Chapter 75 – Quality family time…

1295 Words

On the way, Taylor found a topic to chat with him, "So, Austin. What's your favourite animal?"      Hearing this, the little boy looked up to her, a small smile on his face, and  said in a sweet voice, " Oh, Austin likes giraffes the most. Giraffes with long necks.”      Taylor laughed out loud, “They are very cool, especially with their long necks” she agreed. And soon the three of them reached the place where the giraffes were.      "We're here." Taylor pointed out. Austin immediately turned around to look around, but there were too many people around.     Taylor offered her arms to him, so she could pick him up, like she had seen so many mothers do with their children before, thinking if she picked him up, he may be able to see the animals better. Austin instantly accepted and allo

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