "Your majesty,is this how a disrespectful act is taken?" Asked Riel, who was raging to no bounds. They had been waiting for this son of a b***h for the past twenty or more years, and Navir didn't even utter a word of apology. "Navir,you do understand that such a behavior is considered disrespectful,not only to your brothers but to your father as well." Immediately after the word *father* left the king's mouth,Navir paused with his food. The word sounded foreign to him; it sounded new and unreal coming from the king to him because he had never felt like he was ever treated like a son. His eyes scanned his brothers, who were sitting respectively beside their wives, and only the one sitting beside the king was empty due to the fact that the eldest as well as the first prince of Vatrish weren't present. "My apologies. I had no idea my brothers needed to see my face before they could eat." A known tune laced in his voice as he pronounced the word *brother, and at his words, Riel, who had been fuming all these while, was about to make a retort when two fingers from the king stopped him. "Serve" Immediately after the king commanded,each maid who was stationed behind the princesses moved, dishing out food on their plates. Only Navir refused to be served by a maid. They all ate in silence, and Navir barely took his head up from his plate but was well aware of the sharp gaze he was getting from Riel. Virru simply ate in silence with his wife beside him, as he usually didn't get involved in anything that didn't concern him as he had little to no strength to deal with unnecessary bickering, unlike Riel, who acted unlogically sometimes. "There's a reason I've called you all here tonight." The king's voice spoke as the maid was done clearing the table. "As you all know, the kingdom of Genish has been one of the most successful in the northern region as well as the strongest,and with this,the only land that Genish has failed over years of making an alliance with." "All because their bloody king wants no share in trade convicts." A malicious tune arched in Ríl's voice as he said so. "TThere have been reports about Genish citizens found in some places of vetrish, and villagers fear it could be a spy tactic or a developing attack of some sort." "Those bastards,.." A whisper could be heard from Riel, as he didn't bother to keep his voice low. "Now if Genish wage a war against us,there will be a huge list of losses for Genish; although victory could be said to be guaranteed, our levels of supply and trade will be affected drastically, and I cannot risk that." "What are you intending?" Virru, who was always the quiet one who didn't speak, finally voiced out while looking at the king with the utmost seriousness. "I intend a truce between both kingdoms." "A truise?...with those animals." "It's the only choice if we want to keep our kingdom from collapsing." The king replied to Riel, who seemed agitated at the thought of an alliance with those bloody people. "And what if they refuse and wage a war instead?" Virru asked calmly, and silence reigned for a while before the king spoke. "If it's a war they want,then we have no other choice." Virru sighed heavily as he returned his eyes to the table. After so many years of peace, the chances of another war happening were the last thing he wanted to hear about, considering the fact that he never liked getting engaged in those kinds of things. "Now, as we're all aware, Divon has been away from Venice for years and will finally be returning, and as per his return,a ball will be held for..." CREAK!!. The sound of a chair creaking back was head, followed by Navir, who had been so silent all these while one would barely think he was still present. "And where are you thinking you're going?" The king asked, seeing as Navir was about to walk out. "Since the war is the only topic of importance meant to be discussed, I'm guessing I'm not needed here anymore,so I'll take my leave." He said while taking a step but halted at the king's words. "Sit" It was firm, strong, and very commanding, but that was the last thing Navir did as he walked out without even turning back. "Your Majesty,I apologise." Zaphron bowed as he also made it out of the hall, following Navir, who went straight up to his room. The king clenched his teeth in rage but could only sigh in defeat. Navir was the youngest but, at the same time,the most uptight and hard to control. He did things as he wished, and sometimes he couldn't help hating the little bastard even more, especially when he looked at his face only to see that devil who eloped with Morgana. "Well then, if there's nothing else to talk about," Riel, who seemed annoyed already, stood up and walked away, not minding or caring whether or not his wife was following. "Lucy?" Virru's calm voice spoke as he too stood up, followed by his wife, who bowed deeply at the king before they all walked out. The king could only sigh tiredly as he watched the room become dead silent with no one but his presence. ****************** The next day. "Your highness,it is of importance that you are present at the..." "I am not attending." There was a stain reply from Navir, who seemed to have woken up in a bad mood as he got every one of his guards up earlier than they usually do, which was too early. "But your highness,the ball..." "It is useless and unnecessary—only a bunch of wealthy families trying to gain favors from the king and a bunch of shameless pigs who love eating for free." Zaphron sighed effortlessly. He had been trying to convince Navir, as always, about something that proved difficult. Although he didn't want to,the rest of the guards had pleaded with him to try to convince the icy prince to attend the ball because they knew if Navir wasn't attending the ball,he definitely would be training with them, and as much as they were knights, training all the time was too much for them; they needed breaks, and the ball was the perfect break as they too would be attending. "Get the horses ready" Said Navir, who was done with his arm band. Zaphron sighed out as he thought of a million things to make Navir agree to attend the ball, but nothing he had said worked—only one thing he hadn't said about the ball—and of what use would it be. "Your highness,not only the families of the wealthy but of the villagers as well." Zaphron was quick to say. "The ball would be... " "What did you just say?" Navir asked, interrupting Zaphron. "The ball isn't for just the wealthy but for the villagers as well." Zaphron repeated. "The eldest son is finally returning, and the king would like to..." Zaphron's next words went into deaf ears, as the only thought that flashed into Navir's head immediately was that of one person and one person alone. If the ball was held for the villagers as well,it would be the perfect plan to meet his mate again. Throughout last night,he barely slept as he thought of a thousand ways to find her again, because the only thing he knew of her was her name. RAZIA.... The name resounded over and over in his head; he wouldn't stop resighting it like a metra until he finally fell asleep, but woke up not too long after with a fowl mood. Would he order his guards to search every house in the village until they found her, or would he just... His mood had gotten even worse as he had encountered his brother this morning outside his chamber. "And that is why the king has....." "Gravandor...." Navir's voice interrupted Zaphron, who had been talking to a deaf person all this time. "Pardon your highness." "Make sure to send an invitation to the Gravandors about the ball." Zaphron was held in awe. Wasn't he just trying his best to convince Navir just now? How did his mind change so quickly? But either way,he was glad of the change. "Yes, your Highness, but... which Gravandor exactly?" Zaphron asked, and that was when Navir knew he was an absolute i***t. He barely even knew her middle name or anything else; all he knew was what her name was. RAZIA. RAZIA....... The name alone made the beast within him purr in delight as he remembered those beautiful, pure blue eyes of hers. "Your highness?..." Zaphron called, drawing him out of his thoughts. "Anyone... invite any gravandor that lives in the village." He instructed. Certainly, one of those families would be hers. His mood hightened immediately, as the only thing that currently clouded his head was the anticipation of the ball, which would take place two days from now.
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