Chapter 63 – Is there no way back?

1336 Words

  The weather was very hot today, and the temperature had already got very high in the morning. Lena was afraid that Austin would be too hot, or even get poorly again, and she did want that for him. So, she made sure he was covered in sun cream and put on a hat too because of her worry.       The two of them took a taxi to Dominic’s offices. Austin sat quietly the whole way, simply watching the world go by out of the window in the cab.  After a while, the car stopped in front of the company.      Lena originally wanted to take her little one into the store next door. She knew that her son would more often than not, go to the restaurant opposite for lunch most days. So, she thought from the store next door to the offices they may be able to have a good vantage point and that the little on

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