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Emma’s POV “Hey mom”, I said immediately my mom picked the call. I had to let her know I got here safe and I wasn’t going to be back as we had planned earlier. “Hey darling, how’re you? You got there safe?” “Yes mom I did”. “How is your father?” “He’s more than just fine”. “Okay, is there something else you want to tell me? You sound like you have something to say”. “Yes mom, I won’t be home tonight. Dad and Avery left for some function and won’t be back till evening which is apparently too late for me to have any discussion with dad and still leave for home”. “Oh darling, you see that’s why you must check in with people before going over to their place. Just in case they have plans already”, her mother scolded. Typical of her. “But no problem, as long as you’ll be back home on time tomorrow to finish packing up your things”. “Yes mom I will”. “Alright, take care of yourself sweetie and also please be nice”. “Mom! I’m always nice”. “Yeah, sure”.
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