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How would you advice a young adult to behave when going to see her father who she hasn’t seen in almost a year?’ ‘Haha, kidding. I know exactly how to act’. Quickly loosening my hair from it’s cornrows, I ran a comb through it and packed it upwards, leaving tendrils to frame my face. Then I applied lipgloss and smacked my lips together, looking at myself in the mirror. One thing that runs in my family is good genes, we’re actually good looking and I take pride for being a beautiful girl. My caramel skin is spotless and flawless, with a beauty spot underneath my lower lip, towards the right corner. If someone looks closely they might actually see light freckles dusted on my face, but I never let anyone get that close to me. I love my personal space so much. “Alright, I’m done here. Phone, charger, wallet, keys, earphones, lip gloss, all check”. I mentally checked before leaving, it’s a very typical thing for me to always forget something. “Mom I’m leaving”. I called out to my mother. “Wait young lady”. I heard her voice stop me before I could open the front door. “Oh no”.
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