Chapter 53 –An old Alpha who won’t let go…

1546 Words

The time of day Dominic had been dreading all day had arrived, he had delayed leaving until the last possible moment, because he truly did not want to go , but knew the consequences of not going would just not be worth the hassle and earache from his grandpa. When he arrived at the family house, dinner was just beginning to be served. The large dining table all formally set out, clearly his grandfather going to quite the effort for the Alpha and his family from the neighbouring River View Pack.     The old man watched him come in, initially a slight sneer on his face, likely because Dominic had chosen to saunter in casually late, but then his grandfather nodded at him finally smiled with satisfaction. “Ah Dominic, good to see you. How are you doing?”        Oh great, Dominic felt himse

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