Chapter 2 – Deal or No Deal?

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  I turn to the sound of a now slamming car door. Alpha Dominic striding out from his car, looking calm and confident as he looked toward me. “Is everything alright Miss Meadows?” he questioned.      “Other than you trying to run me over?” I state as I began to make my way into the hospital, needing to get to my mother.       I don’t know what part of me expected Alpha Dominic to allow me just to leave, but he was soon at my heels, pursuing me. His dark eyes following my every move.     “You rushed off, has something happened?” he continued to question. How did he know I rushed off? Had he been following me? Watching me? The thought made me shiver.     “My mother.” I said curtly, giving him little information.      “The offer still remains Taylor.” He says as he walks alongside me as I enter the corridors of the hospital, walking toward the care unit Rayne had directed me to.      I did not plan to even acknowledge this fool of a man with an answer. He knew I would not be accepting his offer. Now or ever. I would not be selling myself to him. Despite how much I needed the help. Despite how much I wanted to help my mother and allow her to gain the treatment she so desperately required; I would not sell myself to some Alpha on a power trip. No doubt getting a kick out the control he held.      I push through the doors of the care unit to be greeted by a tired and tearful looking Rayne. She wraps her arms around me. “Ah Miss. Thank goodness you are here; they are treating her still. An operation I believe”.     “Do we know how long they may be?” I question.      Rayne shakes her head. “I am just going to go and get myself a drink. I will return shortly.”     I anxiously sat myself down on the seat within the corridor, only to find Alpha Dominic sitting by my side. He gently placed his arm across the back of my seat, in a familiar manner. “This does not need to be as difficult Miss Meadows. I have offered my help and that offer of help is still there. Your mother can receive all the treatment she requires.”       I look to him, before rolling my eyes and looking away, as I see a small smirk playing on his lips. I close my eyes, needing to block out as much as possible. Things were becoming too much.      I suddenly hear the familiar sound of surgical trolley wheels on the floor. Making me open my eyes. Could the operation be complete now? Could my mother be ok? I look around and see the Dr walking down the corridor. I stand and walk toward them.       “Dr Morris how is my mother? Will she be ok?” I ask as soon as the Dr looks up.     I watch as the Dr asks the nurse to take my mother’s bed into the ward before he looks once again to me. “Ah Miss Meadows, why don’t we head to my office and talk?” The Dr smiles kindly at me.     I followed Dr Morris into his office. He was my mother’s regular Dr who had been called urgently here to see to her after this incident. He smiled kindly at me.   “Miss, you need to prepare yourself. Your mother is very sick, you know that, and the attack she just suffered only made her worse. Her condition was not optimistic to begin with. But I am sorry, after today’s troubles, the heart transplant is urgent.” Dr Morris says calmly.    I nod, before the Dr continues. “I am not sure you understand. Miss Meadows, in order for us to continue with treatment, payment is required. And that payment alone is just for the preoperative preparation, heart transplant and the post operative drug maintenance. Without payment confirmed the procedure cannot go ahead I am afraid.”      I feel my head pounding at his words. They are refusing treatment?  They will not go ahead unless we have the money here and ready?! I had already sold almost everything I possibly could in order to cover the cost of my mother’s medical treatment. Her poorly heart had been a concern for us for a number of months now, and as it turned out quite a financial concern too, as we were now struggling to find her treatment.     But I had to find a way to sort this for her. I could not lose my Mum because I could not pay for her treatment. That could not happen.      Dr Morris’s beeper buzzed so he left the room leaving me to sit on the corridor waiting for him. Pondering over how I was possibly going to fix this mess for my mother.  I felt tears building up in my eyes at the prospect of not being able to afford the hundreds of thousands of dollars for my mother's treatment and it broke me.     When suddenly there were footsteps in front of me, I assumed it was likely the Dr, back to speak to me, telling me how much money was needed or else treatment could not happen. I looked up, and there stood in front of me was the handsome face once more of Alpha Dominic. Of course. He had not left. He had stuck around to cause more issue. Catch me at my weakest.      In his hand was the black credit card he had offered me before, and he was offering it to me once again. “Miss Meadows, opportunity waits for no one. The money is there to cover the costs of all your mother’s medical bills as I have told you.” He says with a small smile, though I do note there is no malice in this smile.       I looked down to the card, never hating myself as I did in that moment. This was not what I wanted for myself. But what else could I do? I needed to save my mother and had no other means to do it.      “Thank you” I say as I take the card.     Alpha Dominic simply nods and moves away down the corridor away from me, before I rush to find the doctor.     Dr Morris arranged payment onto the card as soon as he returned and set about working on arranging a transplant match as soon as possible. Telling me to get home to rest in the meantime. That my mother would be needing me to care for her.      As I was leaving the hospital a car pulled up alongside me and the door opened, for me to be greeted by Alpha Dominic, a smile playing on his lips.       “Taylor get in” he ordered.      “I am going home to rest” I say dismissing him.     “I do believe I have bought you today Miss Meadows. Therefore, you are mine are you not?” He smiles. “Now get in”.       Wait... what? Is that right? Is that how he was going to see this? He saw me as his now?    “Not as far as I am aware. You said you would help me if I ended things with my boyfriend. So I will do that. As requested.” I say, as much as it pains me. Though I do as I am told and get into his car and sit alongside him.    “Yes, because I want you as mine Taylor. And… I think as part of that we should be married. So we will go home via city hall.” He says with a smile.       Married? No. That had not been mentioned. This is taking things too far now! Within werewolf packs most do not even get married, simply marking their mates being enough. So what was this for?!       “Alpha Dominic please! That isn’t right, you didn’t say anything about that before” I try.        “ I could treat you right, you know that don’t you Taylor? I could please you, I am sure. And I am more than certain we could have a good wedding night” he looks to me with a grin.        I shake my head at him in anger. And look out of the window a pout across my face.        “Aww is my bride to be angry at me? You have agreed to this by already spending the money Taylor, my love. So, we shall go and get married?” He says.
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