Chapter 11 – Dance for me?

1302 Words

  Even down the phone the tension between the two could be cut with a knife. Though had a knife been present in person it was likely Taylor would have been using it to wound her current husband for the way he was talking to her. For the things he accused her of.          “Ha” Taylor said bluntly. She was impatient with the way he treated her, the way he accused her. She did not appreciate that. But yet she did not dare to anger him. She had too much to lose and she knew it. So she text him a location of her dance classes before heading back to teach her second class.       Dominic opened the text. “The Art Centre?” he muttered to himself, raising his eyebrows. “Dance classes?”         He felt like a fool for doubting her. And felt even worse for the way he had spoken to her, knowing

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