Don’t be stupid

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Maya was still pissed even after she brought out the lasagna from the oven and left to cool. “Are you angry at me?” I asked her again for the umpteenth time and she as usual ignored me and went straight for the sink to wash her hands. “Stop ignoring me”, I whined and went to hug her from behind. She removed my hands from her waist and turned around to look at me with a death stare. “Has he been calling you?” I shook my head no. “Then what is all this going on in your head, have you forgotten how much he hurt and disrespected you?” She asked. “No I haven’t, but I feel like I’m also a cause of it you know”, she shrugged. “Don’t be stupid”, she said and went to pull out a plate before cutting up a size of lasagna, placing it on the plate and handing to me. “Feeding me even when you’re pissed at me, so cute”, I teased her and she smiled a bit. I took that ad my opening. “Look, it’s not my fault that I feel this way, I mean it’s not easy to switch up and start hating someone you’ve been in love with for a while”. Maya sighed and I knew that the fight was leaving her body. “If he wants to get back today, you will accept him right?” She asked me and I shrugged. “I know you will”, she said with an eye roll and got herself some food too. “Open the fridge and take any drink you want”, she pointed out as she went out from the kitchen into the living room. I took out a soda can and followed her. “Tyler I supposed to come over”. “You and Tyler are so serious serious, I don’t understand what this ‘no label’ thing is all about”, I said making air quotes. “Says the girl that is ready to go back to her emotionally abusive ex”, she retorted. “Touché”, I said with a smile knowing that my best friend was back with me. Just on cue, my phone rang and I brought it out to see who was calling. “Jordan is not supposed to come until..” the words were cut off from me as I saw who was calling, Asher?! “Why are you looking like you just saw a ghost? Pick up your call”, Maya said to me as she looked at me curiously. “It’s Asher that is calling”, I croaked out and she rolled her eyes. “The universe and f*****g signs huh?” She said sarcastically. I flipped her off and picked up the call just on the last ring or so I think. “Hello?” “Hey”, came his voice softly as it floated through the phone’s speaker into my ears. “Hey”, I said back and cleared my throat. “It’s Asher”, he said again and I choked back a laugh. “I know”, I replied him. “Oh, I thought you must have deleted my number or something”. “Doesn’t mean I won’t know your voice”. “So you deleted my number?” I rolled my eyes. “What do you want Asher?” I asked him immediately. “You”, he said immediately and I choked for real this time. “Sorry?” “I mean, I want to talk to you you”, he stuttered. “And why do you want to talk to me?” I queried even though I was kind of dying with joy inside. ‘So you are just going to ignore Maya and I and go ahead to get back with the douche?’ My subconscious asked and I blocked her out immediately to continue to listen to what Asher was telling me. “I miss you and I really regret what I did to you, I just want you back and you know, let’s have what we had. We both had something and you wouldn’t deny that right?” I sighed and closed my eyes. “I will call you back and let you know when to meet up”, I told him and hung up. “What does he want?” Maya asked immediately. I shrugged, “to get back together”. “Well f**k my life”, she muttered and took a long swig of her soda drink. Third person’s POV (author’s) Immediately Asher dropped the phone from his ears, his friends were on him with wide eyes waiting for him to say something about being successful in his game. “She is going to call me back”, he said with a wide grin. “To fix things again”, he concluded as his friends whooped and cheered. “That dyke thinks that she is something, it is best we show her that we run whatever s**t she thinks she have way better than her. Being captain of the basketball team does not mean that she is it”. Harry, one of Asher’s friends from the circle said and one could sense that he said that out of pure spite. Asher placed a hand on his shoulders. “I thought we agreed that you will not resume this semester still bitter over the fact that Bianca is not in your league, I mean look at you”, Asher said and the rest boys laughed. Yes, Asher is this mean. Whatever did Emma a sweet girl as she is ever saw in him? Jordan’s POV “What’s up bro?” Tyler said as he came up to me and shook my hands in the locker room just as I had finished changing. “I’m good Ty, how are you?” I asked him too. He shrugged, “just good. Where are you headed to now?” He asked. “Your girlfriend’s place, to pick up Emma so we can go back to the dorm together”. Tyler laughed a bit, “man, you are whipped bro”. I smacked him with my towel before putting it in my duffel bag. “Besides Maya and I are not technically together, she is not my girlfriend”. “What are y’all then? f**k buddies?” I asked as I hoisted my bag over my shoulders. “I’m going over to her place too, can I catch a ride with you?” He asked and I shrugged. “Why not?” We both began walking out together. “What are you doing man?” I asked him. “It’s not me, I’m all in for whatever with that girl, busy she said she have e given up on labels and some stuff like that”. “It’s not me, I’m all in for whatever with that girl, busy she said she have e given up on labels and some stuff like that”. I slowly nodded as I understood what it meant, the little girl have been heartbroken deeply and she doesn’t want a repetition of that with Tyler. I swung my hand over Tyler’s shoulder as we almost same height. “You better hold this one tight, I’m sure she loves with everything she have. She is speaking from a place of hurt. I’m sure she is into you as much as you are into her”. “I just pray you are right”. We got to the car and I opened the door, we both threw our sporting gear into the back seat and then he went into the passenger’s seat, just as I was about to get into the drivers seat, a group of boys came by my car. “Jordan right?” They asked and I looked confused as I stare at all their faces without recognizing any. “Yeah?” I asked in a questioning tone. “Good, we have a message for you”. I even got more confused, “alright?” I asked. “We would appreciate if you stop chasing other peoples girls and focus on getting yourself your r own girl instead”. One of them with glasses spoke out and his face strikes me as if I’ve seen him somewhere before. I got bored with what they were saying, I get that almost every time from the boys around here. “Really? That is why you all are here, is that why you are stopping me from entering my car and going back home after having a long day at the court today?” I asked unbelievably. On a normal day, I would have gotten into my car and drove off, but I felt like speaking some sense into them. Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head, i recognized the guy with glasses immediately. He was chasing after Bianca last semester while she was all over me and we dated on and off. “It’s not my fault these girls are into me, why not focus on getting girls in your league and stop complaining when they come around me? Besides I promise you that I have nothing to do with them. They just don’t want you”. I said. “You think Emma don’t want Asher?” Someone asked from the circle and I immediately knew where they were from. “Tell Asher that Emma is a human that can make decisions of her choice, if she chooses me over him then he should get over it and stop sucking. He should have known instead of treating her like garbage and cheating on her”. I said with finality and got into my car and slammed the door. Tyler handed me a bottled water and I opened and drank from it while shaking my head before closing the bottle and putting my key in the ignition. “Trust me, I know my gender can be dumb”, Tyler said and I chuckled as I drove out of the basketball parking lot.
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